turf weeds quiz 2 Flashcards
what are some PGR’s used for golf courses?
- Embark T&O (ABG seedhead suppression)
- Trimmit/Turf Enhancer (ABG growth suppression)
- Cutless (ABG growth suppression)
- Primo MAXXX (enhances ABG persistence, safest during summer stress periods)
- Proxy (ABG seedhead suppression)
Poa seedheads can turn your green what color?
What is mefluidide and when should you apply it?
Embark Lite/ T&O, apply as first seeheads enter boot stage in early spring. Second application is needed in 2-3 weeks
What is ethephon? does it control poa?
Proxy 2S, and no it suppresses the seeheads
What is Trinexapec-ethyl and what does it do?
- improves ABG ability to tolerate summer stress
- improves quality of turf grown in shade
- discolors turf less than other PGR’s
- imporves green speed
- mostly used in summer in CBG for safety issues
What is Paclobutrazol, explain why and when it is used
Trimmit, it is used in multiple applications in the spring and fall to help CBG outcompete ABG and they also have pre-emergence activity on ABG
What is Flurprimidol, explain why and when it is used
Cutless, it is used in multiple applications in the spring and fall to help CBG outcompete ABG and they also have pre-emergence activity on ABG
What color will trimmit and cutless turn the ABG and CBG in your green?
turns ABG yellow and CBG blue-green
Is it safe to apply preemergence herbicides to greens?
no its too risky
What is methiozolin?
PoaCure, possibly available in 2015, very expensive and marketed for greens use. best pre + post activity on ABG in CBG found
is herbicide resistance common in turf? what can be done to reduce resistance?
No very rare, mostly grassy weeds (ABG and goosegrass). Grow good grass and rotate herbicide mode of action
Preemergence herbicides are applied when?
prior to germination of the target weed
postemergence herbicides are applied when?
after weeds have emerged
contact herbicides doe what?
enter and actively destroy only only those tissues contacted
what kind of herbicides are absorbed and translocated throughout the plant
systemic herbicides
what kind of herbicides control the target weed without damaging the turf
selective herbicides
what kind of herbicides injure or kill all vegetation
non selective herbicides
herbicide use is based mainly on what?
weed abundance as well as weed species present
select a registered ______ and apply at the _____________
herbicide, appropriate time
broadleaf weeds are usually targeted when? and with what?
spring and fall with postemergence herbicide
Proper timing is ______
critical to success
Annual grasses are best treated with what?
preemergence herbicide
define spectrum
does the herbicide control a specific weed or groups of weeds
most preemergence herbicides have _________ lasting _______
soil residuals, 6-12 weeks
most preemergence herbicides inhibit root initiation and or root growth by?
cell division or cell elongation
what do photosynthetic inhibitors do? what happens to the plant
block photosynthesis, plant dies from a combination of starvation and the product of toxic metabolites
what are steriliants? should they be used on a golf course?
non-selective chemicals that have long soil residuals and are capable of moving in soil. absolutely not
what are fumigants used for? what to do they do
to sterilize seedbeds. they destroy nearly all plants, seeds, insects, nematodes and many other microorganisms by inhibiting respirations
what are some mechanical and chemical ways to control
plugging out, spot treat with non-selective herbicide, PGR’s, pre-herbicides
what can we do on our greens for poa?
- improve growing conditions
- collect clippings when seedheads are present
- spoon feed N in summer
- avoid winter or dormant N applications
- core late summer before poa germinates
- vigilant plugging or spot treat (finale)
- restrict irrigation in summer
- PGR’s (cutless & trimmit)
How do PGR’s help us?
- reduce clippngs & mowing demands
- improve/maintain consistent green speed
- improve density and ball lie
- management of summer stress
- may increase disease control residual of fungicides
- increases carbohydrate reserves
- suppresses poa annua seedheads and/or growth/competitiveness
what can we do to control poa on our tees fairways and green surrounds?
- improve environment
- use triplex (lighter mowers)
- collect clippings when seedheads are present
- restrict irrigation in summer
- core late summer before poa germinates
- avoid winter or dormant N applications
- herbicides & PGR’s
what are the non-phenoxy herbicides?
banvel, confront, turflon ester, lontrel, drive, spotlight