Tutorial 5 - Panel data, Pooled OLS, Random-Effects-Estimator, Fixed-Effects-Estimator Flashcards
What is panel data?
panel data or longitudinal data are multi-dimensional data involving measurements over time. Panel data contain observations of multiple phenomena obtained over multiple time periods for the same firms or individuals.
How does a Linear Panel Data Model look like?
- i = 1, .., N cross-sectional dimension (e.g. persons, firms, countries)
- t = 1, …, T time-series dimension (e.g. years)
How does a stacked model for all NT observations look like?
- i = 1, .., N cross-sectional dimension (e.g. persons, firms, countries)
- t = 1, …, T time-series dimension (e.g. years)
What does Pooled OLS estimator mean and how is it defined?
pooling all NT observations and applying OLS
Which condition needs to be met for the POLS to be consistent?
POLS is only consistent under the assumption of weak exogeneity of the regressors
What is the variance of the POLS error term?
NT × NT matrix:
What may the error variance matrix Ω of POLS contain and what not?
it may contain:
- heteroscedasticity, i.e. different variances of error terms across individuals
- autocorrelation of error terms within individuals over time
- Assumption: no correlation of error terms across individuals
What does the Breusch-Godfrey-Test test?
Test for serial correlation
How does a model with serial correlation look like?
What are the steps for applying the Breusch-Godfrey test?
- Estimate an (P)OLS regression to estimate the model
- Using the estimated residuals ûᵢ as an estimate for û, estimate following model (below)
- Test (n − p)R² against critical value from X²ₚ (p needs to be justified, e.g. how many observations per person (cluster))
What is μᵢ in a model with random effects?
individual-specific, time-constant unobserved effect
What are the assumptions for Random Effects?
see (1), (2), (3) below
with (3): the regressors are strictly exogenous, i.e. mean independence of composite error term and regressors of all (!) time periods. Assumption is violated if the individual-specific effect μᵢ is correlated with xᵢₜ!
What effect does μᵢ have on the composite error (in random effects models)?
Cov (ϵᵢₛ, ϵᵢₜ) ≠ 0
Note: RE explicitly models the serial correlation in a GLS framework
How does the variance between two individual observations look like in a model with random effects?
Show that there is serial correlation of error terms within individuals over time in a model with random effects.
Is there autocorrelation across individuals in a model with random effects?
No autocorrelation across individuals