Is a piece of work that is either written or printed. It consists of content which its purpose depends on the information presented by the text. It’s purpose/s can be to narrate, to persuade, to argue, and so on.
Tells a story in a sequential events. It features the elements of the story; characters, conflict, and climax, theme, setting, and plot.
-Also called as “Informational texts”, are non fiction text.
-To inform factual essays
-Clear organized informational text that explains something to the reader (example: scientific reports, encyclopedia, articles, and essays.
-To present opinion or point of view, to argue.
-It features clear statements supported by pieces of evidence, it should be based on pros and cons and ended with a strong conclusion
-To describe events, an object, person, place, event, or idea.
-It features five senses. (size, shape, location, shape, and etc.)
-To convince or persuade readers to give opinion or point of view.
-Present facts to support the author’s claim, it also targets the emotions to effectively influence and persuade the readers.
Are words spoken or it could be pieces of text delivered by word of mouth which at times can be spontaneous or planned
Spoken Text
Symbolize your ideas and thoughts into words and use it as an instrument to express yourself healthily
Written Text
A 1.)____ needs to be heard ; it needs to be 2.) ______!
2.) Spoken
A brief speech of congratulations, appreciation.
Toast speech
Often performed at birthday parties, retirement parties and other occasions where someone with a sense of humor is being honored
Roast speech
Gives information to an audience using verbal descriptions and, sometimes, accompanying visuals or demonstrations.
Informative Speech
One in which you will demonstrate to your audience how to do something
Demonstrative Speech
Convincing the audience to believe or do something.
Persuasive Speech
-A special kind of persuasive speech, where the speakers encourages the audience to pursue their own well being.
- To inspire the audience
Motivational Speech
A speech given on the spot without any prior planning or preparation
Impromptu speech
A speech that is usually quite long and formal in nature. It’s purpose could be to celebrate a certain event like a graduation
Oratorical Speech
A speech or a piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, especially a tribute to someone who had just died.
Is a dramatic sketch performed by one actor or simply a “soliloquy”!(the act of talking to oneself)
Any speech that is delivered with passion and strong emotion could be considered a _____.