TUT Structure and function of the brainstem Flashcards
Edinger-Westphal nucleus (Oculomotor N. III)
Control of pupillary constriction and lens accommodation
Vestibulocochlear nucleus (N. VIII) Function?
Balance and hearing. Involved in the initiation of postural reflexes through the vestibulospinal tracts.
Patients with Parkinsonism can develop ________ tract dysfunction.
Patients with Parkinsonism can develop vestibulospinal tract dysfunction.
Due to last confidence in maintaining balance due to vestibulocochleal system disturbance
Function of trigeminal nuclei?
Mesencephalic: Mouth proprioception
Motor: Muscle of mastication
Pontine/chief sensory Discrimination touch of face
Spinal: Pain and temp from face, back of tongue, pharnx, larynx and ear
Which 2 motor CN nuclei do not lie medially?
Function of nucleus ambiguus?
Motor to pharynx and larynx via CN IX and X
Which CN are around at the salivatory nuclei for PS stimualtion?
CN VII: Lacrimal and nasal glands
CN VII: Salivary glands
CN IX: Salivary glands
What info is relayed from solitary nucleus in the following nerves:
CN VII, IX, X: Special visceral afferent i.e. TASTE
IX: General visceral afferent for carotid baroreceptors
X: General visceral afferent to pharynx/larynx/lungs/gut
Function of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus?
- secreto- motor to lungs and gut
- control of heart rate
Face representation in ______ motor areas
cingular motor area
Difference in facial expression in UMN and LMN lesion?
LMN: Lesions final common output to forehead and lower face. Leading to complete paralysis of one side of face. Cannot wrinkle forehead.
UMN: Forehead has bilateral control therefore one-sided weakness only seen at lower face
Name the non-cranial nerve nuclei at the midbrain and functions?
Medial geniculate: Relay auditory stimuli to cerebral cortex
Red nucleus:Motor co-ordination (part of extra pyramidal system)
Substantia nigra:
Motor co-ordination (part of extra pyramidal system)
Superior colliculus: Co-ordinates eye movements in response to visual and other stimuli
Inferior colliculus: Co-ordinates heads and trunk in response to auditory stimuli
Reticular formation (RetF): Consciousness & cortical arousal
Name the non-cranial nerve nuclei at the pons and their functions?
Pontine nuclei: Link between cerebral cortex and cerebellum
Reticular formation (RetF): Consciousness & cortical arousal
Name the non-cranial nerve nuclei at the medulla and their functions?
Olive: Auditory control (superior olive) and movement control (inf olive)
Vital centres: Regulate HR, RR, vasodilation
Non-vital centres: Co-ordinate swallowing, vomitting, cough, sneezing, hiccupping
Reticular formation (RetF): Consciousness & cortical arousal
Name midbrain nuclei (non-CN)?
Medial geniculate:
Red nucleus:
Substantia nigra:
Superior colliculus:
Inferior colliculus:
Reticular formation (RetF):
What features are found at the anterior and posterior lower midbrain cross section?
Anterior: Cerebral peduncle
Posterior: Colliculi
What features are found at the anterior and posterior pons cross section?
Anterior: Anterior bulging Posterior: 4th Ventricle Abducens nucleus in midline Cerebellar peduncles laterally
What features are found at the anterior and posterior upper medulla cross section?
Anterior: olives and pyramid Posterior: 4th ventricule Hypoglossal nucleus Dorsal vagal nucleus
Function of MLF?
Medial longitudinal fascicular
Contralateral motor supply
To co-ordinate eye/neck movement
Medial position in BS and SC
4 medial brainstem tracts/nuclei
Medial lemniscus (X) Motor tracts- somatic (X) MLF (X) \+ Motor nuclei
4 side brainstem tracts/nuclei
Spino-cerebellar (I) Spino-thalamic (X) Sympathetic (I) \+ Somatic sensory nuclei
Midbrain arterial supple
Midbrain: PCA SCA Basilar Post communicating
Pons arterial supple
Medulla arterial supply
Anterior + posterior spinal