Tús na hAbairte 1-50 Flashcards
All we have to do now is
Níl le déanamh againn anois ach
De réir dealraimh
As everyone knows
Faoi mar is eol do chách
As I mentioned before
Mar a luaigh mé cheana
Aswell as that
Chomh maith leis sin
Because of that
Mar gheall ar sin
But I regret to say
Ach is oth liom a rá
First of all I would like to
Ar an gcéad dul síos ba mhaith liom
For a while now
Le tamall anuas
From what has been said by
Ón méid atá ráite ag
Having said that
É sin ráite
I have little information/knowledge regarding
Tá beagán eolais agam mar gheall ar
I have no doubt that
Níl aon amhras ormsa go/nach bhfuil
I would like to make reference to
Ba mhaith liom tagairt a dhéanamh do
I would prefer that
B’fhearr liom go/nach
I would say that there is far more/less
Déarfainn go bhfuil i bhfad níos mó/lú
If it is true
Má tá sé fíor
If memory serves me right
Más buan mo chuimhne
If that’s their aim
Más í sin an aidhm atá acu
I’m not blaming
Nílim ag cur lochta ar
I’m primarily talking about
Tá mé ag caint go príomha faoi
I’m very doubtful about
Tá amhras mór ormsa faoi
In that way
Sa tslí sin
Isn’t it a pity that we cannot
Nach é an trua é nach bhfuilimid in ann
It disappoints me when I see
Cuireann sé díomá orm nuair a fheicim
It is not only that
Ní hé amháin go bhfuil
It is reported
It must be mentioned that
Ní miste a lua go mbíonn
It would be a lot better/worse
Bheadh sé i bhfad níos fearr/measa
It’s a pity that we can’t
Is trua nach féidir linn
Let us not forget
Ná déanaimis dearmad
Of course
Ar ndóigh
One has to admit that
Caithfear a admháil go bhfuil
One of the problems in the
Ceann de na fadhbanna sa
Since this Government came into office
Ó tháinig an rialtas seo in oifig
That’s not the way to
Ní hé sin an tslí chun
The Government must
Is mithid don Rialtas
There are particular problems
Tá fadhbanna faoi leith
There should be
Ba cheart go mbeadh
These are people who
Is daoine iad seo a
We all remember
Is cuimhin linn go léir
We have difficult problems to solve
Tá fadhbanna deacra le réiteach againn
We have to admit now
Ní mór dúinn admháil anois
We’ve lots of examples now that show
Tá go leor samplaí againn anois a léiríonn
What’s the point in
Cén mhaith a bheith ag
When you consider
Nuair a chuireann tú san áireamh
Wouldn’t it be much better
Nárbh fhearr go mór
In the same period
Sa tréimhse chéanna
It isn’t always necessary
Ní gá i gcónaí
Thousands of people are
Tá na mílte daoine ag