Tues Test Flashcards
When does builder cut out sole plate of door opening?
After wall is erected and braced
Min height of gaurd rail for residential deck
How much overlap should planks on scaffolding have that are not immovable?
12 inches
Foundation plates/sills should be anchored not more than _____ inches apart
72 inches apart
Min width footing for ligh framed construction
Windows intended for escape route must be not more than ______ inches above finished floor
44 inches above finished floor
3 tab asphalt shingles in severe climates on 5/12 pitch, ice membrane needs to extend min of ______” unles slope exceeds 8/12 pitch then it’s 36”
24” of ice protections
Using superplasticizer admixture to increase workability of concrete has short lived Time of _____ to ——- minutes
30 to 60 min
Correct placement of anchors for metal track in steel frame to floor concrete or wood
—— inches from end
——- inches on center
2 inches from end 24” on center
Max allowable pressure on for latch on emergency egress door
——— psf
15 psf max pressure on emergency egress door
Re: scaffolding: min width of planks before fall protection is required
18” min width of plank before fall protection is required
Max exposure with 24 no 2 pres treated taper sawn wood shake on 4:12 pitch or steeper
7.5 inches of exposure max on shakes when slope is greater than 4:12
How much can be notched from non load bearing stud without compromising structural integrity
40% of non load bearing stud can be notched without compromising integrity’s
Wall ties supporting masonry veneer shall not support more than ——— sq ft of wall area.
2 2/3. 2.67 square feet is the most that one wall tie shall support
Max spacing between fire blocking in a concealed wall
—— ft
10 ft max spacing between fire blocking in concealed wall
Wall ties for veneer placed no greater than
——“ horizontal
——“ vertical
No more than 32 horizontal 24” vertical
Min thick structural concrete wall
4” thick
Dropping debris without chutes how from opening
_____” high
______’ back
42” high
6’ back
How close to a plastic or canvas tarp can you put a heater?
Wood floor joists have a min of how many inches of bearing On masonry?
3” min
Shoring is required on trenches how deep?
5’ trench deptxh
Min distance ladder should extend above roof
36” above roof
Type of faster to attach steel studs to runners
Pan head
Min rebar for slab on ground turned down footinf
1-# 4 rebar in top and bottom of footing
Most important when rescuing some one from permit required confined space
Supplemental oxygen
Protection not needed on sill plates ——“ above ground
8” above ground no protection
Sandy gravel load bearing value
——- psf
3000 psf
Best fire rating of asphalt shingles
Class A
Notched at the end of a floor joist not to exceed
25% or 1/4
All trenches ——- deep must have ladder or steps
4 feet deep
Must have ladder
Untreated wood girder beam sets in a pocket of concrete foundation that is subject to weather shal have min air space of ——“
1/2 inch min air space
Solid blocking is required for floor joists bigger than
Min depth of wire tie embedded in mortar of solid masonry unit
1.5 inch
How far below grade for exterior insulation board
12” inches below grade
Nails for hardboard panel siding installed vertically must penetrate framing ——-“?
1.5” inches penetration into framing
Untreated wood siding should be ——“ inches from earth
Open valley asphalt shingles underpayment
Bottom layer ——-“
Top layer ——-“
18” bottom
36” top
Masonry chimney need how much framing clearance
2” framing clearance for masonry chimney
Stair mwah with a handrail on one side must be >——-“
Two sides ——“
31.5” one side
27” both sides
Planks in scaffolding should not extended over support is ——“
12 inches
Window sash
Part below glass touches
Vapor barrier in attic with 2 layers of batt insulation goes where
Below the insulation
Max aggregate size for Shotcrete
19 mm 3/4
Standard framing practice to oversized rough opening for door
2” oversize
Why cabinets scribe to wall
Make flush and eliminate gaps
Smallest screw to attach 1/2 gyp load bearing steel studs
Load cap sandy gravel
3000 psf
Where roof and exterior walllol meet how much higher should wall be than roof
30 inches
Best method to compact sand and gravel
Puddle and vibration
Spread projections are at least ——-“
2 inches
Asphalt shinkgles >4:12 should have min underpayment of 1- #——?
1 layer of 15#
Spray foam in place roof insulation
Aston c 1029
Vinyl siding
—-“ horizontal
——-“ vertical
16” horizontal12” vertical
Can be used as a backfill foundation with no compactiona
Controlled low strength material
Weep screed vertical attachment flange of ?
3.5 inches
Min width for metal flashing in valley with ashohaly shingles
How does reverse board and batten get attachtess
To the furring strips
Tile roofs must be nailed
3 courses not less than 36”
When roof meets parapet wall it must Extend ——“up
30 inches
Floating concrete too early can cause
Excessive water to make concrete week
Min tread runway for single fam homes
10 inches
Min footing width of one story
12” width
Min distance allowed holes steel studs
24 inches
Min distance joints to be offset in double top plate is —-“
Max temp of constant heat source behind drywall
Min pitch for concrete roof system
Thickest insulation panel alllowed on interior meal
1/2 inch
Standard gauge of exterior flashing
26 gaige
Get air bubbles out of concrete by
Min clear height above and below mezzanine floor
High wind areas max spacing for nailing underlayment
Concrete curing
As soon as possible after curing
Max diatemeter of any hold bored into 2x10 joist
Min thickness of spread footing for one story house with 8” block wall
Doors swing in direction of egress when occupied more than ——- people
50 people
When wide board used for board and batten how to nail batten strips
Only nail to one signing board
Minimum size of bed joint in masonry wall
Min overlap of vapor barrier in unvented crawl space
6 inches
Brick on outside sheet rock on inside where does vapor barrier go?
