TTD Flashcards
when to submit complete appendix
grossly normal and mucin accumulation
provides cytologic detail and decalcifies bone, for marrow biopsy
Zenker’s fixative
why use fresh tissue for flow cytometry
S-phase determination, no nuclei fragmentation
fixative for uric acid crystals
ethanol (dissolve in for,alin)
volume of fixative
15-20x volume of specimen
retention times for gross specimen
14 days after final report
retention times for paraffin blocks and slides, reports
10 years
retention time for cytology slides
5 years
short suture
superior margin
long suture
lateral margin
volar surface of hand
volar surface of hand
divides into medial and lateral parts
sagittal plane
divides into anterior and posterior
divides into superior and inferior
organs that require inflation
bladder, colon for diverticular disease
where to fix lymph nodes
Bouin’s fixative
type of margin taken parallel to plane of resection
en face
disadvantage of en face margin
distance from lesion cannot be taken, cautery artifact may be present
advantage of en face margin
10-100 times greater surface area, entire structure can be evaluated
type of margin taken perpendicular to plane of resection
advantage of perpendicular margin
exact distance is taken, good when small tissue is negative margin
disadvantage of perpendicular margin
very little tissue is sampled
mordants for ink
Bouin’s, dilute acetic acid, methanol
tumor sizes measured to nearest?
millimeter (no round off)
Tumors that are weighed
parathyroid adenomas, adrenal tumors, sarcomas
desmoplastic response
fibrosis so tumors are harder
describe necrotic areas
soft and friable
renal cell carcinoma (clear cell type)
golden yellow and hemorrhagic
normal adrneal or adrenal cortical lesions
orange yellow
xanthogranulomatous inflammation
orange yellow
steroid producing tumors
often pale or bright yellow
chloroma or any purulent exudate
prior hemorrhage with oxidation of blood
green (in synovial tissue in hemochromatosis)
pale yellow (black or brown)
melanosis coli
black mucosa
anthracotic pigment
gout or chondrocalcinosis
chalky white
pheochromocytoma (dusky color)
white to tan
changes pheochromocytoma color to black, brown or purple
chromaffin reaction
well-circumscribed or pushing borders
fibroadenoma, mixed tumor, hamartoma
irregular or spiculated tumors
invasive carcinomas, surgical scars
jagged or notched borders
cutaneous melanoma
serpiginous borders
mucosal shape of colon carcinoma
smoothly lobulated
bosselated (round protuberances)
bone in degenerative joint disease
cutaneous condyloma
bladder tumors, papillary renal cell carcinoma
villous slender projections
villous adenoma of the colon
eburnated like ivory
Exposed polished bone surface after loss of cartilage in degenerative joint disease
normal gallbladder mucosa
pedunculated (with a stalk)
some colon polyps, achrocordon
Sessile (broad-based)
Some colon polyps
Macule (flat lesion)
Lentigo, café-au-lait spot
Papule (raised lesion)
Friable (soft and falling apart or crumbly)
Papillary renal cell carcinoma, necrotic tumors
Excrescence (an irregular outgrowth)
Carcinoma invading through skin
Fimbriated (fringe-like)
The normal end of the fallopian tube
Exophytic (projecting out from a surface)=
A papilloma in a duct
Endophytic (projecting within a space)
inverted papilloma
Scabrous (covered with small projections and rough to the touch)
Pleural plaque
Papyraceous (like parchment or paper)
Fetus papyraceous – a fetus found within the placental membranes of a twin
Currant jelly
postmortem blood clot
chicken fat
postmortem blood clot
Sugar-coated spleen
Unripe pear or waterchestnut
Gritty consistency of breast cancer
Grape vesicle
The villi of a hydatidiform mole
sago spleen
Miliary nodules of amyloidosis
Strawberry gallbladder
Nutmeg liver
chronic congestion
Apple-core lesion
An obstructing colonic adenocarcinoma (as seen on x-ray)
Rice bodies
Loose bodies in a joint
Lardaceous spleen
Fish-mouth stenosis
Rheumatic heart valve
Thrombus on a heart valve
Caseous necrosis
Cheese-like material (especially in tuberculous granulomas)
Cannot be identified - what to say
grossly consistent with…
fat necrosis
yellow, chalky
dissolved with formalin
lipids, carbohydrates
may be degraded with picric acid
adequate fixation time in formalin
6-8 hours
effect of temperature on fixation
increased, but also increases rate of autolysis
penetration efficiency of fixative
0.1 cm per hour
time of removal of tissue from the body to time specimen is in fixative
ischemic time
time specimen is in fixative
fixation time
formalin is
10% phosphate buffered formaldehyde
why buffer formaldehyde
otherwise degrades rapidly and does not preserve nucleic acids well
40% formaldehyde in water
10% formalin equals
4% formaldehyde
what fixative for lacunar cells of nodular sclerosing variant of Hodgkin’s
how to maintain antigenicity in formalin
