Type 2 diabetes lecture Flashcards
What is important to ask in history?
- Onset - long history, found on routine tests
- Osmotic symptoms? - these usually absent in T2DM
- FH
- Cushings, acromegaly, phaechromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis? - secondary cause
- Autoimmune diseases
- Exocrine pancreas function - pancreatitis? cancer? removal?
- Medications
Medications which can cause secondary diabetes
- Steroids
- Levothyroxine
- Diazoxide
- Beta agonists
- Thiazides
- ARV for HIV
- Antipsychotics too
Examination findings for T2DM
- BMI overweight
- Need to check BP
- Signs of insulin resistance
- Foot examination - neuropathy?
- Retinopathy - or refer for retinal screening
- Dysmorphic features - esp if early presentation
Signs of insulin resistance
- Central obesity
- Acanthosis nigricans - armpits or back of neck
- Hyperandrogenism in demales
Causes of dysmorphic features that can cause T2DM
- Downs
- Klinefelters
- Turners
Investigations for newly diagnosed T2DM
- HbA1C
- LFT (NAFLD?), U&Es
- Thyroid function
- Lipid profile - CVS risk
Antibody tests to rule out T1DM
- anti insulin
- Anti-GAD
- Anti-islet cell
When is OGTT used?
Gold standard
But now only really used when HbA1C is 42-48mmol/mol (pre diabetes)
Or in pregnancy
When do we check C peptide to check insulin levels?
Years into diagnosis usually
Pathophysiology of T2Dm
- Defective insulin secretion (usually normal at the start)
- Inability of insulin sensitive tissues to respond (insulin resistance)
Management of T2DM - education
- Education of condition
- Aims of treatment - WHY do we treat
- Nutrtional advice
- Target HbA1C - individualised
- Annual review info - bloods, urine, eye, foot exams etc
- Pregnancy - no pregnancy until HbA1c is 48 or less
When is home monitoring done in T2DM?
- If on hypoglycaemic agent
- If on insulin
When to infrom DVLA of T2DM?
If on insulin/hypoglycaemic oral agent
Why is HbA1c individualised in T2DM and not T1?
Older pts - need to balance risk of hypos and CVS risk
Is it worth being much stricter when no benefit of 10yr CVS risk etc
Diet/lifestyle advice for T2Dm
- High fibre, low glycaemic index
- Low fat dairy products, oily fish
- Portion control
- Reduce alcohol
- Smoking cessation
- Increase physical activity
- WEIGHT LOSS - 5-10% within first year