TX NAT RES. CODE Flashcards
So that the law relating to the public domain may be brought together the following extract is taken from the joint resolutions of the Congress of the United States relating to the annexation of Texas to the United States which was approved June 23 1845: “Said State when admitted into the Union shall also retain all the vacant and unappropriated lands lying within its limits to be applied to the payment of debts and liabilities of said Republic of Texas and the residue of said lands after discharging said debts and liabilities to be disposed of as said State may direct.
(a) The commissioner shall: have the area between the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico and the Three Marine League line compiled and platted; and locate and set the boundary lines between the coastal counties from the coastline to the Three Marine League line. The commissioner shall locate and set the boundary lines between the counties from the coastline to the Three Marine League line in accordance with established engineering practice. The legal description of the boundary lines set between the counties from the coastline to the continental shelf shall be filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk of the affected county.
(a) The gulfward boundary of the State of Texas is the boundary determined in and pursuant to the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Texas v. Louisiana 426 U.S. 465(1976). The State of Texas has full sovereignty over the water the beds and shores and the arms of the Gulf of Mexico within its boundaries as provided in Subsection (a) of this section subject only to the right of the United States to regulate foreign and interstate commerce under Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution and the power of the United States over admiralty and maritime jurisdiction under Article III Section 2 of the United States Constitution. The State of Texas owns the water and the beds and shores of the Gulf of Mexico and the arms of the Gulf of Mexico within the boundaries provided in this section including all land which is covered by the Gulf of Mexico and the arms of the Gulf of Mexico either at low tide or high tide. None of the provisions of this section may be construed to relinquish any dominion sovereignty territory property or rights of the State of Texas previously held by the state.
(a) The gulfward boundary of each county located on the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico is the Three Marine League line as determined by the United States Supreme Court. The area in the extended boundaries of the counties as provided in this section becomes a part of the public free school land and is subject to the constitutional and statutory provisions of this state pertaining to the use distribution sale and lease of public free school land in this state. The gulfward boundaries of any city town or village created and operating under the general laws of the State of Texas shall not be established or extended by incorporation or annexation more than 5 280 feet gulfward beyond the coastline. The governing body of such a city town or village may by ordinance extend the municipal boundaries up to 5 280 feet gulfward. Any inclusion of territory in any such city town or village more than 5 280 feet gulfward beyond the coastline is void. The term “coastline” as used in this subsection means the line of mean low tide along that portion of the coast which is in direct contact with the open Gulf of Mexico. The term “city town or village created and operating under the general laws of the State of Texas” shall not include any city operating under a home-rule charter. If any such general-law city town or village has heretofore been established by incorporation or attempted incorporation more than 5 280 feet gulfward beyond the coastline the corporate existence of such general-law city town or village is in all things validated ratified approved and confirmed. The boundaries of such general-law city town or village including the gulfward boundaries to the extent of 5 280 feet gulfward beyond the coastline are in all things validated ratified approved and confirmed and shall not be held invalid by reason of the inclusion of more territory than is expressly authorized in Article 971 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas 1925 as amended or by reason of the inclusion of territory other than that which is intended to be used for strictly town or city purposes as required by Section 7.002 Local Government Code or by reason of not constituting a city town or village. Neither this Act nor the general laws nor the special laws of the state shall have the effect of validating ratifying approving or confirming the inclusion of territory in any such general-law city town or village more than 5 280 feet gulfward beyond the coastline.If for any reason it should be determined by any court of competent jurisdiction that any such general-law city town or village has heretofore been incorporated in violation of the laws of the state in effect as of the date of such incorporation or is invalid the corporate boundaries of any such general-law city town or village shall be revised and reformed to exclude all territory more than 5 280 feet gulfward of the coastline.
(a) In this section: “Coastline” has the meaning assigned by Section 11.013(c) of this code. “State-owned submerged lands” means the state-owned submerged lands described by Section 11.012 of this code. The boundary of a home-rule city may not extend into the gulf outside of an area that is enclosed by: for home-rule cities which have not prior to May 1 1983 annexed gulfward from the coastline: drawing a straight line connecting the two most remote points on the part of the coastline located in the city on June 1 1983 the distance to be measured along the coastline; drawing straight lines that extend gulfward for one marine league from each of the two ends of the line drawn under Paragraph (a) of Subdivision(1) of this subsection and that are perpendicular to the line drawn under Paragraph (a); and drawing a straight line connecting the two gulfward ends of the lines drawn under Paragraph(B) of Subdivision(1) of this subsection; or for home-rule cities which have prior to May 1 1983 annexed no farther than one marine league gulfward from the coastline: drawing a straight line that connects the two most remote points on the part of the coastline located in the city on June 1 1983 and that extends through those two points as far as necessary to draw the lines described by Paragraph(B) of Subdivision of this subsection; drawing two straight lines that extend gulfward for one marine league that are perpendicular to the line drawn under Paragraph (a) of Subdivision(2) of this subsection and that each extend through one of the two most remote points from the coastline on the boundary lines extending gulfward from the coastline; drawing a straight line connecting the two gulfward ends of the lines drawn under Paragraph(B) of Subdivision(2) of this subsection; or for home-rule cities which have prior to May 1 1983 annexed farther than one marine league gulfward from the coastline: drawing lines following the two current boundary lines extending gulfward from the coastline for a distance of one marine league; drawing a straight line connecting the two gulfward ends of the lines drawn under Paragraph (a) of Subdivision(3) of this subsection. A contract or agreement by which a home-rule city purports to pledge directly or indirectly taxes or other revenue from or attributable to state-owned submerged lands or other lands located outside the area described by Subsection(b) of this section does not create an enforceable right to prevent the reformation of the city’s boundary under Subsection(d) of this section. The boundary of a home-rule city is void to the extent that it violates Subsection(b) of this section and the boundary is reformed on the effective date of this Act to exclude the territory situated outside the area described by Subsection(b) of this section. A home-rule city may create industrial districts in the area that is outside the city limits and that is located in an area formed in the manner prescribed by Subsection(b) of this section except that the lines drawn under Paragraph(B) of Subdivision(1) Paragraph(B) of Subdivision(2) or Paragraph (a) of Subdivision(3) of Subsection(b) may be extended for no more than five statute miles instead of one marine league. The governing body of such city shall have the right power and authority to designate the area described as an industrial district as the term is customarily used and to treat such area from time to time as such governing body may deem to be in the best interest of the city. Included in such rights and powers of the governing body of any city is the right and power to enter into contracts or agreements with the owner(s) or lessee(s) of land in such industrial district upon such terms and considerations as the parties might deem appropriate. The city shall have no authority to regulate oil and gas exploration production and transportation operations in an industrial district established pursuant to this Act but in consideration of such relinquishment and the relinquishment of other rights under Section 42.044 Local Government Code the city is expressly authorized to require payments of a property owner or lessee(s) in such industrial district in an amount not to exceed 35 percent of the revenue that would be produced if the city imposed a property tax in the industrial district. Nothing herein shall prohibit a city and property owner or lessee(s) from agreement by contract for payments in a lesser amount.
(a) Land acquired by the state in Oklahoma v. Texas 272 U.S. 21(1926) and subsequent orders of the United States Supreme Court relating to that case is incorporated into the counties which are adjacent to the land and the north and south lines of the adjacent counties Lipscomb Hemphill Wheeler Collingsworth and Childress are extended east to the 100th degree of west longitude as it is fixed in the final judgment.(b) The land acquired from Oklahoma shall become a part of the respective counties as though it were originally included in each county for governmental purposes and shall be assessed for taxes and have taxes collected under the provisions of existing law.
