Trusts Flashcards
What are the elements to form a valid Trust?
1) Definitive beneficiary; 2) Settlor with capacity; 3) Intent to create a trust; 4) Trustee;
5) Validtrustpurpose;AND
6) Compliance with any State formalities.
Priority: HIGH
How is intent to create a trust established?
By a promise that creates enforceable rights in another person who holds these rights as Trustee. An oral promise supported by consideration is sufficient.
Priority: HIGH
What is Precatory Language? Does it create any legal obligation?
Language/words in a will/trust that merely express a settlor’s desire regarding the disposition of his property (i.e. “hope” or “request”).
Such words DO NOT create a legal obligation to act in accordance with that desire, and will not create a valid trust.
Priority: Medium
What are the majority and minority views for a Trust’s revocability?
Majority View & UTC: Trusts ARE revocable, unless stated otherwise.
Minority View: Trusts are irrevocable by default, unless expressly stated otherwise. (Trust cannot be modified or revoked after creation).
Priority: HIGH
What is a Testamentary Trust?
A Trust created through the provisions of a Settlor’s Will, which does not take effect until the Settlor’s death.
To create a Testamentary Trust:
1) The will must state the essential trust terms (beneficiaries, purpose, and trust property); AND
2) Intent to create a trust must be found from either:
a. the express terms of the will, or
b. incorporation by reference of a document/writing in
existence at the time the will was executed.
Priority: Low
What is a Pour-Over Provision?
How is it different than a Testamentary Trust?
It gifts property to a previously established Trust.
It is distinguished from a Testamentary Trust because it does NOT create a trust. Instead, it transfers property to a trust already in existence (must be connected to an inter vivos trust).
Priority: HIGH
What is a Charitable Trust?
One created by a Settlor to confer a substantial benefit to society (charitable purpose).
(The rule against perpetuities DOES NOT apply here)
Even if a Charitable Trust fails to state a specific purpose or beneficiary, the trust will NOT fail. Instead, the court will select a purpose/beneficiary consistent with the Settlor’s intent.
Priority: Medium
What is a Discretionary Trust?
When a Trustee has absolute discretion and power to determine when and how much of the trust property is distributed to the beneficiaries of the trust.
The exercise of discretion must be in good faith.
Priority: HIGH
What is an Illusory Trust?
When the Settlor retains significant control over the trust property indicating a lack of intent to create a trust.
Priority: Low
What is a Support Trust?
What can a beneficiary do if the Trust contains an Ascertainable Standard Provision?
A trust that contains a provision directing the trustee to pay the beneficiary as much income and principal as is necessary for the beneficiary’s support.
If it contains an ascertainable standard, a beneficiary may compel a trustee to make payments in accordance with that standard.
Priority: Medium
What is the Cy Pres Doctrine?
An equitable doctrine that applies to charitable bequests and charitable trusts.
Courts will apply it to modify a charitable trust to be consistent with and “as near as possible” with the settlor’s or testator’s intent, if the purpose of the trust or bequest is frustrated.
*Only applies if the testator had a general charitable intent. Priority: HIGH
What is a Spendthrift Provision? When is it valid?
It prevents the transfer of a beneficiary’s interest, and it is valid ONLY IF it restrains both voluntary AND involuntary transfers.
*A spendthrift interest means that the interest CANNOT be sold or assigned by the beneficiary, nor may any creditors reach it.
Priority: HIGH
What are the 5 exceptions allowing a creditor to reach a beneficiary’s interest despite a Spendthrift Provision?
1) A judgment creditor who has provided services for the protection of a beneficiary’s interest;
2) A creditor who furnishes necessities (only in some jurisdictions);
3) An Order for child support or alimony;
4) Any claim by the state/federal government; OR
5) A self-settled trust where the settlor retains an interest.
*Spendthrift Trusts DO NOT provide protection for mandatory distributions of trust property.
Priority: HIGH
What happens if a beneficiary’s interest is NOT subject to a Spendthrift Provision?
Then the court may authorize a creditor to reach the beneficiary’s interest by attachment of present or future distributions to the beneficiary.
*Whether or not a trust contains a spendthrift provision, a creditor CANNOT compel a distribution that is subject to the trustee’s discretion.
Priority: HIGH
When will a court NOT permit the invasion of trust principal, even if a beneficiary will eventually receive the trust payment?
When the invasion would:
a) Be contrary to the Settlor’s intent; OR b) Adversely affect other beneficiaries.
*A Trustee cannot use trust property to pay income beneficiaries when trust income is insufficient, unless there is an express or implied power of invasion.
Priority: Low
Under the majority view, how may a Trust be Modified by a Settlor?
It can be modified by a settlor:
a) Whoexpresslyreservedthepowertomodifythetrust;
b) Who has power to revoke the trust (including power to amend).
Priority: Medium