U2 Flashcards
In general, IoT is currently changing our lives where it gives birth to many novel applications and technologies. Figure 2.1 depicts some use case of IoT that will widely improve our lives. For instance:
Aruba Networks (n.d.) believes that “by 2019, 87% of healthcare organizations will have adopted Internet of Things (IoT) technology.” In this regard, Google (n.d.) also found that by using its new smart glass (which connected to the Internet) it becomes easier for doctors to access their patients’ information, thus decreasing the time required to diagnose disease.
Similarly, “recent research by Bosch found that?
connected cars will reduce traffic accident injuries by 350,000 ever year and save approximately 11,000 lives by 2025”. In agriculture, it will be much easier to know where, when, and how much seed to plant using sensors, pre-planned seeding maps, and GPS-connected equipment. Accordingly, high-precision farming certainly will turn growing food into a more efficient process and will help farmers keep up with rising food production needs.
In fact, IoT has a clear impact on our lives through introducing?
a new wave of smart consumer and industrial applications. Specifically, consumer IoT (CIoT)
consumer IoT (CIoT):
refers to the category of applications which targets consumer applications and devices, such as wearables or smart home gadgets.
Similarly, industrial IoT (IIOT) is a?
term used to describe those IoT applications in industries, such as industrial robots or IoT logistics systems manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, agriculture, automotive, and industrial markets.
The primary differences between CIoT and IIoT are :
the types of devices and applications,
the technologies which power them,
and their purpose,
but eventually both terms emerge from IoT and there are as much overlaps as there are differences.
Listed below are over 1,600 enterprise IoT projects generated by IoT Analytics, Inc. These projects are classified according to the IoT segment and the location. For instance:
45% of the projects are realized in the US, 23% in developing smart city environments, and 17% in the sector of connected industry.
IoT Analytics discovered that approximately half of the smart city projects (45%) are in Europe, while the Americas lead in the areas of connected health and connected cars, with 55% and 54% of global projects today, respectively.
Chinese enterprises primarily adopt IoT to increase?
competitiveness while American companies tend to adopt IoT in effort to reduce costs.
The IIoT technology generally covers several use cases, industries, and applications. Specifically, IIoT opens the door for various opportunities in:
intelligent manufacturing and smart industry,
asset management,
and industrial control.
Nevertheless, industrial IoT is not limited only to manufacturing as it also covers device connectivity across all industries, such as:
Wearables, mobile apps, and data-based diagnostics could revolutionize the way patients access and receive medical services.
Corporations can take advantage of smart buildings to optimize the energy use.
Industrial IoT applications can increase supply chain efficiencies.
connected sensors can be used for fuel consumption optimization and fleet maintenance.
Smart grid technologies greatly assist in detecting and isolating outages, handling priority routing to emergency services, and integrating customer-owned power generation systems into the grid.
Before delving into the IIoT use cases and applications, some of the significant benefits of adopting IIoT technologies, such as?
improving efficiency, increasing uptime, and improving safety, are discussed.
In general, most companies can save?
money, time, or both by leveraging their connected devices.
For instance?
energy can be wasted if the lights are not switched off or if machines are kept running even when they are not in use. These sources of unnecessary electricity use can significantly increase the costs of large-scale operations.
In addition to operation efficiency, manpower efficiencies can also be achieved with?
adopting IIoT.
Many jobs which require the frequent intervention of humans, e.g., monitoring oil tanks levels, can be difficult to manage. In this regard, IIoT assists through?
deploying a wireless control system that frequently does the job, e.g., reads the oil level, thus achieving higher manpower efficiency.
This is a global management consulting firm that provides strategy, consulting, digital, technology, and operations services.
Similarly, downtime incurs huge risk and cost, especially for oil and gas production. Fortunately, IIoT can highly help in reducing?
the unexpected machines downtime.
IIoT uses sensors, networks, and data analytics to generate?
predictive insight into the degradation of equipment performance and predict possible failures, pipeline networks, and refineries.
