U2T4 The UK and the EU Flashcards
what are the origins of the EU?
- began in 1952 with the European Coal and Steel Community being formed between 6 nations
- this was the first of the European supranational body meaning a body with power over several different nations.
what was the Treaty of Rome?
-in 1957, the original 6 member states would become the European Economic Community in 1958, to develop the Common Agricultural Policy in 1962.
-the CAP ensured a stable supply of affordable food and kept control over alot of farms.
when and how did the uk join the EU (then the EEC)
-In 1973, the uk joined under the Conservative government of Ted Heath
-it was only in 1975 that there was a referendum to stay in the European Community (the common market) where almost 70% voted in favour.
- the labour party at the time saw the EU as a space for capitalists gain at the expense of workers. hence the referendum being called.
what did the 1985 Single European Act hold?
- this created the single market which consisted of four freedoms:
-Free movement of goods
-Free movement of capital
-Freedom to establish and provide services
-Free movement of labour
what was the 1992 maastricht treaty?
- this transformed the ever growing EEC into the EU.
- it officialised a lot of the EU citizen with rights, freedoms and legal protections available under EU law with a focus on EU citizenship.
- first talks of the Euro Monetary union were proposed here.
what was the treaty signed in 1997?
the Amsterdam treaty
when was the Euro introduced?
what was the treaty of nice?
in 2001, this established a European security and defence policy.
what was the main cause for the lisbon treaty to be signed?
-the EU brought about ideas to bring about a formal constitution but it was rejected by france and the netherlands.
-the lisbon treaty in 2009 codified rejected constitutional propasals into law for momber states. one of which was article 50- the mechanism for a member state to leave the EU.
what are eurosceptics and when did they begin to come up?