TTSA Flashcards
Rail Corridor
fence to fence or 15m from outer rail
danger zone
3m from outer rail and all space above or below
platform danger zone
yellow line to platform edge or 1.5m from outer edge
rail gauges
broad gauge 5ft standard gauge 4ft
a position you cannot be hit by rail traffic
drivers are responsible for identifying POS
drivers are to ensure a POS at all times
track force protection coordinator
blue hat
asses and implement TFP requirements
for all track workers not drivers
train direction
up flinders st
down away from flinders st
entering the rail
corridor you need:
metro ID
for for work
cat 1 medical
rostered work
banned colours
for for work
free from fatigue
free from drugs
free from alcohol 0.00
PPE track workers
hard hat
safety glasses
long sleeve shirt
long pants
rail approved special purpose orange hi vis
safety boots lace up ankle support
PPE train drivers
rail approved special purpose orange hi vis vest
safety boots lace up ankle support
drug and alcohol testing- when can it happen
show cause
after incident or accident within 3 hours
track class
max speed a train can travel on the network
inner suburbs 65km
sighting distance for 65km ph
distance is 455m
safe approach distance
person 2m
plant 6.4m
TDN- train describer number
all services require TDN
4 digits
line loop service service
radio coms need your:
origin and destination
communications should be ABC
report incidents
reporting heirarchy
train control and metrol
fellow worker
What is the legislation that applies to the rail network
OHS 2004
rail safety national law 2012
MTM abides by which 2 policies and procedures
1994 book of rules
A1029 drug and alcohol testing procedure
what does it mean to show cause for drug and alcohol testing
cognitive ability
body odour
refusal to test for MTM employees
considered a confirmed positive, will be stood down without pay immediately
refusal to test for third party
escorted off site at own cost, banned from all metro sites/premises RIW blocked
audible warning device
danger zone
3m from outer rail any space above or below
direction of travel away from flinders st
electrical infrastructure
equipment and systems for supplying and distributing electricity for traction purposes
all wires cables and equipment associated with low voltage electrical switch rooms and substations
victorian broad gauge
standard gauge
raised area for boarding or disembarking a train
a track component of tapered rail that move to diverge or converge tail traffic
what does it mean to make a line unsafe for the passage of rail traffic
rail corridor
fence to fence or 15m from outer rail
rail safety workers are…
employed to carry out rail safety work
can be sub contracted
a trainee
a volunteer
rail traffic is
trains and maintenance vehicles on the network
safe working is
the controlled movement of trains to protect passengers, infrastructure and workers
person in charge of working points and signals on an interlocking apparatus or signal control panel
sighting distance or line of sight
minimum distance required based on line speed
six foot
the minimum distance between two sets of parallel rail
the TFPC role
to asses and implement worksite protection and to hold a TFPC 3
the direction of travel towards flinders at
platform danger zone
yellow line or 1.5m from platform edge
platform danger zone
beyond yellow line or 1.5m from platform edge
drivers POS
they are responsible for their own
ensure you have one at all times
look and listen for approaching rail at all time and where possible walk facing the direction of oncoming traffic
is an Emergency Refuge a POS
when can you leave a POS
when all rail traffic has passed
you are certain you will not be in any danger
you are confident there is no traffic from another line and it is safe to do so
under bridge
train goes OVER
traffic goes under
over bridge
train goes UNDER
traffic goes over
drain or access path for live stock
what do sleepers do?
