Tuberculosis Flashcards
What kind of bacteria is Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Obligate aerobic, slow growing, acid fast bacilli
Why is it challenging to diagnose Mycobacterium tuberculosis under a microscope?
It has a thick waxy cell membrane, therefore it does not produce a typical gram stain response
It is slow growing
Requires acid fast staining for visualisation
Describe the pathophysiology of tuberculosis
M tuberculosis spreads via airborne respiratory droplets. Most of the time, the TB that accesses the lower airways are consumed by macrophages. However, some is able to replicate in the lungs, which then activates our cellular immunity.
What is the difference between latent and active TB?
Latent - cellular immunity takes control of TB replication and therefore patients do not develop any active symptoms
Active - in immunocompromised patients who do not have a robust cellular immune response system, patients develop symptoms of active TB
What are the risk factors for latent and active TB?
Residents of prisons, nursing homes, homeless shelters
Co-infection with HIV
Close contact with pulmonary tuberculosis patients
What are risk factors for active TB?
Children < 2 years Elderly > 65 years Co-infection with HIV Malnutrition Immunosuppression
Where are possible sites of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis infection?
Bone, joint, spine, CNS
What are the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis?
Productive cough, hemoptysis, fever, fatigue, night sweats, weight loss
What are the radiological findings in a tuberculosis patient?
Infiltrates in the apical region
Cavitary lesions
How do you differentiate a tuberculosis patient from a pneumonia patient?
Differentiated from pneumonia by duration of symptoms: Tuberculosis - gradual onset (over weeks - months); pneumonia - acute onset (over hours - days)
Why does TB tend to produce infiltrates in the apical region?
M tuberculosis is an obligate aerobe, therefore they are oxygen loving and there is higher concentration of oxygen in the apical region of the lungs
(other bacteria tends to produce infiltrates in the middle or lower lobes)
Which high-risk groups are indicated for LTBI screening?
Children with recent TB contact HIV-infected individuals Patients considered for TNF antagonist therapy Transplant patients Dialysis patients
What are the two types of screening tests used to diagnose patients with latent TB?
Tuberculin skin test and interferon-gamma release assay
Describe the tuberculin skin test
Inject 0.1mL of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PDD) intradermally, read after 48-72 hours by a trained reader and read the diameter of induration (not area of redness)
Describe the interferon-gamma release assay
Blood collection into special tubes. Measures the interferon-gamma released by WBCs in response to incubation with M tuberculosis-specific antigens
In Singapore, what is the minimum positive tuberculin skin test
> =10mm
What group of patients lead to false negatives in both the tuberculin skin test and the interferon-gamma release assay?
Immunosuppressed (unable to mount an immune response)
What group of patients lead to false positives in the tuberculin skin test?
Those in contact with non-TB mycobacteria, and those with prior BCG vaccination