Tutorial 1 Flashcards
Name the four things pharmaceutics is concerned with
1- formulation
2- manufacture
3- stability
3- effectiveness
Name the five things to know about any pharmaceutical product
-Dosage form
T or F:
In panadol, paracetamol is the product name
Falsy Walsy
Paracetamol is the API, panadol is the product name
What is the dosage form?
Serum, tablet, injection, suppository, ointment, liquid, inhalation
T or F:
API is the medicinal material in the dosage form
What is the purpose of the drug?
Provides the desired benefit
What is another name for non-medicinal material?
Excipients & inactive ingredients
Why are inactive ingredients included in the formulation of a drug?
Produce desired pharmaceutical qualities:
-physical and chemical stability
-rate of drug release
-taste and color
Scientific term:
the area of study that applies the basic
principles of mathematics to the preparation
and safe and effective use of pharmaceuticals.
Pharmaceutical calculations
Scientific term:
The process of weighing individual components the pharmacist and compounded
into a finished product
Extemporaneous preparation
What is the role of a pharmacist inside a hospital?
preparing medication orders and sterile solutions
What is the main use of specific gravity?
To solve fir a liquid’s volume when the weight of the liquid is known
Scientific term:
the ratio of the weight of a
substance to the weight of an equal volume of water
at 25°C
Specific Gravity
T or False:
1 ml of distilled water weighs 1 gram at any condition
Falsy Walsy:
Truth: it’s only equal in. 4° C and 1 ATM
T or F:
SG has a dimension therefore it’s a constant value for each substance
Falsy Walsy
Truth: has NO dimension, second statement is true
T or F:
The specific gravity of a substance and its
density in the metric system are numerically
How many milliliters is 1 pint?
How many grams is 1 pound?
How many grams are in one grain?
How many milligrams are in one grain?
Scientific term:
A special glass bottle used to determine specific gravity of liquids
What is the purpose of capillary openings in pycnometers?
To allow trapped air in excess fluid to escape
Scientific term:
The volume occupied by 1 g of a substance at a given temperature and pressure
Specific volume
T or F:
Specific volume equals the reciprocal of density of a substance
What is the purpose and use of specific volume?
It tells us the volume occupied by unit mass of a substance
T or F:
Density and specific gravity depend on temperature and pressure
Falsy walsy
Truth: density and specific VOLUME depend on those two
A lower-than-normal specific gravity may be caused by conditions like ______ or renal disease.
What is the normal range of specific gravity for urine in adults?
- A) 1.000 to 1.010
- B) 1.01 to 1.025
- C) 1.02 to 1.03
- D) 1.03 to 1.04
What does a higher-than-normal specific gravity of urine indicate?
- A) Dilute urine due to increased fluid intake
- B) Concentrated urine, possibly due to glucose or protein in urine
- C) Normal hydration status
- D) None of the above
Which of the following can lead to lower-than-normal specific gravity of urine?
- A) Decreased fluid intake
- B) Excessive water loss
- C) Diabetes or renal disease
- D) Presence of glucose in urine
To or F:
A lower-than-normal specific gravity usually indicates that the urine is concentrated.
Falsy walsy
T or F:
Excessive water loss and decreased fluid intake may cause higher-than-normal specific gravity
T or F:
Pharmacists are only responsible for filling prescriptions and do not provide drug information to patients.
Falsy walsy
Which of the following is the correct definition of specific gravity?
A) The weight of a substance per unit volume
B) The ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of water at 25°C
C) The volume occupied by 1 gram of a substance
D) None of the above
Which of the following correctly expresses the density of water at 4°C?
A) 1 g/mL
B) 0.81 g/mL
C) 0.85 g/mL
D) 1.1764 g/mL
In modern clinical laboratory, the specific gravity is determined
refractive index
What does refractive index method determine?
-specific gravity
-color and clarity
T or F the density and specific gravity of a substance are always equal
Falsy Walsy
only in metric system