(a) The boundary lines of all counties in the Texas Panhandle that border on the New Mexico boundary line are extended by extending the north and south lines of certain counties west to the Texas-New Mexico line which was established by the survey of John H. Clark in 1859 and later retraced to completion on September 26 1911 by the Boundary Commission composed of Francis M. Cockrell and Sam R. Scott under authority of S.J.R. No. 124 of the 61st Congress Third Session. The boundary line is referred to as the 103rd Meridian and is described as follows: Beginning at the point where the one hundred and third degree of longitude west from Greenwich intersects the parallel of thirty-six degrees and thirty Minutes North latitude as determined and fixed by John H. Clark the Commissioner on the part of the United States in the years eighteen hundred and fifty-nine and eighteen hundred and sixty; thence South with the line run by said Clark for the said one hundred and third degree of longitude to the Thirty-second parallel of North latitude to the point marked by said Clark as the Southeast corner of New Mexico; and thence West with the thirty-second degree of North latitude as determined by said Clark to the Rio Grande. Copies of the deeds certified by the custodian of records in each of the counties in New Mexico in which the land is located and other instruments of title are admissible as evidence in suits filed in this state to the same extent as the original deeds or certified copies of them. The county clerk of each of the counties in Texas in which the land is now located may file the certified copies of deeds and other instruments affecting title in the same manner as the original deeds could have been filed.
(a) The State of Texas recognizes the provisions of 54 Stat. 21(1940) and accepts as part of its territory and assumes civil and criminal jurisdiction over all of certain parcels or tracts of land lying adjacent to the territory of the State of Texas which were acquired by the United States under a convention between the United States of America and the United Mexican States signed February 1 1933. The parcels and tracts of land acquired by the state constitute a part of the respective counties within whose boundaries they are located by extending the county boundaries to the Rio Grande and are subject to the civil and criminal jurisdiction of these counties. Any parcels or tracts parts of which are located in two separate counties shall be surveyed by the county surveyors of both counties who shall determine the portion of the land located in their respective counties and shall file the field notes of the land in their offices together with a map of the parcels or tracts in the map records of the county. For the purpose of determining the boundaries the boundary lines of the parcels and tracts established by the American Section of the International Boundary Commission United States and Mexico shall be accepted as the true boundaries. Any parcels or tracts of land that are adjacent to or contiguous to a water improvement district or a conservation and reclamation district may be included within the district by a written contract entered into between the owner of the land and the board of directors of the district. The contract shall specifically describe the land to be included in the district the character of water service to be furnished to the land and the terms and conditions on which the land is to be included in the district and shall be acknowledged in the manner required for the acknowledgment of deeds and recorded in the deed records of the county in which the land is located. None of the provisions of this section may be construed to affect the ownership of the land.
Sec. 11.017. CHAMIZAL AREA.
(a) The State of Texas accepts as part of its territory and assumes civil and criminal jurisdiction over the tract of land lying adjacent to the State of Texas which was acquired by the United States of America from the United Mexican States under the Convention for the Solution of the Problem of the Chamizal signed August 29 1963 and ceded to Texas by Act of Congress. The territory shall be a part of El Paso County. None of the provisions of this section affect the ownership of the land.
(a) To facilitate the project for rectification of the Rio Grande in the El Paso-Juarez Valley under the convention between the United States of America and the United Mexican States signed February 1 1933 without cost to the state all right title and interest of the State of Texas in and to the bed and banks of the Rio Grande in El Paso County and Hudspeth County which may be necessary or expedient in the construction of the project is ceded to the United States of America. This cession is made on the express condition that the State of Texas retain concurrent jurisdiction with the United States of America over every portion of land ceded which remains within the territorial limits of the United States after the project is completed so that process may be executed in the same manner and with the same effect as before the cession took place. None of the provisions of this section may be construed as a cession or relinquishment of any rights which the State of Texas its citizens or any property owners have in the water of the Rio Grande its use or access to it.
(a) In addition to land and minerals granted to the permanent school fund under the constitution and other laws of this state the permanent school fund shall include: the mineral estate in river beds and channels; the mineral estate in areas within tidewater limits including islands lakes bays and the bed of the sea which belong to the state; and the arms and the beds and shores of the Gulf of Mexico within the boundary of Texas.(b) The land and minerals dedicated to the permanent school fund shall be managed as provided by law
Sec. 11.042. ASYLUM FUND.
The 400 000 acres of land set apart for the various asylums in equal portions of 100 000 acres for each by act of the legislature approved August 30 1856 is recognized and set apart to provide a permanent fund for the support maintenance and improvement of the asylums.
After payment of the amount due to the permanent school fund for proceeds from the sale of the portion of the public land set aside for payment of the public debt by act of the legislature in 1879 and payment directed to be made to the permanent school and university funds by act of the legislature in 1883 the remainder of the land not to exceed two million acres or the proceeds from their sale shall be divided in half and one of the halves shall constitute a permanent endowment fund for The University of Texas System.
(a) At least semiannually the commissioner and the county attorney of each county shall report to the attorney general the name and address of each person who has taken any minerals or other property of value from public land or who has cut used destroyed sold or otherwise appropriated any timber from public land and shall report any other data within their knowledge. The county attorneys also shall assist the attorney general relating to these matters in any manner he requests. The attorney general shall file suit in any county in which all or part of the injury occurred or in the county in which the defendant resides to recover the value of the property or with the consent of the governor the attorney general may compromise and settle any of these liabilities with or without suit. The attorney general shall pay all amounts collected or received by him to the permanent funds to which they belong. From amounts recovered by suit the attorney general shall receive a fee of 10 percent and the county attorney shall receive a fee of five percent and from amounts recovered by compromise the attorney general and county attorney shall each receive one-half of the fees to be taxed against the defendant as costs. No county attorney may receive compensation from cases not reported by him to the attorney general. Except as otherwise provided by law no person may use for his benefit or cut or remove any mineral plant or anything of value located on land belonging to the permanent school fund without proper authority from the commissioner. In addition to any other penalties provided by law a person violating the provisions of Subsection(e) of this section shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $10 000 for each thing of value cut used or removed. All civil penalties collected under this subsection shall be credited to the permanent school fund.
(a) A person who has used any of the pasture land by joining fences or otherwise and who builds or maintains more than three miles lineal measure of fences running in the same general direction without a gate in it shall be fined not less than $200 nor more than $1 000. The gate in the fence described in Subsection
In Sections 11.074 and 11.075 of this code “fencing” means the erection of any structure of wood wire wood and wire or any other material whether it encloses land on all sides or only one or more sides which is intended to prevent the passage of cattle horses mules sheep goats or hogs
(a) No owner of stock manager agent employee or servant may fence use occupy or appropriate by herding or line-riding any portion of the public land of the state or land which belongs to the public schools or asylums unless he obtains a lease for the land from the proper authority. Any owner of stock or his manager agent employee or servant who fences uses occupies or appropriates by herding or line-riding any portion of the land covered by Subsection (a) of this section without a lease for the land on conviction shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1 000 and confined in the county jail for not less than three months nor more than two years. Each day for which a violation continues constitutes a separate offense. Prosecution under this section may take place in the county in which a portion of the land is located or to which the county may be attached for judicial purposes or in Travis County.
(a) Unless a lease for the land is obtained any appropriation of public land of the state or land which belongs to the public schools and asylums by fencing or by enclosures consisting partly of fencing and partly of natural obstacles or impediments to the passage of livestock is an unlawful appropriation of land which is punishable by the penalty provided in Subsection(b) of Section 11.074 of this code.(b) Each day that the violation continues constitutes a separate offense.
