Types of Quantitative Research (A) Flashcards
“a means for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables” ___ (___)
Quantitative Research, Creswell (2009)
identifying relationships between two variables
Correlational Research
causes and effects
Causal Research
the claim that a change in one variable creates a change in another variable
Types of Quantitative Research:
correlational type of quantitative research
Survey Research
Survey Designs:
survey acquires information at one point in time
Cross-sectional Survey
Survey Designs:
acquires information at multiple points in time to compare, contrast, and assess changes in responses
Longitudinal Survey
general group of people with similar characteristics
subgroup of the population that is chosen either randomly or purposively to participate in the survey research
-main data collection tool of a survey research
-contains closed-ended questions with fixed answers that will be given to the selected sample
provides a numerical report of the results of the survey, many include frequencies or average scores
Descriptive Analysis
makes comparisons among the survey results to establish and explain relationships
Inferential Analysis
cause and effect logic
Experimental Research