Tuberculosis and mycobacterium Flashcards
Highly infectious
Severe morbidity
High mortality
-people of all ages
Who is susceptible
Around >4000 years
-Egyptian mummies
1/3 world’s population infected with TB (2.3 billion)
2nd only to HIV/AIDS as greatest infectious killer worldwide
Causes 1/4 of all HIV deaths
Epidemiology 2010
- 8 million contracted disease
- 1.4 million died
- 10 million orphans
Mycobacterium tuberculosis size
2-4μm by 0.2-0.5μm (half the size of an E.coli)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Obligate aerobe
-well-aerated upper lobes
Facultative intracellular parasite
-usually macrophages
Mycobacterium tuberculosis generation time
Slow: 15-20 hours
From cattle
In the UK TB most commonly affects
Lungs - pulmonary TB
TB can affect
Lungs, lymph nodes, bones, joints and kidneys
Can cause meningitis
How do people catch TB?
Most commonly spread in droplets being coughed or sneezed into the air
Frequent or close prolonged contact with infected person necessary
At risk
More likely to affect people whose immune systems are already weakened
- HIV infection
- steroids, chemotherapy, transplants, elderly
- unhealthy, over-crowded conditions
- stay in high-rate country (S.E Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, part E. Europe)
- those exposed to TB in youth
- children of parents from high-rate countries
- prisoners, drug addicts, alcoholics
- malnourished
Primary TB
Droplet nuclei inhaled
Taken up by alveolar macrophages - not activated (lipids)
Droplet nuclei (c. 5μ) reach alveoli where infection begins
Primary TB - granuloma in lung (Ghon focus) + enlarged lymph nodes
Primary focus
Walled off
What is secondary (post primary) TB
Reactivation of dormant mycobacteria
-impaired immune function
Reinfection in person previoulsy sensitised to mycobacterial antigens
When and where does secondary TB occur
Months, years or decades after primary infection
Reactivation most commonly occurs at apex of lungs - highly oxygenated
How does secondary TB work
Caseous (cheese-like) centres of tubercles liquefy
Organisms grow very rapidly in this
Large Ag load
-bronchi walls become necrotic and rupture
-cavity formation
-organisms spill into airways and spread to other areas of lung - highly infectious
Primary lesions heal - Ghon complex, Simon foci
Miliary TB
Widespread dissemination (spread) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis via hematogenous spread
TB infection
Organism present Tuberculin skin test positive Chest X-ray normal Sputum smears -ve Sputum culture -ve No symptoms Not infectious Not defined as a case of TB
TB lung disease
Organism present Tuberculin skin test +ve Lesion on chest X-ray Sputum smear +ve Sputum culture +ve Symptoms Infectious Defined as a case of TB
How many infected with TB develop active disease?
Only 3-4% upon initial infection
-5-10% within one year
Most common symptoms
Cytokines (TNF, IL-3, GM-CSF) –>
- persistent cough, +/- sputum
- anorexia
- weight loss
- swollen glands (usually in neck)
- fever
- night sweats
- sense of tiredness and being unwell
- coughing up blood
Standard recommended regimen
Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and esthambutol
-for 2 months followed by isoniazid & rifampicin for 4 months
Standard recommended regimen to prevent spread of MDR-TB
Standardised drug regimens
Directly observed treatment (DOT)
Good supply of high quality drugs
Isolation of infectious pts
Vit D
Has role in activating macrophages to destroy mycobacteria
Often a vit D deficiency in ethnic populations in UK
Prognosis after treatment
Non-infectious after c. 2 weeks Begin to feel better after 2-4 weeks Treatment must continue for 6 months + -must prevent resistance developing Longer treatment for TB meningitis or if TB is resistant
Fatality rates
Untreated TB - 40-60%
Treated TB
-as low as 4%
-depending on nutrition; quality and availability of medical care; HIV status
Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG)
Protection restricted to childhood TB which is rarely infectious
No impact on HIV-related TB
Does not prevent infection - only disease
Invalidates tuberculin skin test
Therefore - targeted vaccination; effective for about 15y
HIV/AIDs and TB are overlapping epidemics - “unholy alliance”
-worldwide 30-80% of AIDS pts get TB
HIV > risk o`f aquiring TB - destroys immune system
TB makes HIV worse - > replication rate of HIV
TB treatment slows down HIV and keeps pts alive to get HIV drugs
TB in animals
Mid 20th C, TB common in cattle and humans infected with M.bovis
-pasteurisation; skin-testing and slaughter
Rapid > in TB in cattle over last 10 years
-spread by badgers?
-threat to humans?
Obstacles to TB control
Lack of financial resources Social instability e.g. Russia HIV epidemic Drug resistance Stigma
Lack of financial resource
Half of all cases in China, Indonesia, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
HIV epidemic
HIV/AIDS doubles TB death rate
30-70% of TB cases in Africa HIV positive
Reinfection in South Africa
Diagnosis of TB
Suspicion - TB is great imitator Chest X-ray - indicates but does not confirm TB Microscopy? Tuberculin tests? T_SPOT? Sputum culture? Nucleic acid detection tests? Sensitivity tests?
Tuberculin tests
Heaf, Tine, Mantoux
- ascertains infection rather than disease
- may be -ve in severe TB or concomitant HIV, malnutrition, steroids
- may be +ve with BCG or after exposure to environmental mycobacteria
T-SPOT TB and QuantiFeron Gold
Blood tests to replace tuberculin tests
Detect reactive T cells
Specific for MTB
Not affected by BCG
Ziehl-Neelsen stain
-needs >10,000 organism/ml at 100x lens
Rhodamine-Auramine more sensitive
1/3 of pulmonary TB (2/3 extra-pulmonary) undiagnosed by microscopy
Very quick - 15-20mins but misses 1/3 of all cases
Sputum culture
Homogenise (Sputasol) Decontaminate (4% NaOH Petroff) - kills all bacteria except mycobacteria Concentrate (centrifugation) Middlebrook’s medium Löwenstein-Jensen medium 4-6 weeks for visible colonies Liquid media -Kirchner’s *ROUGH, TOUGH, BUFF*
Automated culture
MGIT 960
- fluorescent reaction quenched by O2
- growth of mycobacteria lefts quenching and tubes fluoresce
- 10 days
Nucleic acid detected tests
Strand displacement – BD ProbeTec
Amplified Mycobacterium tuberculosis Direct Test - Gen-Probe (rRNA)
Enhanced Amplified Mycobacterium tuberculosis Direct Test - Gen-Probe
AMPLICOR Mycobacterium tuberculosis Test – Roche (DNA PCR)
Multiplex PCR assay for 23S rDNA
takes around an hour
Sensitivity tests
Resistance ratio method
Conventional sensitivity tests
Proportion method
Radiometric growth detection
E.g. rifiampicin resistance
Rpo B gene codes for ß-subunit of RNA polymerase
30 point nucleotide substitutions, 7 deletions and 2 insertions
Spoligotyping Variable Number of Tandem Repeats Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Units VNTR-MIRU e.g. VNTR 84455 MIRU 244428223533 *cluster analysis*
Sudden feeling of cold with shivering accompanied by a rise in temperature, often with copious sweating, especially at the onset or height of a fever
Multi-/ Extensive-drug resistance
MDR TB - rifamipicin and isoniazid
XDR TB - also fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides
Risk factors
-previous treatment, current failure, contact with MDR TB, HIV +, London resident, male 25-44%y, travel from endemic country
-25% MDR TB, 50% XDR TB