turismo vocabulario Flashcards
rural tourism (countryside/nature)
turismo rural
adventure tourism
turismo de adventura
sun and beach tourism
turismo de sol y playa
curtural tourism (hol)
turismo cultural
city holiday/tourism
turismo urbano
food holiday
turismo gastronOmico
sports holiday/tourism
turismo deportivo
a reckless/careless tourist
turista imprudente
a careful tourist
turista previsor(a)
an adventurous tourist
turista adventura
an organised tourist
turista organizado(a)
a brave tourist
turista valiente
a traditional tourist
turista tradicional
a curious tourist
turista curioso(a)
a sporty tourist
turista deportista
to board (the plane)
embarcar (un avion)
to check in
compania aérea
to find the flight
buscador de vuelos
to make a claim/complaint
hacer una reclamacíon
to lose luggage
perder el equipaje
to buy tickets
comprar los billetes
to wait hours in the airport
esperar horas en el aeropuerto