Types of radial systems Flashcards
- A single primary service and distribution
transformer supplies all feeders. - There is no duplication of equipment
- System investment is
the lowest of all circuit arrangements - Loss of a cable, primary supply, or transformer will cut off service.
- Equipment must be shut down to perform routine maintenance and servicing
- This system is satisfactory for small industrial installations where process allows sufficient
down time for adequate maintenance, and the plant can be supplied by a single transformer.
Simple Radial System
- may be applied to larger loads by using a radial primary distribution system to supply a number of unit substations located near the centers.
- The advantages and disadvantages are
the same as those described for the simple radial system
Expanded Radial System
- Each unit substation is connected to two separate primary feeders through switching equipment to provide a normal and an alternate source
- Cost is somewhat higher than for a radial system because of duplication of primary cable and switchgear
- but there will be an interruption until load is transferred to the alternate
Primary Selective System
-The failure of the normal source of a primary cable fault can be isolated and service restored
by sectionalizing
-The system
may be dangerous because the quickest way to find a fault is to sectionalize the loop and
Primary Loop System
If pairs of unit substations are connected through a normally open secondary tie circuit
breaker, the result is a secondary selective system. If the primary feeder or a transformer
fails, the main secondary circuit breaker on the affected transformer is opened and the tie
circuit breaker closed.
Secondary Selective System
In this system, two or more distribution transformers are each supplied from a separate primary distribution feeder.
Secondary Spot Network
This is the most generally applicable and widely used form of industrial secondary network system. Each transformer in the primary selective network system is equipped with a
primary selector switch.
Primary Selective Secondary Network System