Types Of Text Flashcards
Brochure/guide de recommandations
Gives advice or spreads awareness or asking for help
Two or three columns
- catchy title
- good intro
- subtitles
- clear and user friendly
- structured, use link words
- facts and proof
- ask questions to engage audience
- contact details
Give info about something
Neutral or subjective perspective
Formal language (depends on target audience)
- Main title
- date
- name of journalist
- subheadings
- examples/proofs
- brief intro
- pictures with captions
- invented quotations
- conditional tenses to expose unverified facts
Contact details
Pour de renseignements contactez le numero vert suivant 08-50-00-64
Critique de film/livre
Identify audience and target it Describe characters/plot/effects/style Mention writer/director/actors Express opinions Indicate ratings References to other books and films
Le discours
Speech written to be said Structured and clear Presents facts and convince the audience Address and engage the audience Introduce yourself Catchy intro Repetition Examples Involve yourself Sharp conclusion
Type of newspaper or magazine article
Published at beginning of magazine by representative figure
Journalist gives their opinion
Summary of what is being covered in the publication
Written in the form of a question and answer session which has taken place between two people
Target audience and person being interviewed will affect the types of questions asked
Personal anecdote
Introduction before beginning the interview
Journal intime
Diary or personal writing to express feelings
Always have a date
Informal language
Conclude with a salutation (goodnight to your journal)
I have had enough
J’en ai marre!
It’s enough
Ca suffit!
Why does it always have to be me?/happen to me?
Pourquoi ca tombe toujours sur moi?
He/she/it gets on my nerves
Il/Elle/ca m’enerve
Can’t they leave me alone?
Ils ne peuvent pas me lacher les baskets?
They annoy me.
Ils m’agacent
I can’t bear it anymore
I can’t bear it anymore
I still can’t believe it!
Je n’en reviens toujours pas!
I am extremely happy!
Je suis trop content
What a mess!
Quelle galere!
Can’t she mind her own business?
Elle ne peut pas se meter de ses oignons?
Lettre formelle
Name and address of sender Name and address of destination Object of letter Place and date salutation Formule de politesse
Formulae de politesse
- Je vous prie d’agreer, Madame, l’expression de mes sentiments distingues.
- Je vous prie d’agreer, Madame, mes cordiales salutations
- veuillez recevoir, Madame, l’assurance de am consideration distinguee.
Lettre informelle
Informal language Utilize tu Transition words Personal experiences Wishes, hopes, dreams Salutation Les prises de conge Language argotiques
Prises de conges
A plus/bientot/la prochaine
Grosses bises
Je t’embrasse
I think about you often
Je pense souvent a toi.
What a surprise/joy/pleasure to receive your letter!
Quells surprise/joie/planks or de recevoir ta lettre