(a) If the governor is credibly informed that any portion of the public land or the land which belongs to any of the special land funds has been enclosed or that fences have been erected on the land in violation of law he may direct the attorney general to institute suit in the name of the state for the recovery of the land damages and fees. The fee for the attorney general may not be less than $10 if the amount recovered is less than $100 but if the amount of recovery is over $100 the fee shall be 10 percent paid by the defendant for the use and occupancy of the land and the removal of the enclosure and fences. The damages may not be less than five cents an acre a year for the period of occupancy. In a suit brought under this section the court shall issue a writ of sequestration directed to any sheriff in the state requiring him to take into actual custody the land and any property on the land which belongs to the person who is unlawfully occupying the land and to hold the land and other property until the court issues further orders. The writ may be executed by the sheriff to whom it is delivered and he shall proceed to execute the writ. The defendant in the suit may replevy the property as provided in other cases by executing the bond required by law. An appeal from a suit brought under this section has precedence over other cases. If judgment is recovered by the state in the suit the court shall order the enclosure or fences removed and shall charge the costs of the suit to the defendant. Property on the land which belongs to the defendant and which is not exempt from execution may be used to pay costs and damages in addition to the personal liability of the defendant.
If any public land is held occupied or claimed adversely to the state or to any fund of the state by any person or if land is forfeited to the state for any reason the attorney general shall file suit for the land for rent on the land and to recover damages to the land.
Sec. 11.078. VENUE.
A suit brought under the provisions of Section 11.076 or Section 11.077 of this code shall be brought in the county in which the land or any part of the land is located.
Sec. 11.079. ACCESS TO LAND.
(a) The state a permittee of the state or a lessee or assignee of state land or minerals dedicated to the permanent school fund may exercise the power of eminent domain to obtain an easement whenever it is necessary to enter or cross the land of another person for the purpose of obtaining access to any land or interest in land that is owned by the state and that is dedicated by law to the permanent school fund.If the state or such permittee lessee or assignee and the private owner of the land through which an easement for access is sought cannot agree on the place or the terms for the easement to obtain access either the state or such permittee lessee or assignee may in order to provide that access exercise this power of eminent domain in the manner provided by Chapter 21 Property Code.Easements acquired under this section are declared to be for the sole use and benefit of the state its permittee lessee or assignee and may be used only to the extent necessary to achieve the required access or for the purposes for which the permit lease or assignment was granted. An easement so acquired is hereby dedicated to the permanent school fund. If the state desires to utilize the power of eminent domain to obtain an easement under this section for access to a tract of land the attorney general shall institute condemnation proceedings as provided under Chapter 21 Property Code. If agreement regarding an easement for access cannot be reached with a private landowner a permittee of the state or a lessee or assignee of land or minerals dedicated to the permanent school fund desiring to utilize this section to obtain an easement for access to a tract of land must institute the condemnation proceedings authorized by this section. If the easement acquired under this section is taken solely to benefit a tract of land in which the permanent school fund owns only a mineral interest the easement shall not be permanent but shall be limited to the term that the state minerals are held under a valid prospect permit or lease. The easement will terminate when the prospect permit and lease expires or terminates. This section is cumulative of the provisions of Subtitles C and D Title 2 Natural Resources Code relating to access to land and to the power of eminent domain. The special fund accounts established under Sections 51.401 52.297 and 53.155 of this code may be used to compensate landowners for an easement to obtain access under this section.
When a state governmental entity sells state land the entity shall require that the state have the right of ingress and egress to remaining state land in the immediate area by an easement to a public thoroughfare.
When access to any land is obtained by the state under Section 11.079 of this code the state shall be liable to the property owner to the same extent that any private easement holder would be held liable for the use of access across privately owned property.
Sec. 11.081. RULES.
The General Land Office of the State of Texas shall promulgate and enforce rules governing the construction maintenance and use of roads created by access granted under Section 11.079 of this code.
(a) A state agency or political subdivision may not formally take any action that may affect state land dedicated to the permanent school fund without first giving notice of the action to the board. Notice of the proposed action shall be delivered by certified mail return receipt requested addressed to the deputy commissioner of the asset management division of the General Land Office on or before the state agency’s or political subdivision’s formal initiation of the action. The notice must: describe the proposed action; state the location of the permanent school fund land to be affected; and describe any foreseeable impact or effect of the state agency’s or political subdivision’s action on the permanent school fund land. An action taken by a state agency or political subdivision without the notice required by Subsection(a) of this section that affects state land dedicated to the permanent school fund is not effective as to permanent school fund land affected by the action. In this section: “Action” means: formal adoption of an agency or political subdivision policy; final adoption of an administrative rule; issuance of findings of fact or law; issuance of an administrative order in an administrative hearing; or adoption of a local ordinance or resolution. “Board” means the School Land Board. “Initiation” means the commencement of the first phase of public consideration of a formal policy rule or ordinance or a hearing undertaken by a state agency or political subdivision that is intended to result in final adoption of a formal policy rule or ordinance. “Political subdivision” means a county public school district or special-purpose district or authority. “State agency” means: a department commission board office bureau council or other agency in the executive branch of state government other than the Texas Department of Transportation and the Railroad Commission of Texas; or a university system or an institution of higher education as defined in Section 61.003 Education Code.
(a) The School Land Board may approve a tract of land for patenting to release all or part of the state’s interest in land excluding mineral rights if the board: finds that: the land is surveyed unsold permanent school fund land according to the records of the land office; the land is not patentable under the law in effect before January 1 2002; and the person claiming title to the land: holds the land under color of title; holds the land under a chain of title that originated on or before January 1 1952; acquired the land without actual knowledge that title to the land was vested in the State of Texas; has a deed to the land recorded in the appropriate county; and has paid all taxes assessed on the land and any interest and penalties associated with any period of tax delinquency; and unanimously approves the release of the state’s interest. This section does not apply to: beach land submerged or filled land or islands; or land that has been determined to be state-owned by judicial decree. This section may not be used to: resolve boundary disputes; or change the mineral reservation in an existing patent.
(a) A person claiming title to land may apply for a patent under Section 11.084 by filing with the commissioner an application on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The claimant must attach to the application all documentation necessary to support the claimant’s request for a patent. The land office shall review the claimant’s application to determine whether the claimant substantially meets the criteria for issuance of a patent under Section 11.084. If the land office determines that the application is complete for consideration by the board the commissioner shall convene the board to determine whether a patent is to be issued under Section 11.084. The commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to administer Section 11.084 and this section.
(a) Information relating to the development location purchase price or sale price of real property developed purchased or sold by or for the School Land Board Veterans’ Land Board land office or commissioner under authority granted by this code including a contract provision related to the development purchase or sale of the property is confidential and exempt from disclosure under Chapter 552 Government Code until all deeds for the property that are applicable to the transaction or series of related transactions are executed and until all substantive performance or executory requirements of applicable contracts have been satisfied. Information that is confidential and exempted from disclosure under this subsection includes an appraisal completed report evaluation or investigation conducted for the purpose of locating or determining the purchase or sale price of the property or any report prepared in anticipation of developing purchasing or selling real property.(b) Information that is confidential and excluded from disclosure under Subsection(a) is not subject to a subpoena directed to the School Land Board Veterans’ Land Board land office commissioner attorney general or governor.
This state enacts the Red River Boundary Compact into law and enters into the compact with the State of Oklahoma if that state legally joins in the compact in substantially the form provided by Section 12.002.
