Types Of Data Flashcards
What are the type of data positivists prefer?
Prefer objective
What are the types for data interpretivists prefer?
Subjective data
What is Primary Data?
Refers to when data is collected by the researcher themselves. Research methods include experiments, surveys, questionnaires, interviews.
What is secondary data?
Is the information that is collected by others. Includes like, Official Statistics, personal documents and diaries.
What does quantitive data mean?
Quantitive data refers to numerical data usually comes into the form of statistics or percentages. Mostly presented in graphs, tables or pie charts.
Example- education of league tables of the percentages of the students.
What does qualitative data mean?
Refers to non-numerical data such as words, images.
Researcher may use historical documents
Research methods examples: unstructured interviews, observations, diaries or biography.
What is the term Generalisability?
Researchers want to generalise the data they have collected. The larger the sample it is most likely to be representative.
What is the term representativeness?
Representative is what researchers ensure by access to wider group by their social characteristics and social groups such as, males females and age group. It is the overall population.
Term Reliabilty?
When a research process is reliable, it can be repeated using similar sample replicating so the evidence data is gathered.