TSA:Flying Armed Flashcards
What are the conditions to qualify a LEO to fly armed abroad commercial aircraft or other common carriers?
- Required to physically check in at the counter
- Check in at least on hour prior to boarding or in an emergency as soon as practical.
- Complete the air carriers specific form for “carry on firearms authorization.” A copy of the form will be handed to the gate agent or flight attendant at the door of the aircraft. LEO asks if there are other armed passengers on the flight
What are the prerequisites to qualify a LEO to fly armed abroad commercial aircraft or other common carriers?
- Sworn LEO employed by Federal, State, or Local government
- Authorized by the employing agency to carry the firearm
- Completed TSA LEO flying armed training program
- Valid need to fly armed
What are the proper methods to qualify a LEO to fly armed abroad commercial aircraft or other common carriers?
- must be depict a clear, full face picture of the LEO
- must bear the employees signature
- must also bear the agency official seal or signature of the issuing Official
- an additional full face picture photo form of government identification may be required
What are the types of duties that will substantiate a need to be armed on board an aircraft?
- when providing a protective escort
- hazardous surveillance operations
- prisoner escort
- required or authorized by agency wide policy to be armed
- federal Air Marshal on mission
- LEO on official travel required to report to new location armed and immediately prepared for duty
- Federal Flight Deck Officer
Can you transport a loaded firearm in a checked bag?
What is a a special consideration screening?
An option for law enforcement and security personnel who have sensitive equipment in their checked baggage
How are firearms checked in?
- The LEO must declare at the time the bag is checked that the bag contains an unloaded firearm
- Firearms must be checked in a hard-side container that is locked and the key or combination maintained by the LEO
- Ensure that if a firearm tag is used it is placed inside the shipping container and not affixed to the outside
How many hours in advance of their travel are LEOs are requested to contact the TSA Federal Security Director?
at least 24 hours
What are the proper actions by the LEO who is denied permission to fly armed?
- Notify and involve the ground security coordinator
- inform your agency supervisor as soon as practical
- should be incident fail to be resolved satisfactorily, upon return to your office submit a memorandum detailing the events to the head of your agency
- notify the Federal Security Director or their TSA designee of the problem is at the airport screen area
What are the proper reactions by a LEO in response to a hijacking?
- If there is a Federal Air Marshal on board the aircraft, the LEO should take no action unless requested to do so by the Federal Air Marshal
- If no Federal Air Marshal is on board, take necessary action to prevent loss of life or serious bodily injury
- IF the hijacker is still in control of the aircraft after it has landed, and you hear suspicious noises originating from outside the aircraft, do not acknowledge, or offer any type of response
- in the event of a rescue operation, stay down, drop between the seats and stay there. Do not at any time get involved–you may be shot by friendly fire if you do