The states of Texas and Oklahoma recognize that: there are actual and potential disputes controversies criminal proceedings and litigation arising or that may arise out of the location of the boundary line between the states along the Red River; the south bank of the Red River is the boundary between the states along the Red River; the boundary between the states changes as a result of the natural action of the river and because of those changes and the nature of the land the south bank of the river is often not readily or easily identified; while the south bank at any given time may be located through expensive and time-consuming survey techniques such surveys can at best identify the south bank only as it exists at the time of the survey; locating the south bank through survey techniques is of minimal aid when agencies of the party states must locate the state boundary line for law enforcement administrative and taxation purposes; and the interests of the party states are better served by establishing the boundary between the states through use of a readily identifiable natural landmark than through use of an artificial survey line. It is the principal purpose of the party states in entering into this compact to establish an identifiable boundary between the states of Texas and Oklahoma along the Red River as of the effective date of this compact without interfering with or otherwise affecting private property rights or title to property. In addition this compact serves the compelling purposes of: creation of a friendly and harmonious interstate relationship; avoidance of multiple exercise of sovereignty and jurisdiction including matters of taxation judicial and police powers and exercise of administrative authority; avoidance of lack of exercise of sovereignty and jurisdiction over any lands along the boundary; avoidance of questions of venue in civil and criminal proceedings that may arise as a result of incidents along the boundary and avoidance or minimization of future disputes and litigation; promotion of economic and political stability; and placement of the boundary at a location that can be visually identified or located without the necessity of a current survey and that is close to the historical boundary location.
In this article: “Vegetation” means trees shrubs grasses and other plant species that substantially cover the ground. Whether the vegetation substantially covers the ground is determined by reference to the density of the coverage of the ground by trees shrubs grasses and other plant species in the area adjacent to the relevant portion of the riverbed. “Vegetation line” means the visually identifiable continuous line of vegetation that is adjacent to that portion of the riverbed kept practically bare of vegetation by the natural flow of the river and is continuous with the vegetation beyond the riverbed. Stray vegetation patches of vegetation or islands of vegetation within the riverbed that do not form such a line are not considered part of the vegetation line. Where the riverbed is entered by the inflow of another watercourse or is otherwise interrupted or disturbed by a man-made event the line constituting the boundary is an artificial line formed by extending the vegetation line above and below the other watercourse or interrupted or disturbed area to connect and cross the watercourse or area. The permanent political boundary line between the states of Texas and Oklahoma along the Red River is the vegetation line along the south bank of the Red River except for the Texoma area where the boundary does not change. For purposes of this compact: the Texoma area extends from the east bank of Shawnee Creek(which flows into the Red River from the south approximately one-half mile below the Denison Dam) at its mouth to the upper end of the normal pool elevation of Lake Texoma(which is 617 feet); and the upper end of the normal pool elevation of Lake Texoma is along the latitude of 33 degrees 54 minutes as it crosses the watercourse at the approximate location of longitude 96 degrees 59 minutes. The party states agree that the existing boundary within the Texoma area begins at the intersection of the vegetation line on the south bank of the Red River with the east bank of Shawnee Creek. From this point the boundary extends west along the south bank of the Red River as the bank existed immediately before the commencement of the construction of Lake Texoma. From Shawnee Creek to Denison Dam this boundary line is within the current channel of the Red River. Within Lake Texoma this boundary line follows the south bank of the Red River as the bank was located and marked by the United States Army Corps of Engineers before the commencement of the construction of Lake Texoma. Within one year after the date the United States Congress consents to this compact the Commissioner of the General Land Office of Texas and a designated member of the Oklahoma Red River Boundary Commission shall: locate the boundary line within the Texoma area as described by Subsection(c) using the survey that the United States Army Corps of Engineers prepared in connection with the construction of Lake Texoma and any other surveys historical maps or other information that may be available; prepare a map of the boundary line; and file the map in the state library and archives of each party state and with the Oklahoma Secretary of State after which the map will be a part of this compact. Within one year after the date the map is filed under Subsection(d)(3) the United States Army Corps of Engineers shall permanently mark the boundary line within the Texoma area as shown on the map. The United States Army Corps of Engineers shall maintain the markers annually or more frequently if necessary. The party states may: agree to equally share the cost of monumenting and maintaining the lines demarking both the boundary within the Texoma area and the upper limit of the normal pool elevation in a manner designed to make the boundary readily identifiable to the using public; or seek funding from other sources for monumenting and maintaining the lines. Should there be a change in the watercourse of the Red River the party states recognize the rules of accretion erosion and avulsion. The states agree that accretion or erosion may cause a change in the boundary between the states if it causes a change in the vegetation line. With regard to avulsion the states agree that a change in the course of the Red River caused by an immediately perceivable natural event that changes the vegetation line will change the location of the boundary between the states.
On the effective date of this compact the party states agree that the State of Oklahoma possesses sovereignty over all lands north of the boundary line established by this compact and that the State of Texas possesses sovereignty over all lands south of the boundary line established by this compact. This compact does not change or affect in any manner the sovereignty rights of federally recognized Indian tribes over lands on either side of the boundary line established by this compact. Tribal sovereignty rights continue to be established and defined by controlling federal law.
This compact does not affect the jurisdiction of any litigation concerning the title to any of the lands bordering the Red River pending in the courts of either of the party states or the United States as of the effective date of this compact. The states intend that such litigation if any continue in the trial and appellate courts of the jurisdiction where pending until the litigation is finally determined.
All public records in either party state concerning any lands the sovereignty over which is changed by this compact are accepted as evidence of record title to such lands to and including the effective date of this compact by the courts of the other state and the federal courts. As to lands the sovereignty over which is changed by this compact the recording officials of the counties of each party state shall accept for filing certified copies of documents of title previously filed in the other state and documents of title using legal descriptions derived from the land descriptions of the other state. The acceptance of a document for filing has no bearing on its legal effect or sufficiency. The legal sufficiency of a document’s form execution and acknowledgments and the document’s ability to convey or otherwise affect title are determined by the document itself and the real estate laws of the jurisdiction in which the land was located at the time the document was executed or took effect.
Except as provided by Subsections(b) and(c) the lands the sovereignty over which is changed by this compact are after the effective date of this compact subject to taxation only by the state gaining sovereignty over the lands by this compact. Taxes for the year of adoption of this compact for property the jurisdiction over which is changed by this compact may be lawfully imposed only by the state in which the property was located on January 1 of the year of adoption of this compact. The taxes for the year of adoption may be levied and collected by that state or its authorized governmental subdivisions or agencies and any liens or other rights accrued or accruing including the right of collection are fully recognized except that all liens or other rights arising out of the imposition of those taxes must be claimed or asserted within five years after this compact takes effect or they are barred. The party states recognize that the boundary between the states will change from time to time as a result of the natural actions of accretion erosion and avulsion and agree that for years subsequent to the year of adoption of this compact the state within which lands adjoining the boundary line are located on January 1 of each year has the right to levy and collect taxes for the entire ensuing year. All taxes currently assessed by governmental entities in each party state as to lands that border or cross the boundary line established by this compact are presumed to be correct as to acreage within the particular jurisdiction absent competent proof to the contrary presented in writing by the property owner or owners to the appropriate taxing agencies. All such proof must be presented to the appropriate taxing agencies before May 1 of the year following the year in which this compact takes effect. In subsequent years it is presumed that the acreage taxed in each jurisdiction for the previous year was correct unless evidence of change is furnished to or obtained by the various taxing agencies under rules and regulations adopted by those taxing agencies.
