TRUNK Flashcards
Components of bio-psycho-social model
Causes of trunk condition & role of PT
Causes multifactorial in nature: bio-psycho-social approach
Role of Physiotherapist & priorities:
• Differential Diagnosis & Screening for Referral
• Multidimensional Evaluation
• Educate & Reassure
• Avoid passive strategies dependency, promote active strategies • Empowerment of Patient: should participate in own management
PAIN MECH: 3 ≠ parts + def
NOCICEPTIVE: pain arising from actual or threatened damage to non- neural tissue & due to activation of nociceptors = pain associated with acute actual tissue damage & inflammatory conditions
NEUROPATHIC: pain caused by lesion or disease of somatosensory nervous system
NOCIPLASTIC = CENTRAL SENSITIZATION: pain arising from altered nociception despite no clear evidence of actual or threatened tissue damage causing activation of peripheral nociceptors or evidence for disease or lesion of somatosensory system causing pain
- Diagnosable specific disease / Impairment [TAG]
- Specific Pathological cause / Pain Generator
- Paternalistic approach
- Findings oriented treatment
- Evidence based
≠ types of MSK conditions
- Serious Diseases [<1% cases in primary care]
- Specific pathologies [5-10% cases in primary care]
- Non specific spinal MSK condition [90-95% cases in primary care]
Non specific MSK condition = MSK condition not attributable to recognizable, known specific pathology
Terminology ICF: impairment, activity, participation, environmental factors, personal factors, stage & outcome
Problems in body function & structure such as significant deviation or loss
- Physical»_space; anatomical, structural, imaging
- Functional / Physiological»_space; Pain, R.O.M.
- Psychological»_space; Yellow Flags: anxiety, catastrophizing, fear avoidance belies
- Kinesiophobia, passive coping
ACTIVITY: Activity limitations | restriction (Disability)
PARTICIPATION: Social activities
PERSONAL / INTERNAL FACTORS: Gender, age, comorbities, literacy, education, coping…
- Recent < 3 months
- Persistent > 3 months
- Immediate : closest to immediately following intervention - Short term : 1 month – 3 month
- Intermediate term : closest to 6 months
- Long term : closest to 12 months
GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF NECK PAIN: def, epidemiology, risk factors, imaging, prognosis, OM, grades, impairment classification, special test
D = Symptoms located as outlined with or without radiation to head, trunk & upper limbs
E: Prevalence : between 22 to 70% lifetime prevalence - 10 to 20% at any given time
- 54% in last 6 month
Clinical course :
- Idiopathic nonspecific : Improvement within first 6.5 weeks
- Chronic/recurrent : 47% of “general improvement” within 6 month - Radiculopathy : 43% no symptoms after 6 months
RF: - Female
- Prior history of neck pain
- Older age
- High job demand
- Smoking
- Low social/work support
- Prior history of MSK condition (spine)
I: Pathoanatomical features:
- Specific features or pain generator rarely identifiable
- Exclude red flags (potential serious condition, as cervical arterial pathology, fracture…) - Recognize Specific Conditions (Myelopathy)
- Canadian C-Rule (see fracture)
- Recent neck pain : not change prognosis, except if serious condition suspected - Radiating pain with severe neurological signs : MRI
P: Prognosis factors:
- High pain intensity (NPRS > 6)
- High self-reported disability (Neck Disability Index > 30%)
- High pain catastrophizing (Pain Catastrophizing Scale >= 20)
- High acute post traumatic stress symptoms (Impact of Events Scale-Revised >33) - Cold hyperalgesia
Prognosis variable:
- Lower social support
- Preference for passive coping strategies
Recurrence for non-traumatic : 50 to 85% (same/new problem) within 1 to 5 years
In addition to medical conditions, clinicians should be aware of psychosocial factors contributing to patient’s persistent pain & disability, or contributing to transition of acute condition to chronic, disabling condition
Researchers shown that psychosocial factors = important prognostic indicator of prolonged disability & delayed recovery
OM: - Neck disability index
- Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS)
Physical Impairment Measure:
- Active R.O.M (goniometer)
- Passive R.O.M (PPIVM and PAIVM)
- Cervical flexion-rotation test (CFRT)
- Spurling
- Neck distraction test
- Neurodynamic
- Cranial cervical flexion & neck flexors endurance test - Pressure Pain Threshold
- Grade I : No signs of major structural pathology & no/minor interference with daily living - Grade II: No signs of major structural pathology, but major interference with activities of daily living
- Grade III: No signs of major structural pathology, but presence of neurologic signs
- Grade IV: Sings of major structural pathology
IC: Neck pain, without symptoms or signs of serious medical or psychological conditions, classified into following ICF impairment-based category, with following impairments of body function:
- NP with mobility deficit
- NP with headache
- NP with movement coordination impairments (Whiplash) - NP with radiating pain (Radiculopathy)
ST: Special tests used during physical examination by clinicians in physical therapy & orthopedics. Tests used to rule in or out whether patient has certain musculoskeletal problem. Helpful in diagnosing orthopedic conditions & injuries
✔ Physical examination measures useful in classifying patient in ICF impairment based category
Cervical arterial patho
Spinal fracture
Cervical spine anatomical instability
Cervical fracture
CERVICAL ARTERIAL PATHO: risk factors, preischemic symptoms, ischemic symptoms
RF: - Rare
- Recent trauma
- Vascular anomaly
- Current or past smoker - Migraine
- High cholesterol
- Recent infection
- Hypertension
- Oral contraception
- Family history of stroke
Preischemic symptoms:
- Ipsilateral posterior neck pain - Occipital headache
Ischemic symptoms:
- Imbalance
- Weakness in UL & LL
- Dysphagia, dysarthria & aphasia - Facial palsy
- Ptosis
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dysphagia
- Drowsiness
- Confusion
- Loss of consciousness
SPINAL FRACTURE: causes & risk factors
C: Usually, trauma or injury
Risk factors:
- Age
- Prolonged use of corticosteroids
- Trauma
* Compressive or axial force
* Fall > 3m
* Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC) > 100km/h
- Osteoporosis
CERVICAL FRACTURE: Canadian cervical spine rules
CERVICAL SPINE ANATOMICAL INATABILITY: risk factors, clinical test: lack of validity, self reported symptoms
Risk Factors:
Traumatic event - Fall
- Trauma
Non-traumatic event
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Down syndrome
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Prolonged oral contraceptive - Prolonged corticosteroid use
Clinical test: lack of validity
Provocating ligamentous structure for symptoms reproduction
- Tectorial membrane
- Transverse ligament
- Alar ligament
Self-reported symptoms
- Recent onset of headache described as “never complained” or ”unusual”
- Impaired ROM, with sharp pain at permitted end range or sudden mvt
- Transient Neurological Symptoms
• Upper Motor Neuron Signs
• Cranial Nerve Palsy
• Partial Horner’s Syndrome
Cervical radiculopathy
MYELOPATHY: description, subjective examination & special tests
D: Space-occupying lesion within cervical spine with potential to compress spinal cord (Central Nervous System involved)
SE: Symptoms may appear in LL first with gait related changes:
- Upper motor neuron changes
- Dysfunctional corticospinal & spinocerebellar tract
Later on, lower motor neuron findings in UL
- Loss of strength
- Atrophy
- Fine finger movement difficulties
ST: 1. Peripheral neurological examination (Dermatomes, Myotomes, Deep Tendon Reflexes)
2. Upper Motor Neurons – Myelopathy - Lhermitte sign
- Hoffmann ś test
- Babinski ś sign
- Clonus
- Romberg
CERVICAL RADICULOPATHY: description, subjective examination & special test
D: Neck pain with radiating pain
SE: - Signs of nerve root involvement present
- Neck pain with radiating pain in involved extremity (lancinating, burning, electric pain, OR paraesthesia)
ST: 1. Wainner’s Cluster [3/4]
- ULNT 1
- Painful ipsilateral cervical rotation < 60°
- Distraction test
- Spurling test
2. Peripheral neurological examination
- Dermatomes
- Myotomes
- Deep Tendon Reflexes