Typescript Flashcards
What is Typescript and why would we use it?
Its a Javascript Superset.
Its a language building up on Javascript. Adding new features on Javascript.
Typescript cant be executed by Typescript. Node.Js also cant execute typescript. Its a compiler you run on top of your code to which outputs Javascript.
It also adds Types to your Javascript with errors during compile time.
You would add Typescript in the case where you want to make sure that your code is typesafe.
In Javascript and HTML, what are the types of an input?
Its always a string that gets passed from the browser.
How do you check for types in Javascript?
typeof var1 === ‘number’.
what is === in Javascript?
It checks value and type.
Who made Typescript?
It was developed by and is maintained by a team at microsoft.
Why do you need Node.js for Typescript?
You need it to get NPM which is the tool that is used to install typescript.
How do you compile a typescript file to javascript?
you run the tsc command.
How do you tell typescript you will always find an element as an input element?
document.getElemebtById(“num1”) as HTMLInputElement;
as HTMLInputElement is called typecasting.
What is the syntax for specifying type on a function input?
function add (num1: number, num2: number)
What is Javascript for converting text to number
+ e.g. +textvalue.
what is defer in the script tag.
This Boolean attribute is set to indicate to a browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing DOMContentLoaded . Scripts with the defer attribute will prevent the DOMContentLoaded event from firing until the script has loaded and finished evaluating.
With defer the browser can find the script slightly sooner than the preload scanner would, and then it can prioritize/download it in parallel while the DOM is parsing.
This means that the DOM can be completely parsed & domInteractive fires while the JS could still be getting downloaded, rather than waiting till after the JS comes back and gets parsed & executed.
In short: with defer on a script in the head, the JavaScript file will download in the background while the rest of the DOM is parsed and rendered. When you get to the bottom of the page, the JS file is already downloaded and ready to run.
If you have any noncritical JavaScript file, or any code that depends on the DOM being rendered to run, load it in the head with the defer attribute.
What is the basic setup process for a new project.
1 - Html file with script tag referening a javascript file.
2 - Scripts.ts file that will get compiled into js.
3 - NPM needs to be installed to manage the packages and dependencies required. Download it from the NPM website.
4 - Use NPM to install Typescript on your machine.
5 - you can compile typescript with the console. TSC app.tsx
6 - initialise the node package with node init. This creates the packages.json file which lists all the dependencies required to run the project. you can install depdencies as dev only etc..
How do you install and a dependency for developmet only?
npm install –save-dev
How do you run a script when the app starts?
add a start section in scripts the package.json file.
start: “lite-server”
How do you install a new dependency in your project?
With NPM.
For something that is dev only:
npm install –save-dev {tool name}
This will add a new line to “devDependencies” section in package.json.
How do you start a project?
NPM needs to start it since it knows the dependencies.
you type - npm start. (in your project folder)
What is node_modules folder and how do you create it?
Its a massive folder for all dependencies and their dependencies. Its created with the npm install command. you dont need it to be copied over.
What are the different number types in typescript?
There is only one number type. no integers or anything else.
How do you write a template literal string?
What are the core types in Javascript and TS and what are extra in TS?
number (all numbers are float by default) string boolean object arrays XTRA in TS: Tuple Enum - automatically enumerable global constant identifiers. ANY Union -
What is statically typed? Why is it significant for TS?
Statically typed is a programming language characteristic in which variable types are explicitly declared and thus are determined at compile time. This lets the compiler decide whether a given variable can perform the actions requested from it or not.
In static typing, there is no need to perform additional checks during run time to confirm that an object can perform some actions. Statically typed programming languages perform type checking during the course of compilation rather than during run time, which makes programs written in these languages run much faster.
Typescript uses static types set during development, JavaScript uses Dynamic Types resolved at runtime.
what case are the core primitive values?
Always lowercase e.g. string and number not String and Number.
What is type inference?
Typescript has a feature called TypeInference which means it does its best to understand if you have a type and it tries to infer what the type is from the value.
What is const vs let?
const means that a value is always the same. It can never change.
let is how you assign a variable.
Why are “Types” useful and offer an advantage compare to vanilla JavaScript?
It allows you to detect errors early and avoid SOME runtime errors
Will the following code throw a compilation error?
let userName: string;
userName = ‘Maximilian’;
userName = false
Does this code rely on type inference?
const age: number = 29;
No, type is assigned explicitly as well.