A recent study by Accenture (2015) mentioned that IIoT can reduce the machinery breakdowns by ?
70% together with reducing the overall maintenance costs by 30%.
High-volume manufacturing industries leverage sensor data and advanced analytics to improve?
the operational efficiency where the early identification of process deviation enables proper corrections in a timely manner.
Transportation is another industry leveraging IoT advancement?
To identify potential breakdowns, heavy truck industries exploit streaming data from the engines and subsystems.
To identify potential breakdowns, heavy truck industries exploit streaming data from the engines and subsystems. Thanks to this data?
=efficient maintenance visits can be scheduled outside of operating hours.
= IoT sensors can also be attached to the trailers or actual loads being transported.
For instance, heat, vibration, and sound frequency can all be fused to?
monitor the safe transport of freight. In the automotive sector, onboard diagnostic data is collected for early detection of equipment failure, safety risks, and defects.
A smart city is another powerful application of IoT, generating curiosity among many people worldwide. Examples of IoT applications for smart cities are:
smart surveillance, automated transportation, smarter energy management systems, water distribution, urban security and environmental monitoring.
Through these solutions, IoT will solve major problems faced by people living in urban areas including:
pollution, traffic congestion, and shortage of energy supplies.
For instance:
waste management systems will utilize cellular communication-enabled Smart Belly Trash which will send alerts to municipal services when a bin needs to be emptied. By installing sensors and using web applications, citizens can find free available parking slots across the city. Additionally, the deployed sensors can efficiently detect meter tampering issues, general malfunctions, and any installation issues in the electricity system.
In the context of IIoT, the giant online retail company Amazon invested $775 million in 2012 to?
evolve the warehousing mechanism. The company makes use of an army of Wi-Fi-connected kiva robots.
The core idea behind this technology is to?
enable the robots to locate and retrieve products on the shelves for the workers rather than having employees go to the shelves to hunt for the products.
In 2014, the robots helped Amazon cut its operating costs by 20%. Similarly, Bosch devised an IIoT-based program called “track and trace.” In Bosch, they noticed that workers would spend a sizable amount of their time hunting down tools. Therefore, they decided to?
attach sensors to their tools to track them, thus reducing the amount of time wasted.
The Japanese company, Hitachi (n.d.), offers an IoT platform known as “Lumada” for ?
creating value from customer data
and accelerating digital solutions.
Additionally, the company makes a plethora of products leveraging connected technology, including trains.
Hitachi has also developed an IoT-enhanced production model which can reduce the production time by half.
Along a similar line, the Danish shipping company, Maersk (2018), has embraced IIoT to?
keep track of its assets and optimize fuel consumption.
This technology has proven to be extremely beneficial for refrigerated containers, whose contents could spoil in the absence of tight temperature control. Currently, Maersk is using blockchain technology to optimize its supply chain operations further.
In the field of smart energy management, Real-Time Innovations (RTI)—jointly with several partners—
has devised a technology that divides the power grid into an array of microgrids that can each be managed independently.
Through this technology, complex energy networks which ?
span from solar panels to windmills to traditional natural gas, coal, and nuclear plants, can be easily managed.
In the area of industrial safety, the steelmaker North Star BlueScope has attached wearables in helmets and wristbands in a proof-of-concept project to?
help managers track employee safety and spot hazardous scenarios before they lead to injuries.
There exists a wide variety of products and services under the broad umbrella of CIoT, such as:
connected baby monitors,
smart watches,
and monitored smart security systems.
The figure below demonstrates a broad classification of the CIoT applications, including:
home, person, transportation, and outdoor/public space (NextMarket, 2018).
The former category comprises smart home and home automation, products usually connected by?
these systems (locks, light, sensors, etc.), smart home security, and virtual assistants like Amazon Echo.
The second category includes:
wearables, smart clothing, and augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR).
The transportation category comprises?
assisted and autonomous driving, navigation, diagnostics, and infotainment.
