Truvy Act 1 Scene 2 Flashcards
ML: I never tell anyone anything
Well! Look who’s here, give me a hug right here right now!
SH: Hi truvy, Merry Christmas
Ho Ho Ho! Annelle we have a surprise mystery guest! You’re just in time, you can have the honor of lighting the tree of beauty
SH: How precious, what a novel idea to trim it with hair things
It’s all Anelle’s idea she’s got quite the eye for the unusual
AN;…baby jesuses, and spoolies
My husband has redone poot’s old room so Annelle can have a workshop for her handicrafts. That llittle garage apartment is so cramped
SH: Are your boys coming home for christmas
No, louie brought home his girlfriend at thanksgiving and the nicest thing I can say about her is that all her tattoos are spelled correctly. Guess it’s just me, the old man…and annelle. Do the honors missy, and hope it doesn’t blow up again
SH: see i know what Im doing
I know your mother is so happy you could get in early enough to make the fesitval. I hear its going to be the best ever! More fireworks, a nativity scene made entirely of spakluhrs, and a huge new sign by the riverbank that says I hearty chinquapin parish. Its going to be spectacular. Guess who the grandmarshall of the parade is? Wayne Newton!
ML: Fine, Im sure you know what you’re doing
SH: Cleaning out closets…I thought maybe your patients might be less disturbed if they had something stylish to wear
Sure, that’s a wonderful idea, theyre in the car, ill go get em in a minute
It breaks my heart that she wont come to the methodist church with me. I think Riverview Baptist is a but too praise the lord for me.
SH: No, a lot of mamas mental patients are born again christians. I meant that only in the best sense of the word
We’re just glad see to see that Annelle is settling down and finding here way. She’s had a few rough months haven’t you honey?
AN: Drinking….smoking
An…I’ve done guest lectures at the trade school
Our little Annelle has become on of the hottest tickets in town
AN: Truvy stop…Christmas Festival…and now I live here
Tell her who you have a date with
AN: Truvy will you hush
Tell her missy, Shelby is pretty much responsible for the whole thing.
AN: Sammy DeSoto
Mmm hes got a body that dont stop anywhere
AN: He makes a mean cherry coke
Romance. This is what I live for. Can we do anything for you shelby?
SH: …..Crows feet
Honey, time marches on and eventually you realize it’s marching clear across your face. How are you feeling?
CL: My annual Pecan Tassie
There’s my girl! I guess you’re the happy one this morning!
CL: Yes KPPD ..the station of choice for chinqapain parish
Shelby, How do you like Clairee’s short and sassy new look?
SH: I love it!
Just wait til I jack it up
AN: There is so much going on…the messiah sing along
Life in the big city will spoil you
CL: heavy is the head that wears the crown
You have to admit that God did a little dance around that family. Drew is so successful, Belle does her own hair, their children are perfect, theyre like a family on TV they don’t have a care in the world
CL: My niece Nancy Beth of course
She was here at 7 this morning. I had to position her tiara properly on her head so it would slip around during the parade. I sprayed her hair within an inch of its life
Cl:..miss christmas, miss soybean, miss watermelon
But dumb as a post
ML: Thats not necessarily true
ML: That’s all im saying
ML:But we were proud of her
The year I competed the swimsuit competition was my downfall. Most women look for for swimsuits that will lift and separate, I look for one that will divide and conquer! I have always been built for comfort not speed
CL: …my friends and I were all out watching the flocks by night…
Get over here Clairee. Annelle needs to gift wrap your head
OU: I could just spit
Morning Ouiser
OU: Hes getting along, as a matter of fact he’s the poster dog for the xmas festival
That’s Rhett!? I didn’t recognize him!
OU:….I managed to run him off and marry the first of two total deadbeats
Unrequited love. My favorite.
SH: Ok, then I’ll go finish my christmas shopping mama
I could shoot you! I haven’t even started
SH: I told her this morning what part of it was
Well, let’s hear it missy
SH: I;m going to have a baby
Congratulations! No wonder you haven’t said much this morning Mlynn…grandma…Arent you excited…smile…it increases your face value
SH: June 21
And the doctors said you couldn’t have children, what do they know, I guess you showed them!
M:: Shelby, shelby, her heart does get the best of her sometimes
This baby. That’s not exactly good news is it?
CL: oh boy….
Honey, I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but I dont so I will focus on the joy of the situation! Congratulations
OU: I hope poor people like pink
Just dump em on the table