Types of definite Nouns الْمَعْرِفَة Flashcards
المعَرَّف بِاللاَّم
the noun which is definite, by prefixing the definite article اَلْ
الْحُرُوْفُ الْقَمَرِيَّة
Moon letter
ي ,ه, م, ك, ق, ف, غ ,ع ,خ ,ح ,ج ,ب , ا
If any of the following letters are after the Lam then it will be pronounced:
For example: الْقَمَ ر , ا لْكِتَا
الْحُرُوْفُ الشَّمْسِيَّة
Sun Letters
if the following letters are after the Lam them it will not be pronounced:ن ,ل ,ظ ,ط ,ض ,ص ,ش ,س ,ز ,ر ,ذ ,د ,ث ,ت
For example: الشَّمْ س , الرَّ ج ل ,
the proper name. This is the name of a person, place or object
مَكَّة , خَالِ د and زَمْزَ
الضَّمِيْ رُ
the personal pronoun. All personal pronouns are definite nouns such as هوَ
(he), هِيَ (she), أنْتَ (you), أنَا (I) and نََْ ن (we).
اِسْمُ الْْشَارَة
the demonstrative pronoun.
the pronouns used to indicate and demonstrate are all definite. For example: هَذَا / هذِه (this), ذلِكَ / تِلكَ (that).
لِْْسْمُ الْمَوْصُوْلُ
the relative pronoun.
relative pronouns denote a specific entity that is described by the following sentence. For example: الَّذِيْ , ا
الْمُعَرَّفُ بِالنِّدَاء
A noun which is made specific by an interjection (حَرْ ف النِّدَاء ). For example: يا رجل - يا الناس
الْمُضَافُ إ لَى الْمَعْرِفَةِ
the noun which is joined to any of the first five definite nouns in a genitive construction ( مرَكَّب إضَافِ ي ). For example: كِتَا ب خَالِ د (Khalid’s book)
The indefinite noun
النَّكِرَة is commonly recognised by the indefinite article which is the Tanween.
As mentioned earlier, some proper nouns have a tanween too, so not all definite nouns are void of the tanween.