Trusts, Wills Flashcards
Trust of house on woman for life, remainder to son when she dies. What are their interests and what happens if the son dies before the woman?
Woman vested in possession, son vested in interest. If he dies first his interest will form part of his estate. His interest is not contingent on living longer than his mum.
BUT, if it was remainder to son if he survives her, and if not, to charity, his interest is contingent and will not pass to his estate if he dies before the woman. Provision for charity is a ‘gift over’. Even without a gift over, word IF makes it clear that he has contingent not vested.
Trusts w a sole beneficiary - when can they receive income?
Adults - trustees must pay it to them when it is received. Minor - trustees can use power of maintenance.
How can Sanders v Vautier be exercised with a successive (vested0 interest trust?
All beneficiaries must agree and must satisfy all age and capacity conditions. Can direct trustees to transfer trust fund to them in shares as they choose.
How can SvV be exercised if there are objects without vested interests
Beneficiaries with contingent interests can exercise the rights but only if they act together with all other persons who share beneficial interest in the property. In contingent interests, this also includes the objects of gift-overs.
Formalities trust of land
in writing, signed by settlor/maybe trustee, or by will.
non compliance renders trust unenforceable rather than void.
legal title passes on registration
shares transferring legal title
registered in internal register of members. (sign stock transfer form and send it to company)
Chose in action trasfer legal title
Written transfer and notice in writing to debtor or bank - passes once notice is received
chattels legal title transfer
deed/gift/delivery with intention
Conditions that must be met for Strong v Bird to apply:
There must be an intention to make an immediate gift
the intention must continue until the donors death
the intended donee must become an executor of the donors estate.
To have charitable status a trust must:
Be for a charitable purpose
Satisfy public benefit test
be wholly and exclusively charitable
Public benefit test
is there an identifiable benefit
the possible beneficiaries cannot be negligible in number and the quality that distinguishes them must not depend on their relationship to a particular individual.
settlor transfers to unwilling trustee. trustee hold on bare trust pending appt of new trustee by:
- express powers
- trustee chooses
- dvv beneficiaries choose
- court chooses
testamentary trusts - who can appoint new trustees?
if named executors don’t want to act as trustees, they can appoint new.
dead person named, prs temporarily become trustees and have power to appoint.
The solicitor should not provide a copy of the will to anyone until the personal representatives provide their consent to do so, even if the will has already been read.
Gains accrued during the deceased’s lifetime will drop away as there is a tax free uplift on death. Disposals of assets during the administration will be chargeable to capital gains tax on any increase in value since the date of death. The beneficiaries will take assets at probate value for capital gains tax purposes when they are transferred. correct