Twelve Minutes To Midnight Flashcards
In this book, the owner of a literary magazine solves a mystery involving predictions of the new century.
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
In this book, a teenage girl hires a relatively unknown actor to give credibility to her her literary magazine and best selling stories.
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope Tredwell hires Monty Maples
“That’s the reason I hired you . . . keep the reading public happy, and get the press off our backs.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“What exactly are these sinister events to which you refer?”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“And when they wake the next morning, none of them has any memory of their actions.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“My uncle will do everything that he can. Rest assured of that.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope reassuring Dr. Morris that Montgomery Flinch will help solve the mystery of Bedlam Hospital.
In this book, Dr. Sigmund Freud, a famous psychiatrist, was unable to help but a teenager was.
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“Who else has access to this room?”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope asking Jenkins who could have taken the Midnight papers, which have gone missing.
“Every night they come, fillingmy mind with maddening visions. Glimpses of the secrets of the universe revealed.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“Let us into your secret. How do you keep on picking the right horses? That’s seven straight winners you’ve backed on the trot.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Orderlies asking Bradburn about his horse picks; perhaps he used information from the Midnight Papers
“That’s where the Spider Lady of South Kensington lives.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Lady Cambridge
In this book, a spider expert seeks a fortune by controlling history.
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Lady Cambridge has traveled the world studying spiders
“If you don’t let me see the dinosaurs right away, then I’m going to tell my daddy how perfectly beastly you are.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope pretending to be the daughter of the museum director in order to find Lady Cambridge, who is on the museum’s board of directors.
In this book, a chance sighting at a hospital turns out to foretell of a character important to the book’s events.
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope saw Lady Cambridge leaving Bedlam Hospital, where she had been visiting her mother, and poisoning the patients to gain access to their visions and dreams.
“Do you know how long I’ve been a member of this club?”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Monty Maples to the waiter who won’t serve him more drinks until his bill is paid, which forces Monty to continue to work for Penelope posing as Montgomery Flinch.
In this book, a nosy reporter had been causing trouble for the main character but later is needed to save many people.
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope is annoyed by Mr. Robert Barrett pursuing an interview with Montgomery Flinch for the “Pall Mall Gazette”
“He’d spend all his time signing autographs rather than writing the stories that have made his name.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope’s answer to Mr. Barrett when he questions why Montgomery Flinch is listed at Monty Maples at his club.
“Their visions were visions of the future, predictions of a time yet to come.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“I do hope you have a good reason for disturbing me at this hour of the night.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope fears she has been caught by Lady Cambridge after sneaking into Lady Cambridge’s house, but Bradburn has come to Lady Cambridge at 2 am.
In this book, Latrodectus torperus, Architarbi somnerus, and Architarbi incubus harm people.
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Latrodectus torperus is a type of black widow spider.
Architarbi somnerus is the dream-weaver spider so important to the future visions.
Architarbi incubus is the spider bite that kills Lady Cambridge
“A huge spider web of black silken threads stretched across the city, capturing every reader in its snare.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“In his right hand he held a house brick pressed to his ear and was scowling as he jabbered wildly into the empty air.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
People falling under the spell of the dream-weaver spider and the stories written for the competition.
“She set her own features into a determined expression even though her mind was crawling with fear.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope when she voluntarily drinks the dream-weaver spider potion.
“She slowly opened her mouth, fighting against every instinct in her body that wanted to keep her lips firmly closed.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“Each thread thread pulsed with a spiraling torrent of images, ensnaring the fragile minds of the city above them.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“Her heart rose in her mouth as she saw the semiconscious features of Arthur Conan Doyle staring back at her.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“This doesn’t have to be your future. Fight back. The future is yours to write.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope writing to break the spell of the dream-weaver spider.
“It’s the worst New Year’s Eve hangover ever.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“Never mind, it’s probably for the best. I think there are some things that are best left to our imaginations.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Penelope telling Alfie she lost her own writings of the future, when in fact the papers are locked in a drawer in her office at the Penny Dreadful.
The author of this book reportedly spent his childhood dreaming of stories in a library and as an author still spends his days in libraries dreaming of stories.
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“The two of them looked at each other, a momentary flash of panic passing in front of their eyes. There was a second loud knock, followed by two quieter raps, and then the final thud of a a fist against the door.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“Until the recent unsettling events, the recovery rate for our patients was nearing as high as twenty percent.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“His eyes were still half-shut in some kind of trance, but as his fingers shut around the pencil, he started to write, the words flowing across the paper without a pause.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“He was a thin, sharp-featured man, heading into middle age. His closely cropped hair was peppered with gray, and a half-forgotten sadness lurked in his dark brown eyes.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
Describing one of the patients at Bedlam
“The evening was a resounding success.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“There’s a competition to be won.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“Her own face was as grim as the gray December dawn.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge
“I only hope you can help us bring an end to this nightmare.”
Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge