requires you to commit the speech to memory so that you do not bring your notes when delivering it
Memorized Speech
you write and deliver the speech word for word
Manuscript Speech
are delivered with little or no time for preparation
Impromptu Speech
type of speech that set its primary goal in making the audience relax, enjoy, and even laugh.
Entertainment Speech
is planned and prepared, where the speaker delivers it with the help of short notes and a clear outline
Extemporaneous Speech
this also follow different patterns of organization to arrange and frame the details effectively
Informative Speech
involves talking and writing to oneself
Intrapersonal Communication
this involves more than one person.
Interpersonal Communication
involves two participants exchanging their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and information
Dyadic Communication
refers to the exchange of concepts, traditions, values, and practices between and among people of different nationalities and ways of life
Intercultural Communication
requires three to fifteen people to study an issue, discuss a problem, and come up with a solution or a plan
Small Communication
there is no interchanging of the Speaker and Listener roles
Mass Communication
used among family members
is used among friends and acquaintances that do not require background information
Casual / Informal
requires a two-way participation and interruptions can occur during the communication
used for imparting information with proper grammar and word choices
this style is exemplified by prayers that have been recited in the same way for years and remains unchanged (Prayers, Panatang Makabayan, Preamble