What’s the difference between JavaScript types (e.g. typeof ‘Max’ => ‘string’) and TypeScript types (e.g. const name: string = ‘…’)?
Types are checked during compilation vs runtime. TS does compilation checks.
How are objects defined in Javascript?
{age:30} is an object.
What is the difference between how a JAvascript object and a TS Object type definition is wrote?
var human = {
eyes: 2,
mouth: 1
const human:{
How do you assign a Type to an object in typescript?
const person: object {
How do you define an object in Typescript with its properties?
const person: { name: string; age: int } = { name: "Cilliers", age: 33 }
you can also give your properties limited values like: const person: { name: string; age: 30 <== typescript will error if age is not set to 30... } = { name: "Cilliers", age: 33 }
How is an array defined and what is interesting about type support?
How do you define an array type object in TS?
[1,2,3] - Arrays can be flexible or strict…. they can have a mix of values.
in TS:
let favActivities: string[]; <== fav activities is type string array
for mixed arrays:
let favActivities: any[];
What is a Tuple in TS with an Example?
Fix length and type array.
role: [number,string]
role: [2,’author’]
this will be a property of an object role:(string|number)[]
array would be:
role: string[]
What is meant by inference with an object and how do override TS’s inference?
const person:{ name: string; role: [number,string] } ={ name: 'Max', role: [1,'admin'] }
What quirk exist with adding values to a Tuple?
tupleExampleProp: [number, string]
you cant incorrectly assign a value to an tuple like this:
tupleExampleProp[1] = [‘10’]
you can use push though.
This is a JS quirk.
How do you define an enum and why is it better than using constant values?
enum Role {
you can also give it a value like:
Role { Admin = ‘Admin’, READ_ONLY = 100 }
You can use const ADMINROle = 1 but that means in your objects you can assign any int still. Enum makes it easier to be consistent about the values you assign.
What is the ANY type?
you can basically assign any type to a variable TS wont complain.
What is the union type and how is it declared?
It allows you to give an option to a type, making it one or another type.
function combine (input1: number | string, input2: number | string){ }
What is the benefit of having a separate file linked for JS vs inline script?
Well, maintainability. Its easier to find scripts in one location.
The browser also caches script files.
Can you have src and code inside a script tag?
No, only of of these will work. This means if the script has a “src” attribute the content inside the script tag is ignired.
Write the syntax for linking script in a page
What is the definition of a Statement in JS and how are they separated?
Statements are syntax constructs that perform actions.
alert (“”)
is a statement.
They are separated with a ;
JS does allow them to be separated with a linebreak. Its called automatic semicolon insertion.
When does a newline not mean semicolon?
When the line ens with something that is expected to be followed by something else. Like a + sign.
How are one-line and multi-line comments made?
one-line comment is: //
Multi-line comments are: /* */
What is “use strict” and the context for it?
ECMAScript 5, is a way to opt in to a restricted variant of JavaScript.
New features were added to the language while old functionality didn’t change.
That had the benefit of never breaking existing code. But the downside was that any mistake or an imperfect decision made by JavaScript’s creators got stuck in the language forever.
This was the case until 2009 when ECMAScript 5 (ES5) appeared. It added new features to the language and modified some of the existing ones. To keep the old code working, most such modifications are off by default. You need to explicitly enable them with a special directive: “use strict”.
Please make sure that “use strict” is at the top of your scripts, otherwise strict mode may not be enabled.
What changes does strict mode bring?
Strict mode makes several changes to normal JavaScript semantics:
- Eliminates some JavaScript silent errors by changing them to throw errors.
- Fixes mistakes that make it difficult for JavaScript engines to perform optimizations: strict mode code can sometimes be made to run faster than identical code that’s not strict mode.
- Prohibits some syntax likely to be defined in future versions of ECMAScript.
–> Should do a deeper dive here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode
Should you use strict mode?
Modern JavaScript supports “classes” and “modules” – advanced language structures (we’ll surely get to them), that enable use strict automatically. So we don’t need to add the “use strict” directive, if we use them.
So, for now “use strict”; is a welcome guest at the top of your scripts. Later, when your code is all in classes and modules, you may omit it.
How do you envoke strict mode?
1) Add it to the top of a script - This will add it to the whole script….
2) Add it to the top of a function.
3) Modules in ES5 already use struct mode. All modules are strict by default.
4) All part of ES Classes are struct by default.