Types of Law Flashcards
What is Private Law?
Laws concern the relationship between individuals, and other individuals or organisations. It deals with the rights and duties of these relationships.
They encompass:
- contract law
- torts
- family law
- property law
What is Public Law?
Laws that concern individuals interacting with the state (government and their agencies). It upholds behaviour and community expectations regarding the conducts of the government.
They encompass:
* constiutional law
* administrative law
* criminal law
* industrial law
What is Contract Law?
They concern with legal agreements between two or more parties. If one party fails to carry out their part of the agreement, they can be sued for breach of contract.
What law is this an example of?
John agreed to paint Dan’s car in return for Dan’s promise to pay him $100. John does not fulfill his part of the agreement and Dan sues him.
Bonus question: what does Dan sue John for?
Contract Law; Breach of Contract
What is Criminal Law?
Laws that are established to fulfil the need to keep the community safe from harm, provide for an orderly society, and provide for a way to dealing with crime when it occurs. Offenders will be punished if they choose to put people and/or property at risk.
List at least three:
What are examples of Criminal Law?
Murder, assults, fraud, white-collar crime, corporate crime, sexual assult, larceny (unlawful taking of someone’s personal property to deprive them from it), drink driving, negligent and dangerous driving, drug supply and importation, firearms, domestic violence, and breaking and entering
What law is this an example of?
Sylvie is driving and accidentally pushes the accelerator too far. She completely scratches the right side of an innocent person’s car.
Criminal Law
What is Family Law?
Laws that regulate family relationships.
List at least three:
What are examples of Family Law?
Getting married, who can get married, de facto relationships (you and your partner live together as a couple but are not married), divorce, custody, and other aspects involving other family members
What law does this prompt fall under?
Ben and Simon want to adopt a child.
Family Law
What is Administrative Law?
Laws that deal with the decision and powers of government departments. They allows courts to review and change the decisions of a government if necessary.
List one:
What does Administrative Law encompass?
Immigration laws, tax laws, Centerlink matters, complaints to the Commonwealth Ombudsman, and appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunals against decisions made by the commonwealth law.
What law does this prompt fall under?
McKenzie wants to immigrate from Switzerland to Australia.
Administrative Law
What is Constitutional Law?
Laws that deals with the rules by which a country is governed, concerning the powers and authority of parliament.
List two:
What does Constitutional Law encompass?
Citizens’ rights, powers between federal and state governments, freedom of political communication, voting rights etc.
What law does this prompt fall under?
Aboriginal people were given the right to vote in 1962
Constiutional Law
What is Industrial Law?
Law that concerns with the rights and obligations of employers and employees.
List three:
What does Industrial Law concern with?
Legal way of resolving legal disputes, workers’ compensation, occupational work and safety, and discrimination in the workforce. Some specific examples are laws on: hours of labour, child labour, minimum wage.
What law does this prompt fall under?
The Minimum Wage increases by $4
Industrial Law
What is Property Law?
Laws concerning with real property (land and buildings) and personal property (goods and services purchased). It specifically deals with the regulations of the sale and hire of property.
List two:
What are examples of Property Law?
Buying and owning a house/a portion of land, intangible personal property, tangible personal property.
What law does this prompt fall under?
Shrek wants to buy a portion of land with a really nice swamp
Property Law
What is a Tort?
Laws that regard the infringement on the rights of another, causing distress or injury. The victim may receive financial compensation from the party for any loss suffered.
List all four:
What are examples of Torts?
Neglience, Nuisance, Trespassing, Defamation
What is Civil Law?
Laws that bring action to individuals against other of the public from civil wrongs done against them - with private and non-government organisations and their interactions with each other.
Disputes are resolves in court, where claims costs monetary remedies and the losing party will be ordered to party compensation to the winning party. There is no jail time.
List both two:
What laws do Civil Law concern?
Contract Law, Torts
*under tort
What is Neglience?
Not caring for someone as they should be/not acting in concern for others’ health and safety, causing distress or injury.
What tort does the example represent?
A janitor mops the floor and does not put up the ‘wet floor’ sign. Someone slips and injures themselves.
List two:
What are examples of Negligence?
Bicycle accidents, car accidents, medical malpractice
*under tort
What is Nuisance?
When someone causes indirect, unwarranted, and/or unreasonable interferance with the interest of others.
List three:
What are examples of Nuisance?
Obstruction of highways or footpaths, noisy animals, luoud air conditioners, smoke, overhanging tree branches, tree roots’ growing into neighbours’ land and interfering with drainag, vibrations, and dust
*under tort
What is Trespassing?
Going into someone elses’ property without permission. This is applicable for anyone that ‘occupies’ that property.
What tort does the exmaple represent?
Joe walked into Sally’s home without a reason and does not leave when Sally does not give him consent to stay.
*under tort
What is Defamation?
It refers to any statement or communication that harms the reputation of a person, business, or organisation.
List two:
What are examples of Defamation?
The publication of offensive written materal, images, or spoken statements.
What is Criminal Law?
Bonus Question: What typically happens in a Criminal court case?
Laws that determine how the state (society; public) deal with criminal offences. It identifies, acknowledges, punishes and educates the greater community and would-be offenders about the consequences of their actions through the criminal justice system. It serves to protect individuals from others doing the wrong thing; to make the community feel safe from harm. It is considered a crime because it is an offence done against the state.
Typically, the police force and the judiciary are responsible for dealing with criminal behaviour. During the court case, the accused will have the opportunity to tell their side of the story. If they are found guilty, they will be punished with either a fine, court order/or imprisonment.
What are the two kinds of offences under criminal law?
What are the two sub-branches of Criminal Law?
Indictable Offences, Summary Offences
What are Indictible Offenses?
They are serious crimes that are heard in the District and Supreme Courts, where the guilt of the defendant is determine by a judge and jury.
List two:
What are examples of Indicitable Offences?
Armed robbery, homicide, child abuse, murder, and sexual assult.
What are Summary Offences?
Less serious crimes that are dealt with quickly and cheaply by a magistrate in a Local Court.
List two:
What are examples of Summary Offences?
Minor assults, petty theft, vandalism, and traffic infringement.