Finally, the outdoor/public space category includes?
drones and robotics, connected sports, and smart shopping.
In the home category, smart commercial or residential buildings have widely been accepted by many consumers thanks to their technologies installed to lower costs, become?
energy efficient and reduce the overall carbon footprint and foster a healthy environment.
For example,
smart meters can control energy consumption.
Smart meters are devices which can?
measure and record electricity consumption times and levels and automatically transmit this information to the power authority.
Accordingly, billing can be much more accurate when electricity consumption is ?
measured and transmitted in small time intervals, e.g., as small as every 10 minutes. Moreover, newer models of these meters allow the consumers to learn about their energy consumption.
measured and transmitted in small time intervals, e.g.?
as small as every 10 minutes
Moreover, newer models of these meters allow the consumers to learn about their ————————————————–. A related feature to smart meters is ————— the utility company from installing a device, with the consent of the consumers, to remotely adjust the electricity consumption during ————————— periods, such as setting a higher thermostat temperature during a heat wave, to ease pressure on the —————————.
energy consumption
peak consumption
electrical grid
Smart homes typically comprise smart entertainment systems, such as smart TVs. A smart TV is any television that can be?
-connected to the Internet to access streaming media services
-and that can run entertainment apps,
- including on-demand video-rental services, Internet music stations or Web browsers.
Recent models are also equipped with video cameras, microphones with voice and gesture recognition. Through these capabilities, smart TVs can wirelessly connect to several other devices, e.g.,
laptops, wireless keyboards, mice, smartphones and tablets, thus simplifying content sharing.
Furthermore, smart TVs can observe consumption and viewing habits. Based on this collected data, they can make?
smart recommendations or serve ads based on the analysis of the content being consumed across media and platforms.
Beside entertainment, smart appliances are an important part of a smart home. Some smart appliances, such as :
refrigerators, are equipped with sensors to detect the freshness of food thus preventing food spoilage and saving the consumers’ money. Another scenario of a seamless device integration suggests that a user watching a cooking show could send an interesting recipe to the refrigerator, by means of the smart TV. The refrigerator checks whether the required groceries are available. If the ingredients are available, the user can remotely connect to the oven to preheat. Otherwise, the refrigerator may send a list of missing ingredients to an online grocery store.
Another piece of smart home technology receiving significant interest in consumers’ homes is the smart security system. These systems usually provide important features, such as:
smart door locks, garage openers, video cameras, night vision, door and window sensors, and movement, fire, and temperature sensors.
These monitoring devices can be self-monitored or monitored by a telecommunication or home security company. Such companies typically team up with?
data analytics providers to offer more tailored advice or solutions to a given user.
In fact, smart home monitoring can ensure security. Nevertheless, all these benefits come at the expense of?
a privacy cost which may not be immediately apparent to those consumers.
In the “Person” category, sensors are to be worn by people to achieve several objectives. One of the most important CIoT applications is?
the care of elders. the activities of seniors can be effectively monitored. To this end, various inputs from a microphone, motion sensor, paging service, and real-time streaming data are to be collected. Such a sensing system can monitor behavior patterns to detect falls, determine if dementia is present or progressing, and track sleep patterns. In addition, an alert can be sent to adults or caretakers if something goes wrong.
In this regard, Temboo, an American giant for IoT hardware and software, developed an application through which?
the activities of seniors can be effectively monitored. To this end, various inputs from a microphone, motion sensor, paging service, and real-time streaming data are to be collected.
Such a sensing system can monitor behavior patterns to detect ?
falls, determine if dementia is present or progressing, and track sleep patterns. In addition, an alert can be sent to adults or caretakers if something goes wrong.
Wearable devices are installed with?
sensors and software which collect data and information about the users.
