Types Of Maps Flashcards
Measurement of distance in degrees north or south of the equator
Latitude is flatitude (lat is flat)
What is the diameter around the earth?
Measurement of distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian
Longitude is long
Location of hemispheres (east and west)
Eastern: Asia and Australia
Western: north and South America
Map scale
The relationship between a certain point on the map and the distance on the ground
Large scale
Fewer units per measure (zoomed in)– covers less covers less space per inch
Ex. Map of city or country
Small scale
Many units per measure– covers more space per inch
Ex. Map of whole world
Ways maps are distorted (4)
1) area (bigger or smaller)
2) shape (geometric)
3) direction (straight or curved)
4) distance (from one point to another)
Mercator pros (3)
- ideal for marine navigation as allowing for the drawing of straight lines from point a to b
- a major breakthrough in naval cartography of 16th century- not immediately applied
- ideal for direction and distance
Mercator cons (3)
- distorts area and shapes ESP. Toward poles
- no longer used to represent world in atlases
- emphasizing Europe- equator 2/3 way down
Peters projection pros (2)
- emphasizes correct relative areas at various parts of the world
- peters criticizes Mercator map for being euro-centric– thinks his map is more egalitarian
Peters projection cons (1)
- controversial– ESP because distorted in terms of shape and distance
Winkle triple projection (2)
Winkle’s goal: a compromise projection that minimized distortion of area, direction, and distance
Typically used for whole world projections– national geographic society adopted as standard map projection
Fuller projection/ dymanxion map (2)
Gets rid of north, south, east, and west
Land clumped together
Buckminster fillers dymaxion map (6)
- An unfolded isoahedron
- emphasizes oneness of planet (continents not split or separated by water)
- little distortion of relative shape and sizes of land
- direction is compromised and distance is diff to calculate
- flexible (can unfold diff ways)
- folds into globe