TX Gov. Exam 2 Flashcards
2 Chamber legislature
Accusing a public official of a wrong-doing that deserves removal from office
Legislative Turnover:
The replacement of a legislator from one session to the next
Standing Committee:
A permanent committee established to handle legislation for a specific topic
Interim Committee:
Is a committee that looks at a specific policy issue in between legislative sessions
Select Committees:
Are committees established for a limited period of time to address a specific problem
Conference Committee:
Negotiates on similar bills passed by the house and senate to create one bill
The length of continuous service on a committee
The Legislative Budget Board (LBB):
Studies state revenue between sessions and comes up with a budget
The Legislative Redistricting (LBR):
Draws Tx House and senate districts when the legislature cannot agree on a map.
Direct communication of an interest group representative with a government official.
Is the group of individuals that an elected official is supposed to represent.
The Power of the veto:
A veto is when the governor refuses to approve a bill passed by the legislature.
Senatorial Curtesy:
Is a custom that allows a senator to reject an appointee from their district and other senators will agree to vote against that appointee.
A past penmen of punishment.