This data is later pre-processed to extract essential —————————————–. These devices broadly cover ————————————————————- requirements. For example, wearable panic buttons can be attached into jewelry or clothing to quickly alert their owners, as well as the police, when in distress. Clothes with built-in sensors can alert their consumers when the clothes need to be washed, thus —————————– Furthermore, clothes equipped with embedded sensors can send a body’s measurements to an app which then recommends clothes online that match your requirements.
insights about the user
fitness, health, and entertainment
saving water and energy.
In the realm of smart shopping, CIoT will enable companies to have?
a complete view of their customers (i.e., behaviors, preferences, demographic profile).
Companies can deliver individually targeted messages and offer them on any device at the time and location where they will have the most beneficial impact?
In the realm of smart shopping, CIoT will enable companies to have a complete view of their customers (i.e., behaviors, preferences, demographic profile).
For instance,
in-store promotion opportunities can be directed to individual consumers. To this end, technological advancements with beacons and in-store video tracking enable retailers to deliver targeted customer-specific messaging based on their exact location and proximity to products within the store. Once a consumer opts into the retailer’s app, the store can generate an instant promotion based on the customer’s profile and purchase history and deliver the message or coupon to his mobile device. Real-time analytics are assessing what promotions to present, and at what frequency and timing, as the consumer moves through the store.
In terms of transportation, a connected car is a vehicle which can optimize its own?
operation, maintenance, and comfort of passengers using onboard sensors and Internet connectivity.
As cars become more connected with their environment (road, signals, toll booths, other cars, air quality reports, and inventory systems)?
efficiencies and safety widely increase.
For instance, the driver of a vending-machine truck will be able to look at a panel on the dashboard to find exactly which locations need to?
be replenished. This scenario saves time and reduces costs.
To summarize, enhancing the connectivity of cars can result in several benefits:
(1) reduced congestion from traffic management and optimization of transportation infrastructure; (2) improved fuel efficiencies from vehicles intelligently adjusting driving speeds; (3) lower accident rates due to car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication; and finally (4) lower fuel and maintenance costs due to optimized delivery routes.
Thanks to these benefits, most large auto makers, such as Tesla, BMW, Apple, and Google, together with some startups, are currently working on ?
connected car solutions.
While on one hand, IoT will have a whole new spectrum of novel applications, on the other hand it increases?
the risk of cyber security attacks due to its substantial and extensive data acquisition capabilities. The scenario in a smart home when the IoT devices are attacked is depicted below.
A recent study sponsored by Hewlett Packard (HP) enterprises revealed that ————- of customers with IoT deployments have experienced a breach in their IoT environments.
On an average, ———————– were found per device. For example,——————-of devices failed to require passwords of sufficient complexity and length, 70% did not ————————————————communications, and 60% contained vulnerable —————————— and/or vulnerable ————————-.
Different embedded devices have already been attacked in the past and a lot more is expected in the IoT domain. Now, it is —————————that data security and privacy is of vital importance.
25 vulnerabilities
encrypt local and remote traffic
user interfaces
To understand the consequences of lacking privacy and security, we have first to clarify the main difference between these two metrics, i.e., security and privacy:
In general, security deals with the safeguarding of data, whereas privacy is about the safeguarding of user identity. More specifically, security deals with the protection against unauthorized data access. In this context, we can design several security control methods to strictly limit access to the IoT data. While it is easy to define security, it is not that straightforward to define privacy since it is a user-specific detail.
In fact, the privacy problem is ?
a significant challenge while connecting billions of devices and collecting data. Thanks to IoT, there is currently an explosion of data which needs to be stored and processed. Each of these connected devices can reveal lots of information about the specific individual.
The privacy problem becomes worthwhile when? In these cases, more invasive conclusions can be drawn about the devices’ owners.
individual data streams from different IoT devices are combined or correlated.
The privacy problem becomes worthwhile when individual data streams from different IoT devices are combined or correlated. In these cases, more invasive conclusions can be?
drawn about the devices’ owners.
For instance:
an internet-enabled toothbrush might capture and transmit data about a person’s tooth-brushing habits. Leaking this individual information cannot reveal much information about the user, however, if the user’s refrigerator also reports the inventory of the foods she eats and her fitness-tracking device reports her activity data, the combination of these data streams maybe used to draw a much more detailed and private description of the person’s overall health. More details about the user even can be obtained if the IoT devices share additional metadata such as time stamps and geolocation information.
In other situations, a user may not be aware of the data collected by her own devices. For example,
consumer devices such as smart televisions and video game devices may use their voice recognition to continuously listen to conversations or record activities in the room. This captured data is typically sent to a cloud service for processing which sometimes includes a third party.
These examples highlight the —————-of our personal information. Therefore, companies and organizations may seek to —————————— IoT information. Accordingly, this demand for our information makes it a ——————–task to protect our privacy.
collect and capitalize on
In many IoT configurations, users have no knowledge or control over the way in which their personal data is being collected and used. This causes?
a gulf between the user’s privacy preferences and the data-collecting behavior of the IoT device.
There might be less incentive for IoT vendors to offer a mechanism for users to express their privacy preferences if?
they regard the data collected as being non-personal data.
Nevertheless, data that is not traditionally considered personal data might actually be ?
personal when combined with other data.
In most IoT applications, there exist several concerns which increase the complexity while addressing the security of IoT devices. These concerns mostly emerge from the————————-of IoT devices.
special features
For instance, IoT devices are typically small, ubiquitous, and connected. This implies?
that they may be deployed in unprotected places such as shops and stores, thus exposed to unnoticed manipulation.
IoT devices are typically small, ubiquitous, and connected. This implies that they may be deployed in unprotected places such as shops and stores, thus exposed to unnoticed manipulation. Moreover, these IoT devices typically have limited resources, e.g?
memory and power. Accordingly, it is not always possible to implement data encryption algorithms.
Moreover, IoT devices are mostly autonomous which means that?
they can fully or partially function without human intervention or control.
Additionally, cyber-attacks are increasingly becoming physical. Attacks are no longer limited to?.
the digital world, instead they mainly target the physical devices connected to the internet, i.e., smart cars and smart televisions
In general, IoT devices may present a variety of potential security risks that can be harnessed to harm consumers, including:
(1) enabling unauthorized access and misuse of personal information;
(2) facilitating attacks on other systems;
and (3) creating safety risks.
First, the lack of security may enable intruders to?
access and misuse personal information collected from the IoT devices. For instance, smart televisions can be used to surf the Internet and make purchases.
Unfortunately, sharing confidential data, e.g., passwords and financial account passwords, may enable unauthorized intruders to?
exploit vulnerabilities for facilitating identity theft or fraud.
Second, security vulnerabilities in a certain IoT device may facilitate attacks on ?
the consumer’s network to which it is connected or enable attacks on other systems.
the consumer’s network to which it is connected or enable attacks on other systems. In this regard, an IoT device can be used to?
perform a distributed denial of service attack (DDOS).
In DDoS attacks, multiple compromised computer systems typically attack a target, such as
an IoT device, server, website, or other network resource, and cause a denial of service (DOS) for users of the targeted resource.
Recently, a malware, referred to as Mirai, was identified as ?
being capable of scanning the Internet for any connected IoT device .
Afterward, it performs a “————————–” using a table of default usernames and passwords to access the IoT device to gain ——————————————-. Once the rainbow is successful, this device and many other devices are exploited by the ————————to perform DDOS attacks which ————–computing resources and make an online service ———————-. Another possibility is that an IoT-connected device can be used to send ———————— to other devices in the network.
rainbow attack
administrative privileges
malicious messages
Thirdly, unauthorized persons might exploit security vulnerabilities to ?
create risks to physical safety in some cases.
During a set of experiments, it was found that attackers can access a car’s internal computer without ————————– the car. More specifically, it the attackers could take control of the car’s —————————— and control the vehicle’s —————and ——————.
physically touching
built-in telematics unit
Although the risk of such attacks is relatively small, such attacks could be?
more dangerous with the arrival of fully automated cars.
