Tues. Nov. 17 Flashcards
Arnow, Harriet
The dollmaker
Atwood, Margaret
The handmaidens tale
Austen, Jane
Mansfield Park
pride and prejudice
Beckett, Samuel
Waiting for Godot
Bradbury, Ray
Fahrenheit 451
Bronte, Charlotte
Jane eyre
Bronte, Emily
Wiuthering heights
Browning Robert
my last Duchess
Buck, Pearl S
the good earth
Cather, Willa
my Antonia
O pioneers
Cervantes, Miguel De
Don Quixote de La Mancha
Chopin, Kate
The awakening
Conrad, Joseph
Heart of Darkness
Cooper, H fennimore
The deerslayer
last of the Mohicans
The pioneers i
Crane, Stephen
The red badge of courage
Defoe, Daniel
Moll Flanders
Robinsin Crusoe
Dickens, Charles
Bleak house David copperfield Great expectations A tale of two cities Oliver Twist
Dostoevsky, fyodor
Crime & punishment
Dumas, Alexander
The threw musketeers
The man in the iron mask
The count of monte cristo
Eliot, T.s
The love song of J Alfred Prufrock
The wasteland
Murder in the cathedral
Eliot George
Silas Marner
Ellison Ralph
Invisible man
Faulkner William
The bear
Fabre Lucian
Joan of arc
Fielding Henry
Tom Jones
Fitzgerald, Gustave
The great gatsby
Flaubert Gustave
Madame bovary
Forester E.M
A passage to India
Golding William
The Lord of the flies
Grisham John
A time to kill
The firm
Hansberry Lorraine
A rais
Alcott, Louisa May
Little woman