U/W_WS Flashcards
- anything to do with TOI
- equipment malfunctions not resolved after initial tech visit
- comms issue > than 30min
- upon issuing tasking to assigned supporting unit
- change in tasking for assigned supporting units
- change in status (equipment failure) for assigned units supporting units, & other ships IVO
- change in tasking for WAE
- MSG traffic tasking for WAE
- sighting of any US military, foreign or aircraft
- anytime you are in doubt of any tasking
Google Earth
Yellow arrow Solid red triangle Solid red triangle w/ a circle Solid red line Tac red line Green tac/solid line
Grid Layer
Yellow arrow- DR Solid red triangle- case info Solid red triangle w/ a circle- last NTM hit Solid red line- case has been assigned Tac red line- case has not been assigned Green tac/solid line- case pending
Grid layer- key boxes (MPA’s fly zones)
- deep water destruction 6,000ft or 1,000 fathoms
- safety= no jewellery & make sure equip is turned off
- last circuit to use: sat phone
Alpha (precautionary)
Bravo complete destruction (ample time & resource)
Charlie complete destruction (limited time & res)
- Take muster
- establish a secure voice or DT circuit
- Disseminate destruction cards
- Update destruction methods and make reports back for completion
Trouble Shooting Steps for Comms
- check EKMS statues documents for correct rolled/reloaded crypto
- verify posn on the ACU
- deactivate and reactivate radios in symphony
- Tag in and tag out
- re-enter/verify settings into GUI/DCP/symphony
- power cycle radio using breaker or switch’s
- start over
- set up circuit on a different radio
- call ET and someone in comms div
U/W Checklist
IFF Modes
Mode 1: 2 digit mission code Mode 2: 4 digit unit ID Mode 3: 4 digit unit ID (civilian/military) Mode 4: challenge IFF Mode 5: crypto layer for mode 4 Mode C: altitude
7500: hijacking
7600: lost comms
7700: in flight emergency
LE forms
Alpha Report: Right of Approach (ROA)
International waters, questioning nationality, building RS for suspicious vessel
Victory Report: Right of Visit (ROV)
When their is reasonable grounds of suspecting unauthorized behaviour and has false or conflicting claims or nationality or vsl is w/o nationality
LE-03: SNO for ROV to stop a non compliant vsl
Permission to board b/c of no nationality
LE-03A: SNO to stop a non compliant vsl under bilant
Vsl has a nationality and D11 is calling their flag of state for permission to board.
LE Phases
1- Gather of information Alpha report/on scene wx/comms 2- boarding will occur Draft LE Sitrep/switch TACON (when detecting and monitoring has crossed the line)/ensure bilateral agreements are met in the FASTFACTS 3- transfer of detainees or contraband 4- ATFP is stood up
Weapons Posture
Threat Levels
Weapons Statues
3- safety measures in place, unable to engage
2- ammo loaded, primary safety on, able to engage in 5min
1- safety off, weapons ready to engage a target upon command
White- attack is unlikely
Yellow- attack is probable
Red- attack is imminent
Safe- only fire unless on self defence
Tight- only fire upon cmd, pos ID hostile target
Free- fire on all except friendly trgt
1- help taking off and recovery 2- help airborne (able to set 1 in 5min) 3- vert rep 4- HIFR (helo in flight refuel) 5- vertical insertion
Watch Sup Responsibility
- Collects, evaluates, displays and disseminates tactical information
- reports to OOD, OSC, OPS
- ensure EQP/Comms circuits are operational
- ensure proper log-keeping; give thorough and proper pass downs
- ensure contacts reported and logged
- maintain status boards
- assist with bridge navigation (collision avoidance & intercept course)
A1/A2: total silence
B: hides satellites
C: emits for HVU’s
D: essential emissions only
GQ conditions when EMCON must be set
GQ1: 2min
GQ: 3min
GQ: 5min
HERO (haz of electromagnetic radiation to ordinates)
Types: susceptible, unsafe, unreliable
1: throughout the ship 2: exposed to WX decks 3: exposed to the flight deck 4: exposed to the hanger 5: CIWS loading/reloading 6: exposed to the stern launch ramp
HERP: haz of electromagnetic radiation to personnel
HERF: haz of electromagnetic radiation to fuel
Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility
- is in charge of scheduling, training, and controlling airspace in certain areas. Beaver Control is the operations Center for this facility.
GUNNEX in FLETA hit box
Must check in with BC
30min/15min/5min/COMMEX/FINNEX on chat
7 Modes of operation for ASR
ERM (extended range mode) LRSM (long range surveillance mode) SASM (sea area surveillance mode) TIM (target ID Mode) SSM (sea skimmer mode) GFSM (gun fire support mode) SRM (short range mode)