Twelfth night critics Flashcards
Tonkin: “It rejects the stale conventions of
Stylised love”
Tonkin: “In Shakespeare, great love is
Conveyed through great poetry”
Tonkin: “Orsino is a
‘petrachian lover’”
Tonkin: The frustration of a love
Turned in on itself”
Tonkin: Refusal to leave behind the love of brothers
And embrace the sexual love”
Penny Gay: “contrast of romance and
social realism” subplot and plot
one main theme: Penny Gay:
“suddeness and unexpectedness of love”
Penny Gay: “Falseness of Orsino’s love
Compounded by the real love viola feels for her brother”
Penny Gay “female passion
in male convention”
Penny Gay: “talk as no dramatic heroine
has talked before”
Erasmus: “Fools are the only
ones who speak frankly and tell the truth”
Thomas Mann: “A shift of lighting
suffices to convert one into another”
Keir Elamn: “Viola’s disguise is
a gesture of self-effacement”
Rex Gibson: “Malvolio is no longer seen
as a figure of fun who fully deserves cruel humiliation”
Samuel Johnson:
“Truly comic”