This compact does not change: the title of any person or entity public or private to any of the lands adjacent to the Red River; the rights including riparian rights of any person or entity public or private that exist as a result of the person’s or entity’s title to lands adjacent to the Red River; or the boundaries of those lands.
This compact takes effect when enacted by the states of Texas and Oklahoma and consented to by the United States Congress.
This compact does not limit or prevent either party state from instituting or maintaining any action or proceeding legal or equitable in any court having jurisdiction for the protection of any right under this compact or the enforcement of any of its provisions. This compact is not binding or obligatory on either party state unless and until it has been enacted by both states and consented to by the United States Congress. Notice of enactment of this compact by each state shall be given by the governor of that state to the governor of the other state and to the president of the United States. The president is requested to give notice to the governors of the party states of the consent to this compact by the United States Congress.
This compact remains in full force and effect unless amended in the same manner as it was created.
(a) Until the State of Oklahoma enters into the Red River Boundary Compact in substantially the form provided by Section 12.002 the Commissioner of the General Land Office has the authority to negotiate with the appropriate Oklahoma representative to resolve any differences between the states of Texas and Oklahoma regarding matters covered by the compact. The commissioner shall conduct the negotiations in cooperation with the Red River Boundary Commission created by H.C.R. No. 128 Acts of the 74th Legislature Regular Session 1995. The Commissioner of the General Land Office shall report annually to the governor of this state or more frequently if necessary on the status of the negotiations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter if the boundary in the Texoma area as described by Article II(b)(1) Red River Boundary Compact Section 12.002 is not marked in accordance with Article II of the compact the Red River Boundary Commission shall confer and act jointly with representatives appointed on behalf of the State of Oklahoma to redraw the boundary in the Texoma area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(a) If the State of Oklahoma enters into the Red River Boundary Compact in substantially the form provided by Section 12.002 the Commissioner of the General Land Office has the authority to negotiate with the appropriate Oklahoma representative to establish procedures for implementing the compact’s provisions. The commissioner shall conduct the negotiations in cooperation with the Red River Boundary Commission. The Commissioner of the General Land Office shall report annually to the governor of this state or more frequently if necessary on the status of the negotiations. A procedure for implementing a provision of the compact must be approved by the governor of this state.
The Red River Boundary Compact does not affect: the Red River Compact the text of which is set out in Section 46.013 Water Code; or the riparian rights of adjacent landowners to access and use the waters of the Red River as provided by the Treaty of Amity Settlement and Limits Feb. 22 1819 United States-Spain 8 Stat. 252 T.S. No. 327; or litigation pending in either state involving title to land or boundaries of rivers or water bodies of that state
In this chapter: “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the General Land Office. “Land office” means the General Land Office. “Navigable stream” means a stream which retains an average width of 30 feet from the mouth up.
Each survey of public land shall be made under authority of law and by a surveyor duly appointed elected or licensed and qualified.
(a) If the circumstances of the lines previously surveyed under the law will permit land surveyed for individuals lying on a navigable stream shall front one-half of the square on the stream with the line running at right angles with the general course of the stream.(b) A navigable stream may not be crossed by the lines of a survey.
Surveys that are not made on navigable streams shall be in a square as far as lines previously surveyed will permit.
(a) Before running a division line between two settlers or occupants claiming land the surveyor shall give written notice to the interested parties. A survey made contrary to the true intent and meaning of this section is invalid.
The field notes of a survey of public land shall state A the county in which the land is located; B the authority under which the survey is made C a true description of the survey; D proper field notes with the necessary calls and connections for identification E observing the Spanish measurement by varas; F diagram of the survey; G the State Plane Coordinates based on the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 or an alternative coordinate system adopted under Section 21.0711 H values for the beginning point on the survey with appropriate reference to zone I mapping angle J grid distances K acreage L the N.G.S. Station to which the survey is tied; M the names of the field survey personnel; N the date the survey was made; O the signature of the surveyor.
A to the correctness of the survey; B that the survey was made according to law; C that the survey was actually made in the field; D that the field notes are duly recorded giving the book and page. E if the survey was made by a deputy the county surveyor shall certify officially that: he has examined the field notes; he finds them correct; and he has determined that the survey is duly recorded giving the book and page of record.
Sec. 21.043. LOST FIELD NOTES.
(a) If the original field notes of an authorized survey are lost or destroyed the owner or his agent may obtain a certified copy of the record from the county surveyor on making an affidavit of the loss or destruction and filing it in the office of the county surveyor where the survey was recorded. (b) The certified copy shall be as valid as the original record and shall secure to the owner all the rights before the commissioner that the original would have secured.
(a) The commissioner shall have a plain statement of errors in any field notes submitted to the land office together with a sketch of the map forwarded by mail or personally by the interested party to the surveyor who made the survey with a request to correct and return the field notes and map. The surveyor shall correct and return the field notes and map at once without further charge. If the conflict exists only on the map or in the field notes the surveyor need only officially certify to the facts and furnish a true sketch of the survey with its connections. This section does not require the commissioner or a surveyor to make a new survey of land or a portion of the land after a survey of the land is accepted by the commissioner for filing in the official records of the land office.
(a) The systems of plane coordinates which have been established by the National Oceanic Survey/National Geodetic Survey for defining and stating the positions or locations of points on the surface of the earth within the State of Texas are adopted and will be known and designated as the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 and the Texas Coordinate System of 1983. (b) Each system is a separate system and must be used as a separate system.
(a) The Texas Spatial Reference Center at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi established under Section 88.503 Education Code may adopt a revised state coordinate system that may be used for purposes of this subchapter under the authority granted to the center as the state’s facilitator of the National Spatial Reference System. (b) A revised coordinate system adopted under Subsection(a) is an official state coordinate system.
The only purpose for adopting the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 and the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 is to recognize a system for use in the State of Texas to definitely ascertain positions on the surface of the earth. Except as provided in Section 21.041 of this code the use of a system is not required and the provisions of this subchapter shall not be construed to set aside or disturb any corner or survey already established. The use of the term “Texas Coordinate System” on a map report survey or other document is limited to coordinates based on a Texas Coordinate System as defined in this subchapter.
For the purpose of using a system the state is divided into five zones: the North Zone; the North Central Zone; the Central Zone; the South Central Zone; and the South Zone.
(a) As established for use in the North Zone the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 or the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 shall be named and in any land description in which it is used it shall be designated the “Texas Coordinate System of 1927 North Zone” or “Texas Coordinate System of 1983 North Zone.”
Sec. 21.076. Precisely defining the Texas Coordinate System DEFINITIONS.
(a) For the purpose of precisely defining the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 and the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 the following definitions are adopted: The Texas Coordinate System of 1927 North Zone and the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 North Zone is a Lambert conformal projection having standard parallels at north latitudes 34° 39’ and 36° 11’ along which parallels the scale shall be exact. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 101° 30’ west longitude and the parallel 34° 00’ north latitude. The origin of the 1927 coordinate system is given the coordinates: x = 2 000 000 feet(720 000 varas) and y = 0 feet(0 varas). The origin of the 1983 coordinate system is given the coordinates: x = 200 000 meters(236 220 varas) and y = 1 000 000 meters(1 181 100 varas).The position of the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 and the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 shall be as marked on the ground by triangulation or traverse stations established in conformity with the standards adopted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for first-order and second-order work whose geodetic positions have been rigidly adjusted on the North American datum of 1927 or 1983 and whose coordinates have been computed on the system defined in this subchapter. Any of these stations may be used for establishing a survey connection with the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 or the Texas Coordinate System of 1983.
