U 2 can learn Thai (EP2) Flashcards
kids, Children (relate to the parents)
(Somchai’s kid)
(look3 kawng5 Somchai)
(Is Thai language easy?)
(Pha-sa5 Thai ngai3 mai4?)
not picky eater person
(He’s not a picky eater.)
kon gin ngai3
(kao4 pen kon gin ngai3)
Very good, very well (skill)
(He plays tennis very well)
geng2 mak3
(kao4 len3 tennis geng2 mak3 )
to be allergic to …
(Are you allergic to shrimp?)
(Khun päh4 goong3 mai4? )
(I can eat everything except skin)
(phom5 gin dai thook-yang yok4-wen4 nang5)
Shrimp, prawn
(She’s allergic to shrimp.)
(kao4 päh4 goong3)
Cannot at all
(She cannot play Basketball at all.)
mai3 dai3 löi
(kao4 len3 Basketball mai3 dai3 löi )
not good at all
(The one is not good at all.)
mai3 dee löi
(an-nee4 mai3 dee löi)
The weather
(The weather today is very good)
(wan-nee4 a-gad2 dee mak3)
to tell that….
(He told that he’s not coming.)
bawk2 wa3 ……
(kao4 bawk2 wa3 kao4 mai3 ma)
(I like vegetables especially broccoli. )
(phom5 chawp3 phak2 doi-cha2-poh4 Broccoli)
- can (skill, know how to)
- can (capacity, availability)
(I know how to swim but I cannot swim now.)
- ….. pen
- ….. dai3
(phom5 wai3-nam4 pen tae2 phom5 wai3-nam4 tawn-nee4 mai3-dai3.)
such as
(This cafe has a lot of coffee such as Latte, Americano.)
(Ran4-ga-fae nee ga-fae yeuh4 chen3 Latte, Americano)
some foreigners
(Some foreigners don’t like hot weather.)
fa4-rang2 bang kon
(fa4-rang2 bang kon mai3 chawp3 a-gad2 rawn4)
Some Thai people
(I saw some Thai people in China.)
Khon Thai bang kon
(phom5 hen5 kon Thai bang kon thee3 Jeen)
…… also ……
(Thai food is good, Chinese food is also good)
…… gaw3 ….
(a-han5 Thai aroi, a-han5 jeen gaw3 aroi)
Some ….
(Some cars are expensive.)
N+ bang + cls.
(rod4 bang kan phaeng)
Some farangs can cook Thai food, some Thai people also can cook farang food.
fa4-rang2 bang kon tham a-han5 Thai dai3, kon Thai bang kon gaw3 tham a-han5 fa4-rang2 dai3