Likes: People simply pushing the “like” button to say that a post is good.
Retweets: When a user shares your Tweet with their audience through the Retweet function.
Replies: Users answer your question or make comments on Twitter about what you said.
Mentions: Another Twitter user directs a Tweet in your direction using @username.
Link clicks: Just what it sounds like: people click through a link to discover your landing page or piece of content.
Video views: How many times do people watch the videos you post on Twitter? Here, I mean the ones posted directly to the network, rather than the ones linked to and hosted elsewhere.
Follows: Users opt to have your Tweets added to their feed on a regular basis.
List additions: If there is a Twitter list in your niche (or for one of the hashtags you target), this metric reflects how often your account gets added to the list. When this happens, you get a lot of extra chances for Twitter engagement because people visit your profile more often.
What is the Twitter Engagement Rate?
Not to overcomplicate things here but there are a few ways at looking at what is a Twitter engagement rate depending on your objective that I have seen in my career as a marketer:
Number of engagements / tweet. In other words, a global measurement of how many times people exhibit any kind of Twitter engagement, per Tweet.
Number of engagements / tweet impressions. Here, we’re interested in how often people engage after seeing the Tweet. This means we’re mostly interested in the number of eyeballs that engage.
Number of engagements / followers. How many followers engage with your content, and how many are just lurking?
Numbers of engagements per tweet / followers. When you send a Tweet, how many followers engage with that specific Tweet. In other words, this metric only counts the engagement from your followers for each Tweet, rather than everyone on Twitter like you see in option 1. This gives an idea of how effective you are at getting engagement from your followers.
Inside Twitter Analytics, they define Twitter engagement rate as a number of engagements/tweet impressions, so that is probably the standard here, but note that there are other ways to think about Twitter engagement rate that you should keep in mind.
What is a Good Twitter Engagement Rate?
While there is no one rule, I would recommend establishing a rate of 1% or higher as a good rate in alignment with other social networks such as Instagram. There are days when my own engagement rate is more than double that, but it is a good rule of thumb to measure yourself against. Remember, some days you’ll do better than others, and for a variety of reasons. The important thing is always to learn from your successes and failures.
Note that an influencer marketing platform did a study and found that a good rate is actually much lower at 0.09% to 0.33%. This would mean that my engagement rate is very high. As always engagement rates vary from account to account and community to community, so your best comparison should be to yourself and your immediate competitors. This way, you can avoid comparing apples to oranges.
What Content-Type Gets the Most Engagement on Twitter?
As you can imagine, there are several factors that can influence how much Twitter engagement a particular Tweet gets. Most of these can be adjusted to improve overall performance over time. And as with many other things social media, analytics are your best friend. Some factors to consider are:
Timing of the post: what time of day is it for your target audience when the Tweets go out?
Competition with other tweets at the time: This one’s harder to control, in that you can’t alter when your competitors Tweet. However, you might be able to change your Tweet time to get slightly higher twitter engagement.
Format of content shared (video vs photo vs link vs status update vs poll). Depending on your niche, you might find that your audience prefers one format over another.
Relevance of the content to your followers. It almost goes without saying, but if you tweet something that your followers won’t be interested in, or that fewer of them will care about, you’ll likely get lower Twitter engagement for that post. Of course, your audience and brand voice will help determine how far off the beaten path you can go.
Hashtag usage. The right hashtags can enhance Twitter engagement by getting your Tweet discovered by the right people. Hashtags can also backfire if you pick the wrong ones or select those that have very high competition.
The best way to find out for your own Twitter account is to experiment over the course of 1 to 3 months sharing multiple combinations of tweets that fall under the above factors so that you can find out the individual answer for your business based on doing this type of Twitter audit.
What is good Twitter engagement?
Good Twitter engagement is key to building a successful presence on the platform. But what does good engagement look like? Most marketers consider 0.5% as a good Twitter engagement rate. Rates above 1%, are already considered great engagement rates. The key to getting a good number is to post relevant and interesting content that your audience will want to share.
What is a Twitter impression and engagement?
A Twitter impression is defined as the number of times a Twitter message is seen. This can be through search results, other people’s timelines, or Retweets. An engagement, on the other hand, is an action that is taken on a Tweet. This includes Retweets, @replies, follows, clicks on links, media views, and more. Because they are measured differently, it’s possible to have a high number of impressions but low engagement or vice versa. Impressions measure your reach while engagements measure how effective your message is.
What is a normal Twitter engagement rate?
According to Twitter, the average engagement rate for a tweet is 1-3%. This means that, on average, 1-3% of people who see a tweet will interact with it in some way. Engagement can include liking, retweeting, replying, or clicking on a link. Of course, engagement rates vary depending on the account and the content of the tweet. For example, tweets from brands or celebrities tend to have higher engagement rates than tweets from regular users.
How do I increase my Twitter engagement?
Here are tips on how to increase Twitter engagement:
- Use hashtags.
- Mention other users.
- Ask questions.
- Use images and videos.
- Be consistent.
What is a good engagement rate?
As a general rule, a good engagement rate is anything above 1%. Anything below that means that people are not interacting with your content, which could mean that it’s not interesting or relevant to them. If you’re struggling to get your engagement rate up, try experimenting with different types of content or using different methods to promote your posts. Keep in mind that engagement rates can vary depending on the platform, the type of content, and the audience.