Twin Pregnancy Flashcards
Describe dizygotic twins?
2/3 of twin pregnancies
Fertilisation of 2 different oocytes by different sperm
(basically two different people)
Describe monozygotic twins?
1/3 of twin pregnancies
Identicle twins resulting from mitotic division of single oocyte - sex will always be the same
Define chorionicity?
Sharing of the placenta checked via ultrasound within the first trimester
Describe four symptoms and signs that may indicate a twin pregnancy?
Hyper-emesis gravidium
Uterus larger for expected dates (palpable by 12 wks)
3(+) x foetal poles palpable
2(+) foetal heart beats auscultated
Name seven maternal complications associated with twin pregnancy?
Anaemia APH/PPP Pre-eclampsia Thrombosis Placental abruption/praevia Gestational diabetes Polyhydramnios
Describe twin-twin transfusion syndrome?
Only occurs in MCDA twins - typically in 16-22 week
Unequal blood distribution of shared placenta due to vascular anastomosis
Describe the effect caused by TTTS on the twins?
1 twin - donor - volume depleted = anaemia/IUGR/oligohydramnios
1 twin - recipient - volume overload = polyhydramnios/macrosomia/polycythaenia/cardiac failure
Name 5 risk factors associated with twin pregnancy?
Assisted fertility FHx Ethnicity Increasing parity Increasing age