Tutor Lesson 28 Flashcards
Bòs la fè mwen an reta
The boss makes me late
Ou te ofri mwen
You offered me
Ameriken yo toujou okipe
The American are always busy
Èske ou pote lis kesyon an pou mwen?
Do you have a list of questions for me?
Mwen bwè kafe a san lèt ak sàn sik
I drink coffee without milk and without sugar
Èske ou pran nouvèl Suzan?
Do you hear from Suzan?
Sa a te premye kesyon an
That was the first question
Nou pral ale nan lòt kesyon an
We will go to the next question
Mwen te ale legliz. Aprè mwen te ale Caribbean Market pou m achte manje midi.
I went to church. After I went to Caribbean Market for me to buy lunch.
Mwen te achte bagay pou m fè manje
I bought things for me to make dinner
Yo se bon moun
They are good people
Gen lòt kesyon toujou
There are more questions still
Gen yon gode e yon tas
There is a cup and a glass
An nou ale nan lòt kesyon an
Let’s go to the next question
Mwen ap pote plis kesyon pou ou
I am bringing more questions for you
Ban mwen plis dlo silvouple
Give me more water please
Kisa ou renmen fè nan aprè midi?
What do you do in the afternoon?
Èske se pat yon apèl?
Was that a call?
Kòman ou santi ou lè Suzan pa la?
How do you feel when Suzan is not here?
Dèfwa mwen santim tris
Sometimes I feel sad
Nòmalman mwen toujou okipe
Normally, I am always busy
Dabitid mwen toujou okipe
Usually I am always busy
Defwa / Pafwa
Janm / Jamè
Mwen gen yon lòt ________
I have another one ______
Se sa
That’s right
Se sa li ye
That’s right it is
Fè yon moun an reta
Make someone late