Another safety-critical scenario may be a thief who can remotely access a home’s energy consumption data from?
smart meters to guess whether the home is occupied at a certain time.
Along a similar line, hackers could also vandalize databases for the sake of crippling competition. For instance,
Ford Motor Company typically uses RFID transponders on every vehicle manufactured by the company (Gaudin, 2008). When a car enters a painting booth, the RFID transponders inquire from the database the correct painting code. This code is then sent to a robot which spray-prints the car. In this scenario, a vandalized tag could cause serious financial damage.
Privacy allows keeping certain information confidential. To this end, robust safeguard security mechanisms are adopted. However, these mechanisms may?
hinder the beneficial use of the IoT data. Shielding data from others hinders their ability to learn and make decisions to serve their needs.
For instance,
preventing the sharing of users’ location hinders their chances of obtaining recommendations about restaurants nearby. In addition, extensive privacy causes many safety problems in the case of the criminal behavior of some users and can even lead to an evasion of accountability for harm done to others. In such cases, the controlling entities or the governments need to access the data, e.g., surveillance data in the public areas.
As a conclusion, IoT designers must?
balance the security and privacy requirements with the ability to fairly use the data.
There exist several requirements that need to be considered while designing an IoT application, including:
—resilience to attacks.
The system must be robust enough through avoiding single points of failure. A single point of failure is simply a part of a system which if it fails it will stop the entire system from working. Even with the occurrence of such failures, the IoT system must proactively adjust itself to overcome them and continue functioning.
—data authentication. Retrieved data, such as address and object information, must be authenticated.
—access control. Information providers, i.e., owners of the IoT devices, must be able to implement an access control mechanism on their provided data.
—user privacy. Inference of the user identity by a third-party user, i.e., hackers, must be very hard to conduct.
Due to the security and privacy threats that may hinder the commonality of IoT technology, several methods have been proposed to protect against these threats. At the outset, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) developed a privacy-preservation method, called?
Platform for Privacy Preference (P3P).
Through P3P, individuals can program their browsers to categorize their data into two main categories:
(1) public data which they are willing to share with the owners of the various websites;
and (2) private data which cannot be shared with the websites.
Accordingly, individuals can protect their private data against deviations from websites or even third parties.
In some situations, avoiding the private data share with service providers can?
eliminate the value of these data.
For instance,
a user may need to share his current location in order to receive information about the parking facilities in this location. Beside this scenario, several IoT applications exploit the pervasiveness of smartphones to bridge the communication between low-power IoT devices and the cloud services.
These settings expose the system to the possibility that?
smartphones might cause Man in the Middle (MiM) attacks.
Specifically, smartphones can ————————–the data sent to the cloud and the ——————–sent from the cloud to the IoT devices without any of these ———–noticing this attack.
manipulate or forge
Moreover, the attacker’s smartphone may execute a DoS attack through?
dropping every message sent from the IoT device without forwarding it to the cloud and then forging the acknowledgments to the IoT device.
In fact, this DoS attack eventually can be detected by ?
the cloud service, but some data would have already been lost.
A system designer must avoid these malicious attacks to?
ensure the authenticity of the communicating end nodes and the integrity of data sent between them.
Accordingly, we can conclude that data encryption alone is not ———————–, but we must verify the ——————of the person with whom we are communicating.
In this regard, we define authentication as?
the ability to exchange verifiable credentials and validate them.
The two most common forms of cryptographic authentication are:
symmetric and asymmetric authentication.
In the former type, both the sender, e.g., ——–devices, and the ———-, e.g., cloud services, share the same key. The main shortcoming of this type is that a unique ——————- is exclusively required for each ———-device. Thus, ———–becomes a challenging issue when the size of the ecosystem becomes very large, i.e., ———of IoT devices.
symmetric key
Alternatively, asymmetric authentication involves a system in which?
the sender and the receiver have different keys, i.e., private and public keys.
