TTMIK Level 1 Lesson 9 topic/subject marking particles 은, 는, 이, 가 Flashcards
Topic marking particles:
은 [eun] / 는 [neun] The main role of topic marking particles is letting the other people know what you are talking about or going to
talk about, and topic marking particles are attached after nouns.
Words ending with a last consonant +
Words ending with a vowel +
as for me / (I am talking) me
저는 학생이에요
As for me, I am a student. / I am a student.
내일은 저는 일해요
“As for tomorrow, I work.”
Subject marking particles:
[i] / 가 [ga] The role of subject marking particles is relatively simple compared to that of role of topic marking particles.
SMP Words ending with a last consonant +
SMP Words ending with a vowel +
이거는 사과예요
The other things are not apples, but) THIS is an apple.
이거 커피예요
This is coffee)
이거는 물이에요
That was coffee, but THIS ONE, it’s water.)
이거는 오렌지주스예요
And THIS ONE, it’s different again, it’s orange juice.)
이거는 뭐예요?
And what about this one? What is it?)
오늘 날씨 좋네요
The weather’s good today
오늘은 날씨 좋네요.
(The weather hasn’t been so good lately, but TODAY, it’s good.)
오늘 날씨는 좋네요
(Today, not necessarily everything else too, but at least the weather is good.)
뭐가 좋아요
“WHAT is good?