don’t overfix, add zinc
rate of formalin fixation
0.4 cm/24 hours
dissolves uric acid crystals
calcification in breast dissolve in which fixative
formalin, if over 24 hours
fine bubbling of nuclei due to chromatin coalescence
major acute toxic effects of formalin
eye, upper respiratory tract, dermal
most people can smell formaldehyde at
0.1-1.0 ppm
for molecular studies
70% ethanol
composition of Bouin’s solution
picric acid, formaldehdye, and acetic acid
results in sharp H&E staining
can facilitate finding small lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are white and fat is yellow
prolonged fixation can be sued to decalcify tissue
Tissues should not be fixed over 18 hours (will be brittle)
How to avoid overfixation in Bouin’s
Transfer to ethanol
Why should large specimens not be fixed in bouin’s
entire thing will be yellow
causes degradation of DNA and RNA
picric acid
lyses red cells, disslves iron and small calcium deposits
An explosive if dry and must be kept moist
picric acid
color of bouin’s
color of b-plus
composition of b-plus
buffered formalin with 0.5% zinc chloride
used for lymph node fixation, spleens, other issues if lymphoproliferative disorder is suspected
mercury containing fixative
rapid fixation with excellent cytologic detail
Excellent antigen preservation for lymphoid markers
color of zenker’s acetic fixative
composition of zenker’s acetic fixative
potassium dichromate, mercuric chloride, acetic acid
length of time for decalcification and cytologic preservation with zenker’s
8-12 hours
may be used for bone marrow biopsies
Zenker’s fixative
length of time for soft tissue tumors with muscle differentiation with zenker’s
4 hours
may be preferred for bloody specimens, with RBC lysed
penetrates poorly
what happens to tissue in zenker’s >24 hours
may be brittle
how to prevent tissues being brittle when in zenker’s
transfer to formalin
how to remove mercury precipitates
water bath (bone marrows > 1 hour, soft tissue >4 hours)
level of antigen preservation for IHC with Zenker’s
interferes with chloroacetate esterase activity
composition of glutaraldehyde
Glutaraldehyde, cacodylate buffer
fixative for electron microscopy
treatment with tissues for glutaraldehdye
minced slowly, fixed rapidly, requires refrigeration
can result in false positive PAS stains
alcohol fixative composition
ethanol and methanol
mechanism of action of alcohol fixatives
rapidly displace water and denature protein
use for synovial specimens if gout is suspected
fixatives for smears, touch preps, frozen sections
fixative that dissolves lipids
example of alcohol-based fixative that doesn’t shrink and harden tissue
fixatives that fix and decalcify tissues
bouin’s and zenker’s
amount of time to decalcify small specimens
1-2 hours
time for femoral heads decalcification
1-2 days
effect of prolonged decalcification on nuclear antigens
may not be preserved: ER, PR, p53, Ki-67, blood H group
where to embed undecalcified sections
neurotoxin, short-term exposure can cause headaches, dizzines, fatigue
where to release bullets and criminal evidence
police, with chain of custody
purpose of pathology reports
diagnostic and prognostic information, for research trials and QA, databases and epidemiology, to guide treatment
error in report - what to do
unsign, correct, resign - but retain original for documentation purposes
measurement of standard cassettes
3 x 2.5 x 0.4
thickness of sections
0.3 cm
standard microscope slides
7.5 x 2.5
why dehydrate tissues
embedding media cannot penetrate tissues with water
agent for clearing
why xylene is clearing agent
miscible with alcohol and embedding medium, has a high refractive index
with paraffin
steps in tissue processing
dehydration, clearing, infiltration
section slice
4 microns
deeper sections
20 microns apart
how to submit small punch biopsies
intact and bisected
skin shave biopsy
intact and sectioned and perpendicular
small intestine biopsies
put on a mesh
types of slides for IHC
commercial plus charged slides
more adhesive slides
double plus slides
how to arrange needle biopsies
in parallel rows perpendicular to slide axis
specimens best intact and sectioned before embedding
temporal arteries, vas deferens, small skin punch biopsies <0.4 cm, skin punch with vesicular lesions, skin shave
tissues embedded one side up
small specimens in large tissues, en face margins
how many levels of tissue to obtain
2-3 levels, first superficial and halfway through
slides to order for liver masses
3 h&e plus some unstained
immunoperoxidase studies for ABO compatibility
identification of tissue, but decalcification may mess up with H antigens, also only for big tissues
HLA typing using PCR
for small tissues
polymorphic satellite markers
definite match between patient and specimen
extra stain for stomach
alcian yellow
extra stains for liver
iron, retic, tri
stains for kidney
jones silver, pas, afog