Two Word Stage Flashcards
What age does the 2 word stage occur
18 months - 2 years
How many words are in their vocabulary by this age
200 words or more
What are some features
Rising intonation
Dropping unstressed syllables eg: potato = tato
Consonant clusters
Reduplication of phonemes to simplify pronunciation
What’s pivot schema and who created it
Braine identified how children use patterns of two word utterances that seem to revolve around key words
Eg: “all gone milk, all gone dinner” (pivot is all gone and schema is dinner)
Caregivers may do this as “what does the doggy say?” “What does the __ say?”
Examples of grammatical sequences children use in the 2 word stage
“Susie juice” (subject + object)
“Eat apple” (verb + object)
What’s labelling?
When children associate a pattern of sounds (phonemes) with an object in the environment
What’s it called when a child seems to label multiple objects with one label eg: dog as any animal with 4 legs
What’s the packaging stage?
This stage involves putting something in something else .
Objects that can be put under one label. This can be shown through under extension and
What’s the difference between hypernyms and hyponyms?
Hypernyms - more general than a hyponym (a single hypernym will have several hyponyms)
hypernym- flower
Hyponyms - tulips, daffodils, rose, lily, buttercup
What do hypernyms and hyponyms fall under?
Network building
- where children understand something further and make connections eg: spaniel being a type of dog