TV4001 MSAT Flashcards
Triadan System for Adult Horse
2x I3/3, C1/1, PM 3/4 (possibly wolf tooth in maxilla), M3/3
Up to 12 teeth in maxilla, and up to 11 teeth in mandible.
Quadrants start at 100 on R maxilla and move anti-clockwise → 100 = R upper, 200 = L upper, 300 = L lower, 400 = R lower
01, 02, 03 = incisors
04 = canine
05 = wolf tooth (PM1 if present)
06, 07, 08 = PM1, PM2, PM3
09, 10, 11 = M1, M2, M3
Incisor eruption times for horse teeth
Deciduous: I1 at 6d, I2 at 6wks, I3 at 6mo
Permanent: I1 at 2.5y, I2 at 3.5y, I3 at 4.5y
Permanent teeth in wear 6mo after eruption
Cup disappearance & star appearance times in horse teeth
Cups disappear from I1 at 6y, I2 at 8y, I3 at 9y
Stars appear in I1 at 9y, I2 at 10y, I3 at 11y
Horse incisor tooth shape change with age
All incisors round before 9y.
I1 round ~9y, triangle ~16y
I2 round ~10y, triangle ~11y
I3 round ~16y, triangle ~17y
All incisors rectangular after 18y.
Galvayne’s groove for aging horses
Appears on I3 around 10y, ~½way down at 15y, ~whole way down at 20y, gone by 30y
Corner incisor rule for aging horses
Look at I3
<10y is wider than tall
~10y about square
>10y taller than wide
Intra-articular carpus nerve block
20-21G 1.5” needle with 5mL local
Flex carpus to 90 degrees, insert needle either medially or laterally to common digital extensor tendon, radiocarpal joint and middle carpal joints
Radiocarpal joint does not communicate with any other joint
Middle carpal joint and carpometacarpal joint communicate (hence only need to inject middle carpal)
Intra-articular fetlock nerve block
20-21G 1.5” needle with 5mL local
Palpate palmar pouch of fetlock joint b/w suspensory ligament and palmar cannon bone, flex joint and insert needle
Can go through the collateral ligament of sesamoid b/w palmar MC3 and suspensory ligament
Intra-articular coffin nerve block
Performed weight bearing
20-21G 1.5” needle with 5mL local
Dorsal approach - 1.5cm dorsal to coronet and lateral or medial to midline, insert needle at 45deg to long axis of limb
Palmar approach - palpate laterally b/w palmar P2 and collateral cartilage, insert needle in a proximal to distal direction aiming slightly dorsally
Region blocked includes DIPJ, sole, NB
Similar to PDNB but no loss of skin sensation
Low-6 point nerve block
(hindlimb only)
Similar to low 4 point in forelimb with addition of dorsal metatarsal nerves either side of long digital extensor tendon
25G 5/8” needle with 3mL local at each site
Blocks plantar nerves either side of DDFT just proximal to DFT sheath
Blocks plantar metacarpal nerves at splint buttons
Region blocked includes fetlock, sesamoids, suspensory ligament branch and below
Test by pricking or prodding fetlock and below
Low 4 point nerve block
25G 5/8” needle with 3mL local at each site
Blocks palmar nerves either side of DDFT just proximal to DFT sheath
Blocks palmar metacarpal nerves at splint bone buttons
Region blocked includes fetlock, sesamoids, and suspensory ligament branch and distally
Test by pricking or prodding fetlock and below
Abaxial sesamoid nerve block
25G 5/8” needle with 3mL local at both sides (lateral and medial)
Palpate VAN at distal, abaxial surface of proximal sesamoid bones
Needle inserted SC and parallel to VAN (block medial and lateral side of fetlock)
Nerve blocked = digital nerve
Region blocked includes mid pastern down, and entire foot
Test by pricking or prodding foot (dorsal P1 and heel bulbs)
Palmar digital nerve block
25G 5/8” needle with 1.5mL local in each site (medial and lateral)
Palpate VAN just proximal to collateral cartilages on palmar pastern
Insert needle SC and parallel to VAN (medial and lateral bundles)
Nerve blocked is palmar digital nerve
Region blocked includes caudal ⅓ of foot (heels), NB, P3, some sole, DIPJ
Test by pricking / prodding heels
Lameness Grading
Grade 0 = not detectably lame
Grade 1 = inconsistently lame at trot on circle
Grade 2 = inconsistently lame at trot on straight, consistently lame at trot on circle
Grade 3 = consistently lame at trot on straight line
Grade 4 = lame at walk
Grade 5 = non-weight bearing
Picking lame leg
Forelimb lameness - head goes up when lame leg hits ground
Hindlimb lameness - point of hip moves up and down MORE when the lame leg hits the ground (hip hike = vertical displacement)
Other signs = shortened cranial phase to stride, arc of flight of hoof
Lameness examination steps
- History, breed, age, and use of horse
- Examination from a distance
- Examination at trot in hand / lunge
- Pick the lame leg and apply hoof testers (heel, quarter, toe, toe, quarter, heel, frog x2, heels)
- Palpate each limb, joint, and soft tissue structure
- Flexion tests
- Nerve blocks
- Diagnostic imaging
- Treatment plan
Forelimb distal limb flexion test
Flexing fetlock, PIPJ, DIPJ and navicular apparatus
Cannon bone must be perpendicular to ground surface (avoid flexing carpus)
Carpal flexion test
Flexing carpus (may also be positive if lameness originates from proximal MC3 or distal radius)
Grasp pastern and pull so hoof is lateral to elbow - pull up on pastern and push down on distal radius
Shoulder / elbow flexion test
Hard to completely isolate shoulder and elbow dt Lacertus fibrosis
Pull limb forward holding under fetlock or distal cannon (flex elbow, extend shoulder)
Pull limb back holding fetlock and carpus (extend elbow, flex shoulder)
Hindlimb distal limb flexion test
Flexes fetlock, PIPJ, DIPJ and navicular apparatus
Grasp toe of hoof and pull up and grasp distal cannon and push it down
Can pull it out behind horse if safe
Spavin flexion test
Flexes hock, stifle and hip (may flex fetlock a bit)
Grasp fetlock / toe of hoof and lift leg so cannon bone parallel to ground
Equine NGT indications, tube type and technique
Confirmation of correct placement?
- Indications = admin of medication, gastric decompression & lavage, assist in Dx & Tx of choke, enteral nutrition & fluid therapy
- Tube type = various diameters / materials but smaller better tolerated (can be hard to pass - warm tube up to make more bendy)
Technique = physical +/- chemical restraint, free end looped around you, lube end put into nose, stand on left of horse (NOT in front)
- Fingers over nasal bones and thumb into nostril and ventral meatus - tube passed under thumb and guided into VM → touch pharyngeal wall to help them swallow, feel some resistance in oesophagus
- No air aspirated if in oesophagus
- Correct placement = visual confirmation, gas w/ smell of ingesta, palpation of tube (should be 2 tubes), won’t be any resistance if in trachea