Behind sheet rock
Minimum pitch for concrete roof system
2 1/2: 12
How much space between insulation and vent? Cornass
How far through sheeting for roofing nails to pertrude
Framing piece of wood that holds header over door is a what?
Load bearing value of sandy gravel
3000 psf
How large of whole can be drilled in steel stud?
How much can be notched from non load bearing stud?
When wise square edge boards are used for board and batten how should they be nailed
To only one siding board
When framing a 5x5 opening you should
Double header and trimmer
Slope for handicap ramp
1 foot in 10
Max slope for horizontal drain vent is ————-“ every 12”…
Exterior gypsum screw s are spaced how far apart?
Min width perpindicular to a k-series joists for a steel bearing anchored plate in concrete?
How deep are wire ties embedded in mortar?
1.5 inches
Min size of bed joint in masonry wall
Notches in top or bottom of joists shake not exceed ———- of the debt of the joist
Frame around door is called
When framing rough opening for door using metal studs it should be ———- to ———— inches wider than door
2.5- 3.5 inches wider than door
Min width of cmu with filled cells?
Asphalt shingle nails shall
Completely penetrate through sheeting
How are bottoms of bearing joists laterally restrained?
Solid blocking
Standard gauge of Ext flashing
Weep screed shall be placed how many inches above earth?
4 inches above earth
Mono slab footing rebar is either top and bottom #4, or
Center #5 or center 2x#4
Thickest insulation panel allowed for interior of loot assembly
Max vertical distance between headers on multi eyrie masonry wall
Max vertical spacing for fire lbocking
Floor and ceiling
Footings shall be stepped when
Ground slopes more than one unit vertical to 10 units horizontal or to change the top footing suface elevation
Min distance allowed between holes in steel studs
24 inches
Min depth of a hearth in front of masonry fireplace e
16” min depth of a hearth masonry fireplace
Max distance scaffolding can be from wall without additional fall protection
Notches on ends of joists should not exceed
25% or 1/4
Egress lights must provide light for ——- min
90 min
Sandy gravel load bearing
3000 psf
Underlayment for clay tile roof
Aston d 226
Min thickness of fiber cement panel siding
.25 inches
Min vertical overlap of felt paper applied to exterior walls is
Not less than 6 inches
Min size of bed joint in masonry wall
Notches in top or bottom of joists shake not exceed ———- of the debt of the joist
Frame around door is called
When framing rough opening for door using metal studs it should be ———- to ———— inches wider than door
2.5- 3.5 inches wider than door
Min width of cmu with filled cells?
Asphalt shingle nails shall
Completely penetrate through sheeting
How are bottoms of bearing joists laterally restrained?
Solid blocking
Standard gauge of Ext flashing
Weep screed shall be placed how many inches above earth?
4 inches above earth
Mono slab footing rebar is either top and bottom #4, or
Center #5 or center 2x#4
Thickest insulation panel allowed for interior of loot assembly
Max vertical distance between headers on multi eyrie masonry wall
Max vertical spacing for fire lbocking
Floor and ceiling
Footings shall be stepped when
Ground slopes more than one unit vertical to 10 units horizontal or to change the top footing suface elevation
Min distance allowed between holes in steel studs
24 inches
Min depth of a hearth in front of masonry fireplace e
16” min depth of a hearth masonry fireplace
Max distance scaffolding can be from wall without additional fall protection
Notches on ends of joists should not exceed
25% or 1/4
Egress lights must provide light for ——- min
90 min
Sandy gravel load bearing
3000 psf
Underlayment for clay tile roof
Aston d 226
Min thickness of fiber cement panel siding
.25 inches
Min vertical overlap of felt paper applied to exterior walls is
Not less than 6 inches
Min size of bed joint in masonry wall
Notches in top or bottom of joists shake not exceed ———- of the debt of the joist
Frame around door is called
When framing rough opening for door using metal studs it should be ———- to ———— inches wider than door
2.5- 3.5 inches wider than door
Min width of cmu with filled cells?
Asphalt shingle nails shall
Completely penetrate through sheeting
How are bottoms of bearing joists laterally restrained?
Solid blocking
Standard gauge of Ext flashing
Weep screed shall be placed how many inches above earth?
4 inches above earth
Mono slab footing rebar is either top and bottom #4, or
Center #5 or center 2x#4
Thickest insulation panel allowed for interior of loot assembly
Max vertical distance between headers on multi eyrie masonry wall
Max vertical spacing for fire lbocking
Floor and ceiling
Footings shall be stepped when
Ground slopes more than one unit vertical to 10 units horizontal or to change the top footing suface elevation
Min distance allowed between holes in steel studs
24 inches
Min depth of a hearth in front of masonry fireplace e
16” min depth of a hearth masonry fireplace
Max distance scaffolding can be from wall without additional fall protection
Notches on ends of joists should not exceed
25% or 1/4
Egress lights must provide light for ——- min
90 min
Sandy gravel load bearing
3000 psf
Underlayment for clay tile roof
Aston d 226
Min thickness of fiber cement panel siding
.25 inches
Min vertical overlap of felt paper applied to exterior walls is
Not less than 6 inches