The two keys are?
mathematically related to each other and are generated in pairs.
The figure below shows the various steps to protect data using asymmetric authentication at the IoT devices. As the figure demonstrates, a private key is used to sign (i.e., encrypt) the IoT data. On the other side, a public key, included in what is called a digital certificate, is used to verify (i.e., decrypt) the IoT data.
In IoT applications, the cloud services need to verify both?
the identity of the signer, i.e., IoT device, and that no changes have been made since the signature was applied, thus ensuring data integrity and authenticity.
Therefore, the sign operation involves two main steps:
hashing and signing.
A cryptographic hash is?
a one-way function that generates a 256-bit number (in the case of SHA-256) as a result of processing the IoT data.
The generated number again will be?
generated if the data is applied by the cloud services.
To prove that data has not been altered the IoT devices must provide?
The encrypted hash and the IoT device’s public key are combined into a digital signature which is appended to the data collected by the IoT device.
the cloud service with both the data and its hash.
To prove that data has not been altered the IoT devices must provide?
the cloud service with both the data and its hash.
At the IoT device, the hash is signed using?
the IoT device’s private key.
The encrypted hash and the IoT device’s public key are:
combined into a digital signature which is appended to the data collected by the IoT device.
A successful verification by the public key associated with?
the private key ensures the origin of that data.
At the cloud side, the received data is ————————, i.e., decrypted, using a public key to extract the —————-. In this case, the cloud service re-runs the ————-with the received data, and the results should match if the data has not been ———–. If both hashes match, then the data is received from an ——————source. Otherwise, an attack can be easily detected.
signed data
To manage the private and public keys?
a public key infrastructure (PKI)-like hierarchical certification system must be adopted for data authentication.
PKI is simply a hierarchical framework described as?
a set of rules, policies, and procedures needed to create,
manage, distribute, store, and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption.
PKI is?
widely adopted to secure electronic communication for online shopping, Internet banking, and email as well as to protect communications between millions of users and the websites they connect to using HTTPS. Therefore, it is a well-suited approach for adoption in the realm of IoT.
It is worth mentioning here that these security approaches, including data encryption for confidentially and digital signature for integrity and authenticity, have?
significant computational overhead when being implemented on the “resources-constrained” IoT devices. In this context, smart compromises must be made to improve the energy efficiency of the IoT devices.
For instance,
if data integrity is important but not necessarily the secrecy of the data, then full encryption of data streams can be forgone for a simpler scheme.
This unit elaborates on the social and business advantages of IoT. Several use cases emphasizing the advantages for?
the society, for the industry and for the daily life are discussed.
IoT applications can be divided into two categories:
consumer IoT (CIoT) and industrial IoT (IIoT),
where industrial IoT (IIoT) refers to?
the application of IoT in industries and thus comprehends a big variety of scenarios.
The main difference between consumer IoT (CIoT) and industrial IoT (IIoT), are:
the devices which are adopted. From the architectural point of view, the analogies are more than the differences.
IIot includes effort to improve?
healthcare by means of wearables and data-based diagnostics (smart healthcare), enables for more efficient building systems (smart building), increases the supply-chain efficiency (smart retail), optimizes the logistics and transportation (smart logistics), provides utilities for power grid management (smart grids). Most companies can save money and time by leveraging their connected devices.
CIoT applications aim at?
simplifying and improving the daily life of users. Examples are baby-monitors, smart watches, home security systems, domotics.
Smart transportation systems such as assisted driving, autonomous driving, navigation, infotainment, or drones and actions cams are?
further examples of CIoT applications.
The ubiquity and pervasiveness of IoT devices rise ——————- concerns. Unfortunately, the design of a very —————-system is usually in contrast to the design of a ————- systems. While designing a IoT applications, requirements such as resilience to attacks, data authentication, access control, and user privacy must be considered in the ————————— phases.
privacy and security
early design