types of liberalism Flashcards
what are the different types of liberalism
early classical liberalism late classical liberalism modern classical liberalism social liberalism neo-liberalism
4 features of early classical liberalism
revolutionary potential
negative liberty
minimal state
laissez faire capitalism
revolutionary potential (early classical liberalism)
locke and Wollstonecraft ideas at the time were seen as radical
had strong opposition
required lots of argument and sometimes revolution
negative liberty (early classical liberalism)
individuals should be left alone to pursue own destiny
allows them to be self reliant
affects the size of the state+economics
minimal state (early classical liberalism)
negative liberty means a limited gov
Jefferson ‘government grows, our liberty withers’
minimal state strengthens power dispersal
example of what a minimal state would include (early classical liberalism)
tax+legislation infrequently as possible
defence+protection of property focus areas
laissez faire capitalism (early classical liberalism)
advocate end of tariffs
spread free trade
early classical liberals
john locke
mary wollstonecraft
later classical liberals
john stuart mill
samuel smiles
herbert spencer
jeremy bentham
why were the principles of early classical liberalism threatened in the 1800s
more industrialised growing class consciousness=more interest in democracy+socialism
jeremy bentham late classical liberalism
scientific alternative to natural rights
individuals want to maximise pleasure minimise pain
could cause clashes so gov needs to be more proactive
legislation based on greatest happiness for greatest number
samuel smiles late classical liberalism
self help 1859
industrial society=harder to be self reliant
in overcoming this, individuals become more developed
hubert spencer late classical liberalism
man versus the state 1884 'survival of the fittest' state shouldn't be extended to feeble natural selection will end up with society with thriving individual freedom
john stuart mill late classical liberalism
for representative democracy
everyones views heard
stop tyranny
only uni educated could vote to safeguard reason+tolerance
what did mill believe could happen after widespread education had occured (late classical liberalism)
democracy could further liberal values
refine bentham’s argument- encourage people to consider everyones interest
characteristics of modern liberalism
positive liberty
enlarged state
constitutional reform
positive liberty (modern liberalism)
agued by T.H Green + others
socio-economic forces out of control of individual restricted their liberty
being left alone could inhibit people
need enabling to be free to exercise individual talents
enlarged and enabling state (modern liberalism)
extension of the state to protect people from socio economic forces
enable them to exploit their freedom
constitutional reform/liberal democracy (modern liberalism)
e.g devolution +lords reform
increase enfranchisement
don’t like direct democracy
what social liberalism
Aspect of modern liberalism- attempt to update tolerance of minorities
social liberalism
increase legislation, regulation +positive descrimination
correct historical imbalance
e.g sex descrimination act 1975
supported by Friedman- is consistent with liberal values as it relates to harm principle
‘third strand’
critiqued modern liberalism- creates a ‘dependency culture’
negative freedom+minimal state+reduction in public spending
want to re-store economic arrangments of 19th so reactionary
modern liberalism has abandoned the principles of classical liberalism YES
negative v positive freedom
minimal v large state
laissez faire v keynsian
modern liberalism has abandoned the principles of classical liberalism NO
optimistic view of human potential rationalism+tolerance of minorities individualism is the goal capitalism gov by consent