maintain the gauge and distribute weight
what are sleepers made from
wood timber or concrete
what is ballast and what does it do
6 sided blue rock and crushed rock that provides drainage and support
drainage and support
what do rails do
guide the wheels
what is dual gauge
they have THREE rails to run both standard and broad gauge
KM posts
mainly for VLine but found through the MTM network and indicate the distance in kms from Souther Cross Station
Over head Structure Numbers
indicate the distance in FEET from Flinders Street
you must add two zeros to the end of the number
what is a bi directional line
a single line that carrie’s traffic up and down
what is a double line
two sets of line that have dedicated up and down traffic pathways
Turnout Points
alter ROUTES
cross over points
two sets of points that allow trains to cross from one line to another
what do signals do
control rail traffic movements
do not protect you from a train you must stay vigilant at all times signals may change without notice
what does PAE stand for
proceed authority exceeded
should a train pass a signal at stop this arm will activate train brakes
Automatic train stop
Track Class maximum track speeds for inner suburbia
65km ph
Area minimum sighting distance for inner suburbia
actively protected crossings
have train activated mini booms
passively protected pedestrian crossings
maze and safety signs
what is safety critical communication
can result in death, serious injury, or significant damage to property, infrastructure or the environment
safety critical comma can occurs while:
sending or receiving emergency messages or safe working directions
driving or operating
controlling and/or signalling
reporting the state of equipment infrastructure or people
comms should be: abc
accurate brief and clear,
planning prevents poor performance
what is active listening
making a conscious effort to understand the complete message
what are the barriers to effective communication
making assumptions
ambiguous wording
loud environment
poor connection
strong accents
what is useful about the phonetic alphabet
no two words sound alike
only two words have one syllable
for written safety comms you must
write legibly
in blue or black
errors should be struck out and initialled
where do you submit written safety comms
the correspondence box
DAO office
take a photo and email as back up
mobile phones must never be used in the danger zone
they may be used in a POS for business reasons or an emergency situation
what is a designated pathway
established pathway built for railway personnel to use in performance of their duties
the hand signal facing oncoming train with hand closest to rail raised horizontally
All Right Hand Signal
All Right at Night
facing oncoming train arm closest to rail held out horizontally with a steady torch in hand
Stop Hand signal
two hands above the head
Stop Hand signal at night
steady red light or any light waved erratically
what is an ATW
automatic track warning
also known as detonators
explode when train wheels run over them
hand signallers use to them to attract attention from rail crews
why is the drivers responsibility to an electric shock victim
1 personal safety
2 safety of passengers
3 isolate power- contact metrol or electrol
4 attend to victim
always maintain a safe distance from electrical infrastructure/ equipment
do not touch sit on or walk on any electrical equipment or infrastructure unless instructed to do so as part of your duties
how close can a person come to the overhead wiring or fittings?
how close can PLANT come to overhead wiring
what is a rail shorting device?
a safety measure to SHIRT CIRCUIT overheads should power be restored prematurely
cable trunking
may contain 2200 volt signal feeder
do not touch sit on or walk on trunking lying next to the track
always assume the traction power supply is live
do not touch anything that has come in to contact with the traction power supply
portal stanchion
looks like a complete structure
a stanchion that comes off one side is a
cantilever stanchion
what does the stand off stanchion do?
keep the over head in position where there are curves
transmissions wires:
carry 22000 AC to substations along the rail corridor
transfer 22000ac from transmission wires into 1500dc and feeds it along the overhead system
traction power
1500dc is then supplied to the train via the pentograph and the contact wire of the overhead system
what is the catenary wire
a support structure for the contact wire
live with 1500dc
suspend the contact wire from the catenary wire
dropper feeders
conduct 1500v dc electricity from the catenary to the contact
contact wire
supplies power to the pentograph
steady arm
hold the contact wire in a staggered position to prevent excessive wear
the overhead system is managed by
spark gaps
the bit of wire sticking out from the bottom of a stanchion- will short circuit is a stanchion becomes live
section insulators
when overhead needs to be isolated
- made of fibreglass wood or porcelain
guy wires
heavy wires that provide stability to stanchions
tensions structures
provide continuous and automatic tension to the contact wires- designed to aid with expansion/contraction due to changes in climate
weighted or spring type
terminal stop sign
end of electrical traction
should be posted 15m from end of point where pentograph would leave contact wire
diver must stop 3m before the sign
if there is a problem with your pentograph/overheads
contact TC or electrol
lower pantograph
ask a station hand to use a landline if not in contact yet
incident reporting must be done
near misses must be reported
when reporting unsafe conditions
1 identify yourself, TDN, destination, origin
2 location
3 describe the situation
4 indicate urgency
5 identify immediate hazards
rolling stock faults are
to be reported to TC at metrol
you must always follow the environmental protection act of
what is a prescribed industrial waste
protected fauna zones
are not to be entered under the environmental protection act 2018
has white
is curved
vline is a what train
velocity train
track work vehicle can be called
tall car on rail
Hi rail
newest train
boxy train for maintenance