Basic needs (osnovne potrebe)
things essential for existence (food, water, shelter, clothes and warmth)
the difference between the selling price and the cost of production
Resources (izvori)
a) money, land, workers, machinery we need to produce goods;
b) oil, land or a
natural energy that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth
Scarce (oskudno)
there is not enough of it available
To allocate resources
decide which resources should be used for a particular purpose
desire to obtain goods and services one does not have
competing wants
deciding what we can afford to buy and what not
something that has great importance
supply (ponuda)
the number of goods and services offered for sale over a period of time
demand (potražnja)
the number of goods and services that buyers are willing and able to buy over a period
of time
market forces
supply and demand which help to decide the price and control what should be
a process in which companies strive against each other to secure customers for
their products, the active rivalry of companies
public goods (javna dobra)
goods and services provided by the government for the benefit of the whole
community, where consumption by one person does not reduce the amount available to others
merit goods
goods which are underprovided by the private sector, such as education and
health, and are sometimes supplied by the state, that is services that may not be available to all
individuals if not provided by the state
Market economy - capitalist, free enterprise, unplanned, laissez faire
economy in which companies are not controlled by the government but decide for themselves what
to produce and sell, based on what they believe they can make a profit from, that is the market
mechanism (supply and demand)