Who proved the remedy TUBERCULINUM?
What is the common name of TUBERCULINUM ?
Pus from the Tubercular abscess.
What is the family of TUBERCULINUM ?
What’s the difference between TUBERCULINUM and bacillinum ?
There is no difference between the two.
Both are same.
Acc. To clark he cannot make any Distinction between TUBERCULINUM and bacillinum.
Allen said he didn’t even saw any potency difference between the two remedy
What’s the only difference between TUBERCULINUM and bacillinum ?
The only difference between the two is in the preparations of the remedy.
TUBERCULINUM prepared from the Pus of the human plumonary tubercle, while bacillinum is prepared from the lung tissue infected with tubercular bacilli
Sphere of action of TUBERCULINUM ? Especially over which part .?
It acts on the skin,lungs ,GIt , especially over the bronchi,lungs ,pleura lymph node especially cervical lymph nodes.
Constitution of TUBERCULINUM ?
Light complexion,tall,blue eyes, emaciated especially children.
Mentally precocious and physically weak.
They are slim and active.
Narrow chest subject.
Chest of TUBERCULINUM is ?
Narrow chest
Temperament of TUBERCULINUM ?
Nervous Temperament with tubercular soil.
Relation with heat and cold in TUBERCULINUM is ?
Highly chilly patient takes cold easily
Diathesis of TUBERCULINUM ?
Tubercular and scrofulous diathesis .
Striking symptom of TUBERCULINUM ?
Symptom in the TUBERCULINUM begins _______and cease______ ?
Symptoms ever changing.
Symptoms changes at all time one organ to the other.
Such as - brain,lungs ,liver etc
In which med. Other than TUBERCULINUM, symptom - “symptoms ever changing” is like seen ?
What are the striking symptom seen in that medicine .
Patient has the tendency to take ________easily.
If the patient was asked as to how he encountered with the cold what will be he saying about it ?
He won’t be knowing when and how or from where he catched the cold.
Cause it seems that every breath that he takes fresh air he takes cold.
This remedy is thought of in which condition ?
When there is a —
- Family history of tubercular affection
- When the best selected remedy fail to relieve or premenatlty cure.
Emaciation in TUBERCULINUM, which is ?
Rapid and pronounced.
Losing flesh while living well.
Emaciation just like TUBERCULINUM ,seen in which medicine ?
Diarrhea which is seen in TUBERCULINUM ?
Sudden and early in the morning.
Patient feels better in which condition ?
In open air, the patient feels better.