The unit of measurement in this subchapter has the following values based on the International Meter established by the National Bureau of Standards: A one meter = 39.37 inches exactly; B one U.S. survey foot = 0.3048006096 meter; C one vara = 33-1/3 inches exactly; D one international foot = 0.3048 meter exactly.
(a) The plane coordinate values for a point on the earth’s surface to be used in expressing the position or location of the point in the appropriate zone of either system shall consist of two distances expressed in U.S. Survey Feet and decimals of a foot or varas or tenths of a vara when using the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 and expressed in meters and decimals of a meter in U.S. Survey Feet or decimals of a foot or in varas or tenths of a vara when using the Texas Coordinate System of 1983.One of these distances to be known as the “x coordinate “ shall give the position in an east-and-west direction; the other to be known as the “y coordinate “ shall give the position in a north- and-south direction. These coordinates shall be made to depend on and conform to the plane rectangular coordinate values for the monumented points of the North American Horizontal Geodetic Control Network as published by the National Oceanic Survey/National Geodetic Survey or its successors and whose plane coordinates have been computed on the systems defined in this subchapter. Any station described in this section may be used for establishing a survey connection to either the Texas Coordinate System of 1927 or the Texas Coordinate System of 1983.
If a tract of land to be defined by a single description extends from one zone into another of the coordinate zones the positions of all points on its boundaries may be referred to by either of the zones the zone which is used being specifically named in the description.
In this chapter: “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the General Land Office. “Land office” means the General Land Office.
(a) A county surveyor is elected to a four-year term as provided by Article XVI Sections 64 and 65 of the Texas Constitution.(b) To be eligible to serve as a county surveyor a person must be a registered professional land surveyor
The county surveyor shall reside in the county.
The county surveyor shall execute a bond conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties of the office. The amount of the bond shall be fixed by the commissioners court and shall be not less than $500 nor more than $10 000.
(a) A county surveyor may appoint a deputy surveyor as he considers necessary. The county surveyor shall administer the deputy surveyor’s official oath and take his bond in the sum of not less than $500 nor more than $10 000 conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties of the office. The deputy may perform all acts authorized or required by law to be done by the county surveyor.
(a) A county surveyor may employ persons 16 years of age or older as chain carriers or markers.(b) The county surveyor shall administer an oath to each of these employees to faithfully perform his duties in accordance with the instructions given him.
(a) The county surveyor’s office shall be located in the courthouse or in a suitable building at the county seat. Rent for an office outside the courthouse shall be paid by the commissioners court on showing that: the rent is reasonable; the office is necessary; and an office is not available at the courthouse.
In a county in which the office of county surveyor was abolished by Chapter 315 Acts of the 61st Legislature Regular Session 1969(Article 5298a Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes) the commissioners court may when the court considers it necessary employ a qualified person to perform a function formerly performed by the county surveyor.
The county surveyor shall perform the duties required of him by law.
(a) In a county in which there is a county surveyor only the county surveyor may:file and record field notes and plats of surveys made in the county and other documents required by law to be recorded in the county surveyor’s records; and issue a certificate of fact and certify the correctness of a copy of any document record or entry shown by the records of the county surveyor. If the county surveyor and each authorized deputy of the county surveyor are absent from the county surveyor’s office the county clerk of the county has unrestricted access to the county surveyor’s office and public records and may: record field notes plats and other documents required to be recorded in the county surveyor’s records; and issue a certificate of fact and certify the correctness of a copy of any document record or entry shown by the official records of the county surveyor.
The county surveyor shall: receive and examine all field notes of surveys made in the county on which patents are to be obtained; certify to the same according to law; and record the field notes in a book to be kept by him for that purpose.
(a) The commissioners court shall furnish the county surveyor all necessary books of record.(b) The county surveyor shall record in a well-bound book all the surveys in his county with the plats that he may make whether private or official.
At all times any interested person agent or attorney may examine the books papers plats maps or other archives belonging to the office of the county surveyor on the payment of the fee set by law. In addition to the fees allowed by law for field work the county surveyor may charge 20 cents per 100 words for the record.
If the commissioners court considers it necessary it may order that the county surveyor’s record be transcribed in good and substantial books by the county surveyor or special deputies sworn to make true copies of the record. For this service not more than 15 cents per 100 words shall be allowed to be paid out of the county treasury.
(a) If the maps field notes or other records of the county surveyor’s office or any part of them are lost or destroyed the county surveyor shall obtain from the commissioner a transcript of the lost records certified to as required by law. The certified copy has the same force and effect as the original.
POWERS AND DUTIES OF COUNTY CLERK. If a county does not have a county surveyor the county clerk of the county: is the legal custodian of the county surveyor’s records; shall take charge of all records maps and papers belonging to the county surveyor’s office and safely keep them in the county clerk’s office; and may make any certificate and certify any copy that the county surveyor would be authorized to make or certify.
On removal from office or at the expiration of his term of office the county surveyor shall deliver to his successor all records books papers maps and other things pertaining to his office.
If a county surveyor fails neglects or refuses to make a survey or have a survey made within one month after the amount of lawful surveying fees are tendered to him by a person legally entitled to the survey he and his sureties shall be liable on his official bond to the injured parties in the amount of damages or injury the parties may sustain by reason of the neglect refusal or failure.
(a) The fees for recording documents in the county surveyor’s records for issuing certificates and for making certified copies are the fees provided by law. The county surveyor is entitled to fees for all documents recorded by the county surveyor or a deputy of the county surveyor and for all certificates and certified copies issued by the county surveyor or a deputy of the county surveyor. The county clerk of the county is entitled to all fees for documents recorded by the county clerk and for all certificates and certified copies issued by the county clerk under Sections 23.0515(b) and 23.057(3).
A “Appraiser” means a state-certified or state-licensed real estate appraiser who: is employed by or contracts with the land office; and performs professional valuation services completely and in a manner that is independent impartial and objective. B “Board” means the School Land Board. C “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the General Land Office. D “Division” means the asset management division of the General Land Office or any other division delegated the duties of the asset management division by the commissioner. “Evaluation report” means the annual report prepared by the commissioner as provided by Subchapter E. E “Exchange” means an exchange of equal value or an exchange of real property accompanied by consideration. “Governor’s report” means the report prepared by the commissioner as provided by Section 31.157. “Institution of higher education” means the Texas State Technical College System the Southwest College for the Deaf or an institution of higher education excluding a public junior college as defined by Section 61.003 Education Code. F “Land office” means the General Land Office. G “Market value” means the value of real property determined by an appraisal of the real property performed by an appraiser. H “Political subdivision” means a municipality county public school district levee improvement district municipal utility district or any other special purpose district authorized by state law. I “Real estate transaction” means a sale lease trade exchange gift grant or other conveyance of a real property interest. J “Real property owned by the state” means any interest in real property in the possession of the state or a state agency including real property held in trust by a state agency. K “State” means the State of Texas. L “State agency” means a board commission department institution office or other agency of state government including an institution of higher education but excluding a special purpose district or authority.
(a) Unless the statute specifically states that the statute applies to the land office the following statutes do not apply to the land office: a statute that would require the land office to provide a notice or disclosure to a buyer of real property; and a statute relating to the sale purchase or financing of real property by an executory contract including a contract for deed or other similar sale.(b) This section does not affect the application of a statute described by Subsection (a)(2) to a party involved in a transaction with the land office.
There shall be one General Land Office located in Austin which shall register all land titles emanating from the state if not prohibited by the constitution.
The commissioner and a surety on a bond authorized under Chapter 653 Government Code are responsible to any person who is injured by removal withdrawal or alteration of any record or file in the land office unless the commissioner is able to show that the act has taken place with the permission of the person owning the file or record.
Sec. 31.015. CHIEF CLERK.
(a) The commissioner shall appoint a chief clerk.(b) The chief clerk may perform any of the duties of the commissioner if the commissioner is sick is absent dies or resigns.
Sec. 31.016. ABSTRACT CLERK.
The commissioner shall designate one of his clerks as the abstract clerk and shall assign to him the special duty to correct the abstracts of patented titled and surveyed real property required to be kept in the land office to reflect errors changes caused by cancellation of patents and in county lines and the creation of new counties and to add new patented surveys on the date they are patented.
Sec. 31.017. RECEIVER.
With the consent of the governor the commissioner shall appoint a suitable person to serve as receiver for the land office.
Sec. 31.018. TRANSLATOR.
(a) The commissioner shall appoint a translator who thoroughly understands the Spanish and English languages. The translator shall take the official oath. The translator shall translate into English any laws and public contracts relating to titles to real property and any original titles or papers which are written in the Spanish language and which are filed in the land office.
Sec. 31.019. SURVEYORS.
A The commissioner shall appoint a chief surveyor and as many assistant surveyors as authorized by law.B The chief surveyor and the chief surveyor’s assistant surveyors shall draw and complete county maps.C The chief surveyor and the chief surveyor’s assistant surveyors shall perform drafting and other duties required by the commissioner for the benefit of the state or individuals.
The land office may reimburse an employee for the fees and costs of a bond that are required for appointment as a notary public if the employee provides notary public service as part of the employee’s duties with the land office.
Sec. 31.051. GENERAL DUTIES.
The commissioner shall: superintend control and direct the official conduct of subordinate officers of the land office; execute and perform all acts and other things relating to public real property of the state or rights of individuals in public real property which is required by law; make and enforce suitable rules consistent with the law; and give information when required to the governor and the legislature relating to public real property and the land office.
(a) The land office shall: employ staff necessary to preserve and maintain the Alamo complex and contract for professional services of qualified consultants; commission as a peace officer an Alamo complex ranger who has been certified as qualified to be a peace officer by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement; and prepare an annual budget and work plan including preservation future construction and usual maintenance for the Alamo complex including buildings on the Alamo property their contents and their grounds.(b) An Alamo complex ranger commissioned as a peace officer under this section has the powers privileges and immunities of a peace officer while carrying out duties as an Alamo complex ranger under this section.
(a) Books accounts records papers maps and original documents relating to real property titles which are termed archives by law shall be the books and papers of the land office under the control and custody of the commissioner.(b) The commissioner shall keep in the land office a copy of each permit lease or other paper issued under law.
Sec. 31.053. FILING PAPERS.
(a) The commissioner shall adopt the most convenient method for filing papers and preserving records of the land office. A list of all papers in each file shall be retained in the file. Each employee who files a paper shall place his name on it.
(a) Any person who desires to examine any paper record or file must make a written request on a form and according to procedures prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner may establish procedures as reasonably necessary to maintain the integrity of the records. No transfer or deed which may be a link in any chain of title to any certificate on file in the land office may be removed by any person but the commissioner shall deliver to the interested person on demand certified copies which shall have the same force and effect as the originals. If the genuineness of any original paper is questioned in a suit the commissioner on order of the court in which the suit is pending shall deliver the original paper to the proper person and shall retain a certified copy of the paper which will have the same force and effect as the original if the original is lost.
The commissioner may prepare a revision and compilation of the various volumes of the abstracts of patented titled and surveyed real property which were previously made by the land office. The various counties of the state may be apportioned into districts for the purpose of revising and compiling the abstracts and the abstracts of each of the districts may be compiled in a separate volume. The commissioner may distribute to the officers of the state who require its use but have not previously received a set one complete set of the abstracts as supplemented of patented titled and surveyed real property. The commissioner may distribute to officers of counties who are required to use abstracts copies of supplementary abstracts. The commissioner may provide the abstracts and supplementary abstracts electronically. The commissioner may make available a sufficient number of volumes and supplementary abstracts of patented titled and surveyed real property to meet the demand. The land office shall pay the cost of the abstracts and the supplementary abstracts from its appropriated funds. Copies of the abstracts and supplementary abstracts may be sold at a reasonable price to any person who applies for a copy. The commissioner shall deposit any money received from the sale of surplus volumes and supplementary abstracts to the credit of the General Revenue Fund.
(a) The receiver shall receive funds required by law to be paid to the commissioner and on request shall give to each person who deposits money a receipt stating the amount the name of the person and a description of the purpose of the remittance. If funds are received which are of a general character in advance of fees and dues it shall be stated. The receiver shall be responsible to the state or individual for the funds.
Sec. 31.059. RECEIVER’S BOOKS.
(a) The receiver shall keep books in which the following shall be entered: each deposit separately; and the name of the person. The receiver shall keep letters and other vouchers filed in neat and regular order and number corresponding with the books of the office. In the books of the office the receiver shall keep separate columns indicating the amount of funds paid. On removal from office or resignation the receiver shall turn over the books of the office accounts and money to the appointed successor or to the commissioner and shall receive a receipt for them.
Sec. 31.062. EMBEZZLEMENT.
If a suspended receiver is found guilty of embezzlement the receiver shall be removed from office and a suit shall be instituted to recover on a bond authorized under Chapter 653 Government Code.
The commissioner shall set and collect for the use of the state reasonable fees in amounts for filing fees preparation of certificates of fact certified copies maps reproduction of maps and sketches Spanish translations patents and deeds of acquittance and for other miscellaneous services including but not limited to shipping in a mailing tube and typed transcriptions or taped copies of tapes or other sound recordings and any other provided services and products.
(a) In the absence of any law to the contrary the commissioner may if the commissioner determines it to be in the best interest of the state accept grants gifts devises or bequests either absolutely or in trust of money or real or personal property on behalf of the state. Real property so acquired by the state becomes public free school land unless the person making the grant gift devise or bequest provides that the real property is to be possessed administered or used by a particular state agency board commission department or other particular state entity or provides that it is to be held in some other manner by the state. Under Subsection (a) of this section the commissioner may accept a grant gift devise or bequest even if it is encumbered restricted or subject to a beneficial interest of private persons or corporations as long as any current or future use or interest in the grant gift devise or bequest is for the benefit of the state.If the commissioner determines that the real property acquired by the state by grant gift devise or bequest is not suitable for the purpose for which the grant gift devise or bequest was originally made the commissioner together with the agency board commission department or other state entity if any designated to possess administer or use the real property may exchange the real property for real property that is suitable for such purpose.If real property acquired by grant gift devise or bequest is not held as part of the permanent school fund or possessed administered or used by a particular state agency board commission department or other particular state entity the commissioner may manage that real property or sell or exchange the real property under terms and conditions the commissioner determines to be in the best interest of the state. Real property sold under this subsection must be sold in accordance with Section 31.158. Proceeds of the sale that are not required for the management of real property under this subsection shall be deposited in the Texas farm and ranch lands conservation fund established under Chapter 84 Parks and Wildlife Code. Real property acquired under this subsection may be dedicated by the commissioner to any state agency board commission or department a political subdivision or other governmental entity of this state or the federal government for the benefit and use of the public in exchange for nonmonetary consideration if the commissioner determines that the exchange is in the best interest of the state. The commissioner may adopt rules necessary to implement this section.
