Truman as president Flashcards
When does Truman become president of the US?
When was the Potsdam conference?
July-August 1945
When was the end of WW2 in Asia?
August 1945
When was the Soviet and Iran dilemma?
January- March 1946
When was Kennan’s Long Telegram?
February 1946
When was Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech?
March 1946
When did West Germany stop giving USSR reparations?
May 1946
When were the problems in Turkey (USSR)
August 1946
When was Bizonia created?
January 1947
When was the Truman doctrine introduced?
March 1947
When was the Marshall Plan introduced?
June 1947
When was Cominform/Comecon introduced?
September 1947
When was the Deutsche Mark introduced?
June 1948
When was the Berlin Blockade?
June 1948
When was NATO created?
April 1949
When did the Berlin Blockade end?
May 1949
When was FRG created?
May 1949
When did USSR successfully detonate an atomic bomb?
August 1949
When was the communist victory in the Chinese Civil War?
October 1949
When was GDR created?
October 1949
When was Acheson’s defensive perimeter?
January 1950
When was the Sino-Soviet alliance?
February 1950
When was the NSC-68 created
April 1950
When does North Korea invade South Korea?
June 1950
When was the UN intervention in Korea?
June 1950
When was the Chinese intervention in the Korean War?
November 1950
When was the San Francisco Peace Treaty?
September 1951