types of socialism Flashcards
human nature
- capitalism corrupts those who possess wealth
- classless society = equality
- cooperation
- webb - working class lacks intellectual sophistication
- socialist state via the ballot box
social dem
- equality of opportunity can enhance cooperation and camaraderie
third way
- equality of opportunity - education
- belief in free market opposes the idea of cooperation rather than competition
- mix of individuals and community
- all companies and agencies owned communally by workforces
- common ownership
- nationalisation
social dem
- suspicious of collectivism (crosland)
- national healthcare
- join unions to stop workplace exploitation
third way
- collectivism inspired by neo-liberal ideas
- unions to preserve fair practice
- recognition that wages are market driven
- equality can only be achieved through revolution - capitalism too corrupt to reform
- reform capitalism to achieve equality
- income distributed gradually
- proper state management - equality of welfare
social dem
- mixed economy to break class barriers
- meritocracy
third way
- target the neediest in society
- inequality is a natural consequence of society
social class
- capitalists profit from exploited workers
- social class can only be solved through revolution
- lessen class divisions through nationalisation
social dem
- mixed economy
- differences in opportunity and wealth - reduce gap
third way
- everyone deserves equality of opportunity regardless of class (through welfare state)
workers control
- workers control over whole production/workforce
- replace capitalism with cooperative, collective, fraternal values
- negative view - working class lack the skill and expertise to be in control of the workplace
- experts needed to solve capitalism
social dem
- workers control is outdated
- reform capitalism’s exploitive traits
third way
- average worker lacks expertise to manage workplace
- against mixed economy - nationalised companies cant compete