The land office shall take charge and control of real property as necessary to conduct and close a real estate transaction authorized by the governor. The expenses incurred by the land office in conducting a real estate transaction including the payment of reasonable brokerage fees may be deducted from the proceeds of the transaction before the proceeds are deposited. The land office may adopt rules relating to the payment of reasonable brokerage fees. Unless otherwise dedicated by the Texas Constitution the proceeds of the transaction shall be deposited: to the credit of the Texas capital trust fund if the agency is eligible under Chapter 2201 Government Code to participate in that fund; in the state treasury to the credit of the affected agency if the agency is not eligible under Chapter 2201 Government Code to participate in the Texas capital trust fund; or notwithstanding Subdivisions(1) and(2) as otherwise directed under the procedures of Chapter 317 Government Code. The grant of an interest in real property owned by the state under this section must: comply with the requirements of Section 31.158 to the extent the requirements do not conflict with a recommendation in the governor’s report under Section 31.1571; and be conveyed by an instrument signed by the commissioner and if the transaction was conducted under Section 31.158(c)(7) by the governor.
(a) The Alamo complex is under the jurisdiction of the land office. The land office is responsible for the preservation maintenance and restoration of the Alamo complex and its contents and the protection of the historical and architectural integrity of the exterior interior and grounds of the Alamo complex. Any power or duty related to the Alamo complex formerly vested in any other state agency or entity is vested solely in the land office. Notwithstanding any other law the land office is not required to comply with state purchasing law in carrying out its duties under this subchapter. The land office may participate in the establishment of and partner with a qualifying nonprofit organization the purposes of which include raising funds for or providing services or other benefits for the preservation and maintenance of the Alamo complex. The land office may contract with the organization for the performance of any activity.
The land office may consult with the State Preservation Board in the performance of duties under this subchapter. On request of the land office the State Preservation Board shall assist the land office with the land office’s duties relating to the Alamo complex.
The land office shall enter into an agreement with the Daughters of the Republic of Texas for the management operation and financial support of the Alamo complex. The agreement at a minimum must: detail the expectations and goals of the land office and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas including the transfer of any state money held in trust for the Alamo by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and the property described in Subsection(d); outline the management and operation of the Alamo complex; establish management standards; provide for oversight by the land office; address funding and payment for costs; address equipment; establish insurance requirements; address compliance with local state and federal building and operation laws; address construction maintenance and repair; establish the term of the agreement; require submission of financial information from the Daughters of the Republic of Texas excluding chapters of the organization; address ownership by this state of the Alamo complex and its contents; include a dispute resolution process; provide that the laws of this state govern the agreement; and include notice requirements. The land office may enter into the agreement required by Subsection (a) only if the Daughters of the Republic of Texas is a properly formed nonprofit corporation in this state in accordance with Section 2.008 Business Organizations Code and is exempt from income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) Internal Revenue Code of 1986. All property received by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas in its capacity as custodian or trustee of the Alamo for the benefit of the Alamo is subject to the requirements of this subchapter and the agreement required by this section.
(a) The Alamo complex account is a separate account in the general revenue fund. The account consists of: transfers made to the account; fees and other revenue from operation of the Alamo complex; grants donations and bequests from any source designated for the benefit of the Alamo complex; and income earned on investments of money in the account. The land office may accept a gift grant or bequest of money securities services or property to carry out any purpose related to the preservation and maintenance of the Alamo complex including funds raised or services provided by a volunteer or volunteer group to promote the work of the land office. All proceeds under this subsection shall be deposited to the credit of the account. Appropriations to the land office for the preservation operation or maintenance of the Alamo complex shall be deposited to the credit of the account. The land office may use money in the account only to administer this subchapter including to support the preservation repair renovation improvement expansion equipping operation or maintenance of the Alamo complex or to acquire a historical item appropriate to the Alamo complex. Any money in the account not used in a fiscal year remains in the account. The account is exempt from the application of Section 403.095 Government Code.
(a) The land office may establish an Alamo Preservation Advisory Board to provide advice proposals and recommendations to: promote the development of a world-class site to educate visitors on the history and importance of the Alamo in this state’s fight for independence and to honor the people who lost their lives at the Alamo; promote and support the Alamo complex; provide the resources and support necessary to advance the understanding and education of current and future generations on the historical significance and factual record of the Alamo complex; inspire virtues of honor and Texas pride; preserve the memory and achievement of individuals who served at the Alamo and provide a fitting tribute to the heroism of the people who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and of the noble men and women of this state who have served in the armed forces or died while serving in the armed forces to ensure the freedom of the people of this state; provide educational and museum facilities for the preservation perpetuation appropriate publication and display of manuscripts books relics pictures oral histories and all other items and information related to the history of the Alamo complex and of this state that preserve the historical character of the Alamo shrine; and promote counsel and provide support to governmental and private organizations that are committed to objectives similar to the objectives described in this subsection. The advisory board is composed of: the commissioner or the commissioner’s designee who serves as the presiding officer of the advisory board; a designee appointed by the governor; a representative of the Alamo Endowment appointed by the commissioner; the director of the Alamo; the Alamo curator; one representative of the Texas Historical Commission; a designee appointed by the county judge of Bexar County; Antonio; a designee appointed by the mayor of the City of San a designee appointed by the commissioner representing the local travel and tourism industry and the businesses and landholders from the area immediately surrounding the Alamo complex; one member of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; and one senator appointed by the lieutenant governor. Subject to approval by the advisory board the advisory board may include nonvoting members who as individuals or as representatives of institutions are interested in the purposes for which the advisory board was established.
Sec. 32.001. SCHOOL LAND BOARD DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
A “Board” means the School Land Board.B “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the General Land Office.C “Land office” means the General Land Office.D “Land” means: land dedicated to or acquired on behalf of the permanent school fund and the asylum funds under the constitution and laws of this state; the mineral estate in areas within tidewater limits including islands lakes bays and the bed of the sea which belong to the state; the mineral estate in river beds and channels; and land owned by the state or held in trust for the use and benefit of the state or of a department board or agency of the state.
(a) This chapter does not apply to: land dedicated by the constitution or a law of this state to The University of Texas System land donated by a will or instrument in writing or otherwise to The University of Texas System as trustee for a scientific educational or other charitable or public purpose or any other land under the control of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System; land whose title is vested in the state for the use and benefit of any part of The Texas A&M University System or land under the control of the Board of Regents of The Texas A&M University System; minerals subject to lease under Subchapter F Chapter 52 commonly known as the Relinquishment Act and Subchapters B and C Chapter 53;land owned by the Parks and Wildlife Department;land owned by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice.(a-1) Oil and gas underlying land that is owned by this state was acquired to construct or maintain a highway road street or alley is located in a producing area and is subject to an oil or gas lease may be pooled or unitized only prospectively and is subject to Sections 32.201 32.202 and 32.203. For purposes of Subsection(a-1) land is located in a producing area if the closest boundary line of the surface of such land is within 2 500 feet of a well capable of producing oil or gas in paying quantities. Oil and gas underlying land not located within a producing area or that is leased for the specific purpose of drilling a horizontal well may be leased under the provisions of Section 32.201 of this code. If title to land subject to Subchapter F Chapter 52 of this code commonly known as the Relinquishment Act is acquired by a department board or agency of the state the land shall be leased as provided by Chapter 52 of this code for the leasing of unsold public school land. If title to land subject to Subchapter C Chapter 53 of this code is acquired by a department board or agency of the state the land shall be leased as provided by Chapter 53 of this code for the leasing of unsold surveyed public school lands. This chapter does not authorize drilling or other operations on the surface of land during the period in which the land is used by this state as a highway road street or alley.