Tumors and lesions of childhood lecture 20 Flashcards
What is the difference between developmental, benign, and malignant tumors?
DT is an anatomical error of development eg occurs in ectopic location or disorganised normal tissue eg harmatoma ,christoma
BT is a true neoplasm with minimal dysplastic ,localised lesions and do not metastasize
MT : True neoplasm with different degree of differentaition and invade and metastasize
Define embryonal tumors
Arises in immature tissue in which the developing area undergoes a neoplastic transformation
T/F: Embryonal tumors are only present in embryos
False, it may be present at birth or develop during childhood. More often in children between 3-4
T/F: Embryonal tumor rank as a major cause of death in childhood third to accidental death
false ranks as a major cause of death, second to the accident.
Different organs can be affected :
- kidney
- adrenal gland
- retina of the eye
- brain
- liver
- brain
- haematolymphoid tissue
What is a Choristoma/heterotopia
*Microscopic normal tissue in abnormal locations eg pancreatic tissue in the stomach
often mistake as a neoplasm
What is a hamartoma?
*A noncancerous tissue made up of an abnormal mixture of normal tissue and cells from which it grows. Disrupt / disorganized arrangement of the architecture of the tissue
What is a teratoma
Neoplasm of germ cell origin that forms cells representing all 3 germ layers . In their benign form these cellular types are easily recognizable .The tumor may contain teeth ,hair ect. In their malignant form these may appear immature and less recognizable
occur in gonads.
T/F: Ovarian teratomas are almost always benign and cystic and in the tests are almost always malignant and cystic. Extragonadal sites for teratomas include mediastinum and sacrococcygeal teratomas
T/F: benign teratomas are seen in young children and malignant in older children
What are a naevi
Any developmental blemish of the skin and most described pigmented cellular lesions
What are angiomas
Tumors of the blood vessel eg hemangiomas and lymphangiomas
Compare the most common affected site by tumors in children and adults
Children: hematopoietic, neural, and soft tissue
Adults: lung, breast, prostate, and colon
Discuss leukemia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia ) and causes
- All can be b cell / t cell in origin
- B cell leukemia tends to involve bone marrow
- T cell tends to manifest as mediastinal mass and can involve bone marrow as some stages of the disease
Types of groups susceptible to leukemia
All- b cell phenotype affects children -4 years of age
*All -T cell phenotype more common in males between ages of 15-20
ALL makes up 80% of childhood leukemias
How to morphologically identify neuroblastoma
- Morphologically
* More invading
* Has a tan grey color of the brain
* can have necrosis ,cystic softening and hemorrhaged
Discuss Neuroblastoma origin, unique features
*Originate in the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla (neural crest cells )
> Unique features
- spontaneous regression
- Spontaneous /therapy induced maturation
Discuss the retinoblastoma
*Common intraocular malignancy in children
> Cause
*associated with mutation in RB1 gene (heritable)
> There are familial rsik of developing multiple tumors and at risk of developing osteosarcoma /other soft tissue
T/F: The retinosarcoma can disseminate through optic nerve or subarachnoid spaces and distant metastasis to CNS, skull, distal bones, and lymph nodes
Which 3 groups of congenital malformations are associated with nephroblastoma
> WAGR syndrome : Wilims tumour ,aniridia ,genital abnormalities ,mental retardation
> DENYS : drash syndrome ,gonadal dysgenesis ,renal abnormalities ,
> Beckwith : Wedermann syndrome ,enlargement of organs
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
- Common in the neck, head, and genitourinary tract
- Pax3 gene
- Has 3 embryonal subtypes eg embryonal, alveolar and pleomorphic