Twelfth Night - Love Flashcards
If music be the food of love
If music be the food of love … play on.
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
That appetite may sicken and die
That instant was I turned into a hart
That instant was I turned into a hart, And my desires like fell and cruel hounds e’er since pursue me
O she that hath a heart of that fine frame
O she that hath a heart of that fine frame to pay this debt of love but to a brother
I hope to see a housewife
I hope to see a housewife take thee between her legs and spin it off
Diana’s lip is not more smooth and rubious,
Diana’s lip is not more smooth and rubious, thy small pipe is as the maiden’s organ, shrill and sound
What is love? ’Tis not hereafter;
What’s to come is still unsure
What is love? ’Tis not hereafter; Present mirth hath present laughter
What’s to come is still unsure; In delay there lies no plenty
Make me a willow cabin at your gate
Make me a willow cabin at your gate … write loyal cantons of condemned love and sing them loud even in he dead of night
But come what may, I do adore thee so
But come what may, I do adore thee so, that danger shall seem sport, and I will go
There is no woman’s sides can bide the beating
no woman’s heart so big,
There is no woman’s sides can bide the beating of so strong a passion as love doth give my heart
no woman’s heart so big, to hold so much. They lack retention
She never told her love, but let concealment
she pined in thought, And with a
She never told her love, but let concealment, like a worm i’th’bud feed on her damask cheek:
she pined in thought, And with a green and yellow melancholy she sat like patience on a monument, smiling at grief.
We men may say ore, swear more, but indeed our shows
We men may say ore, swear more, but indeed our shows are more than will, for we prove much in our vows, but little in our love
Calling my officers about me, in my branched velvet gown
Calling my officers about me, in my branched velvet gown having come from a daybed, where I have left Olivia sleeping
I thank my stars
I am happy
She will keep no fool, sir, till she be married,
She will keep no fool, sir, till she be married,and fools are as like husbands as pilchards are to herrings: the husband’s the bigger
Yet, a barful strife!
Yet, a barful strife! Whoe’er I woo, myself would be his wife.
Marcus Boyle - The Treatment of Malvolio
The treatment of Malvolio makes it impossible to view the play as a satisfactory comedy
Joseph H Summers - Orsino is
Orsino is bound by his own mask of love
Ashley Perno - Viola should be
Viola should be pitied, in love but unloved, it is as Cesario she loved.