Truvy Act 2 Scene 2 Flashcards
Lights up on “Tell them to go to hell”
I’m sorry honey…you know I would if I could, but I just can’t today…I could squeeze you in first thing Monday. Fine. See you then Susan…..
AN: 39 degrees you were right Truvy
It’s too cold for this time of year. I’m going to write a letter.
OU: Readers digest is a font of information
Clairee, I just love my new scarf. You are so thoughtful. It really jazzes up this outfit.
AN: (spraying perfume) I love it when the smell just fills the air
Don’t waste it! That stuff aint cheap
OU: …Burn our clothes as it is
I’m just so touched that you remembered us
Cl: Frendch are very nice..they even had the courtesy to speak English
And I love ouiser’s too, I may want to borrow that sometime.
Ou: I doubt it, Im sure her hair is the farthest thing form her mind
Who knows what’s on her mind. but she might need something and I just wanted to be here for her.
OU: this tastes like it was made of rubber
Annelle remember to get that new thing for the Mr Coffee
CL: As well as can be expected
My husband and I aretaking some bbq over there later
An…Hes convinced that his beans and rice will make everyone better
Maybe he’s right. Thats why we call it soul food. I am gonna have to get his recipe
An: Next month
You had to bring it up. I cant stand it that shes moving away now that i’m about to be a semi-grandmother
AN: You’re toying with me aren’t you
A little bit. Not a lot. Guess it’s just me and the old man
CL: Truvy be thankful youd miss him if he were gone
(Laugh) You know last night he actually got up off the couch and said “Lets go out to et” well after I cam to I asked him “what’s the matter” I thought deputy dawg had been preempted. Then he said he’s got a good chance at getting the electrical contracting job fir the new college library. I’m not supposed to tell anyone.
ML: Do you think you could work a little magic. I know I look like ten miles of dirt road
Let me get my wand and fairy dust. How you doing honey?
Ml…explain that to my heart
Tommy said you didn’t leave her side
ML: it was the most precious moment of my life so far
Well…I don’t know how your insides are doing, but your hair is holding up beautifully. All it needs is a lick and a promise. Did you have it done in Shreveport?
ML: No I did it myself
Hold it missy, I dont want to hear that kind of talk
ML Doing my own hair was so off. I had no idea about the back….
You did a lovely job I’m just smoothing out the rough spots. In fact, Im going to be looking for temporary help when Annelle goes on Maternity leave…interested?
Ml: Isn’t that silly?
ML: …all our xmas presents stacked up wrapped with her own two hands..I better go
Check the back
ML: Brown football helmet
Honey, sit right back down, do you feel alright?
Ou: Are you high
Clairee have you lost your mind
Cl: Knock her light out Mlynn
Clairee you are gonna piss god off if youre not careful
OU: Whatever would we do without clairee’s own special brand of humor?
Clairee you are evil and must be destroyed
(hug between CL and OU: Thank you
Now that you two have made up, we had better let this woman go, She has to pull herself together. she cannot be a pillar of strength with eye makeup running down her neck
ML: I made eveyrbody cry, Im sorry
Don’t be silly laughter through tears is my favorite emotion
Ml…Shelby would have had a good time this morning
I’m sure she did
ML: Id better go
Mlynn you promise youll call if you need anything, you hear?
ML: Thats the way it should be, life goes on
Mlynn I know it hurts but itll get better and if you feel like taking a whack at something come on over and hit on me I wont break
ML: I may take you up on that, you have no idea how wonderful you are
Of course we do!